Art of the Deal' co-author rips Trump

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
He's 'incapable of reading a book, much less writing one’

The man who helped co-author President Trump’s bestselling book, “The Art of the Deal,” tore into the president for his recent tweet bragging about his writing skills.

“He is incapable of reading a book, much less writing one,” Tony Schwartz tweeted on Wednesday.

Schwartz said that Trump’s tweet claiming he has “'written' bestselling books is one more deceit & delusion.”

Tim O’Brien, a biographer who has written about Trump, also responded to the president’s tweet.

“President Trump didn’t write any of his books,” the author tweeted Tuesday. “Ghostwriters on all of them.”

His mental illness is getting worse
Isn't guno a gal? And a WASP. Betcha....;)
(No self respecting black male would post stuff like she does....)

I'm not sure that guno is a gal, but guno is a Jewish Supremacist who, ironically, wants white people dead. He or she is either psychopathic or high on the Asperger scale.
Interesting that the Trumpanzees came here to attack the messenger(s) rather than try to defend the Tard-in-Chief. Why is that? Oh wait. It's Toxic and her poodle CO. Never mind.

I recall reading something Schwartz posted a year or two ago. He said that ghost-writing Trump's Art of the Deal book was one of the most difficult jobs he had as a writer. Trump's attention span is that of a gnat, he would segue here and there and was difficult to keep on task, and endless bragged about things that were unverifiable. And this petulant ADD child has the keys to the country.