Justice For All....Yeah Right!

I've been waiting for years for the left to post actual evidence for anything they disagree with or believe. They reveal themselves for what they are with their one liners, insults and laughable rhetoric totally devoid of facts or evidence of any kind to support their idiotic babble. Humorous to say the least!
I have to wonder just how many Americans are aware that Paul Manafort, Trumps onetime campaign manager who's now on trial for alleged tax evasion and other alleged crimes stemming from his actions in 2005 by Special Council Robert Muller's alleged investigation into Russian meddling in America's elections?

I have to wonder how many Americans know or even care that none of this trial has anything to do with Russian meddling in America's elections and it's simply a blatant set up to squeeze Manafort criminally and financially to cop a plea and reveal or compose a crime by Trump so Muller can frame Trump and set him up for impeachment?

I have to wonder just how many Americans know or even care that Manafort faces 300 years in prison, while tax evasion is usually a 3 year or so sentence but Muller has enough alleged charges against Manafort to prosecute and persecute him for the crime of association with Trump? Even the trial judge has noted Mullers obsession with framing Trump by squeezing Manafort

I have to wonder how many Americans even give a rat's ass that the felon Hillary Clinton is still free while Trump associates are being harassed, badgered by leftist media and their minions, investigated by a known crooked Federal Justice Department, and FBI and arrogant Deputy Attorney General?

I have to wonder just how many Americans give a rat's ass that our great America with alleged "justice for all" actually has a double standard justice system. If you're a leftist or never Trump-ist, you're a patriot with a justice standard like "anything goes for ya," but if you're a Trump deplorable or any form of citizen who disagrees with leftism, "you're ass is grass" is your justice.

Chill, Robo.

Manafort is dirty, dirty, dirty.

Almost as dirty as Trump.

If investigators had one thousandth as much dirt on Hillary Clinton as they have on either one of those dirtbags...people like you would be calling for their hangings.

Wake the hell up.

You are backing scum!
I have to wonder just how many Americans are aware that Paul Manafort, Trumps onetime campaign manager who's now on trial for alleged tax evasion and other alleged crimes stemming from his actions in 2005 by Special Council Robert Muller's alleged investigation into Russian meddling in America's elections?

I have to wonder how many Americans know or even care that none of this trial has anything to do with Russian meddling in America's elections and it's simply a blatant set up to squeeze Manafort criminally and financially to cop a plea and reveal or compose a crime by Trump so Muller can frame Trump and set him up for impeachment?

I have to wonder just how many Americans know or even care that Manafort faces 300 years in prison, while tax evasion is usually a 3 year or so sentence but Muller has enough alleged charges against Manafort to prosecute and persecute him for the crime of association with Trump? Even the trial judge has noted Mullers obsession with framing Trump by squeezing Manafort

I have to wonder how many Americans even give a rat's ass that the felon Hillary Clinton is still free while Trump associates are being harassed, badgered by leftist media and their minions, investigated by a known crooked Federal Justice Department, and FBI and arrogant Deputy Attorney General?

I have to wonder just how many Americans give a rat's ass that our great America with alleged "justice for all" actually has a double standard justice system. If you're a leftist or never Trump-ist, you're a patriot with a justice standard like "anything goes for ya," but if you're a Trump deplorable or any form of citizen who disagrees with leftism, "you're ass is grass" is your justice.

He's in custody, not dead, taken in without being murdered. Oh the lament of the poor downtrodden American white male.
You are not well. Hillary was investigated 7 times for Benghazi and 4 more for emails, Results, innocent., If they had anything to pin on her, anything at all, she would have been charged. You dorks that call her a crook are merely showing your innability too discern facts.

And Hillary has nothing to do with Manafort, who is charged with bank fraud, tax evasion and probably money laundering. Can you explain the connection to what he likely did, and what Hillary did not do.

Should we just close down the court systems in the US until hillary passes away?

Hilary was the most vetted candidate in world history

they couldn't even find something on her after stealing every single DNC email for years
The Mueller witch hunt continues.

If Mueller were going after Hillary Clinton, assholes like you would be clamoring for more concurrent investigations...despite the fact that assholes like you have investigated her to death...AND FOUND NOTHING.

The Mueller investigation is only a "witch hunt" in the eyes of puppets programmed to accept their Dear Leaders bullshit.
your team is going to be placed in prison

you seem to believe they are innocent for some stupid fucking reason

are you going to go all Timmy McVeigh on us
I have no clue what you are talking about....
and she's still a criminal and NACHO president....

Hillary Clinton is not a criminal...and she is more intelligent and capable...and has more ethics and honesty than that disgusting, abomination now in the White House...that is for certain.

And I expect as some point, the disgusting abomination will have "criminal" attached as a descriptor.
I have no clue what you are talking about....

its simple

you fucking idiots claim trump is innocent

ALL the facts say he is a fucking traitor to this nation

when he is in prison will you kill Americans for putting him in prison

it will mean your death
The actual facts are Hillary would be in jail for a very long time if she weren't a bleeping leftist politician and the left's dream first woman President. The only reason she's not is Jim Comey believes he's America's God of patriotism and he was saving the nation from any possibility of Trump becoming President. His failure was he had to tell some representation of the truth about Madam Hillary's treasonous illegal insecure email server being highly incompetent and dangerous for the country. Any other person on earth aside from a Democrat's candidate for the Presidency would be in jail and the key in the middle of an ocean.

The fact is the Repubs used our tax money to paint her as a crook to lower her polls. They admitted that. You apparently cannot understand what those show invesigations were about. Rep. Mccarthy admitted that. Hillary has done nothing illegal. Manafort, likely lots. But in your addlled brain, the fact Hillary is not is jail for something something, Manafort should not be punished for his crimes because of Hillary. Do you know how crazy that is?:
Hillary Clinton is not a criminal...and she is more intelligent and capable...and has more ethics and honesty than that disgusting, abomination now in the White House...that is for certain.

And I expect as some point, the disgusting abomination will have "criminal" attached as a descriptor.
She's broken laws and she's not president...that's the bottom line. Sorry....
It is what it is....and isn't...in her case....