Mike Pence's problem with science

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
What an ignorant bible thumping piece of subhuman white christer trash

Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media," Pence wrote in 2000, "smoking doesn't kill. In fact, 2 out of every three smokers does not die from a smoking related illness and 9 out of ten smokers do not contract lung cancer."
Pence's first bit of data was simply wrong. Two-thirds of smokers actually do die of smoking-related illnesses. His second was misleading. Lung cancer is a relatively rare illness, but it is still vastly more common among smokers. In fact, it is one of the few cancers for which science has established a very well-known cause, and Pence's column was published after industry leaders had acknowledged the health risks of their product.

Anti-intellectualism has a long tradition in American politics. Pence was part of its resurgence at the start of the new millennium. He was an outspoken skeptic when it came to climate science, even though reputable experts had been warning about carbon emissions and rising temperatures since the mid-1960s. Pence declared "global warming is a myth" and alleged, against the evidence, that Earth "is actually cooler today than it was about 50 years ago."



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My sister in law voted for Trump in the hopes that Pence -- an evangelical Xtian like herself -- would one day be Prez. Her father (my father-in-law) died from lung cancer because he smoked his whole life. But yeah -- Pence. God's gift to something.
So ... everybody is still good with impeaching Trump, right? Or, now ... some are having second thoughts?

What an ignorant bible thumping piece of subhuman white christer trash

Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media," Pence wrote in 2000, "smoking doesn't kill. In fact, 2 out of every three smokers does not die from a smoking related illness and 9 out of ten smokers do not contract lung cancer."
Pence's first bit of data was simply wrong. Two-thirds of smokers actually do die of smoking-related illnesses. His second was misleading. Lung cancer is a relatively rare illness, but it is still vastly more common among smokers. In fact, it is one of the few cancers for which science has established a very well-known cause, and Pence's column was published after industry leaders had acknowledged the health risks of their product.

Anti-intellectualism has a long tradition in American politics. Pence was part of its resurgence at the start of the new millennium. He was an outspoken skeptic when it came to climate science, even though reputable experts had been warning about carbon emissions and rising temperatures since the mid-1960s. Pence declared "global warming is a myth" and alleged, against the evidence, that Earth "is actually cooler today than it was about 50 years ago."



So ... everybody is still good with impeaching Trump, right? Or, now ... some are having second thoughts?

They think if Trump is impeached, Hillary will become president because she came in second?
AS head of Daffy's transition team Pence knew of all collusion, conspiracies and traitorous actions taken up by the administration.
He will be indicted too.

Uh ... Does that mean the Speaker of the House takes the slot?

That would be the order of succession.
It will be almost like Watergate where we will find ourselves with a president and a vice president neither of whom ever ran in a national election.
We survived it then, we will survive it again.
No one believes that.

(phew!) Thanks for clearing that up!

I can see Trump getting Impeached by a Democratic House, not sure how that plays out in the Senate? But, just for fun, let's say Trump is canned (Pardoned by Pence most likely) and Pence is President for the last year. I can see Pence doing a lot of damage.
(phew!) Thanks for clearing that up!

I can see Trump getting Impeached by a Democratic House, not sure how that plays out in the Senate? But, just for fun, let's say Trump is canned (Pardoned by Pence most likely) and Pence is President for the last year. I can see Pence doing a lot of damage.

He will be a lame duck on day one with no chance of reelection, if that scenario plays out.
He will be a lame duck on day one with no chance of reelection, if that scenario plays out.

Yeah. Let's see, the last I heard "Hillary is a shoe-in, who's going to vote for that idiot Trump?" (I don't want to sound overly negative here, but I've stopped counting the chickens before the eggs hatch)
Yeah. Let's see, the last I heard "Hillary is a shoe-in, who's going to vote for that idiot Trump?" (I don't want to sound overly negative here, but I've stopped counting the chickens before the eggs hatch)

To mix metaphors; Counting one's chickens, and reading the writing on the wall, are two different things.
I now only believe what I see. (The people with the Crystal Balls have lost their Magic) :(

The many legal troubles and indictments Trump and his administration are exponentially experiencing every day, do not require sooth saying to predict an outcome.
This can not end well for him.
The many legal troubles and indictments Trump and his administration are exponentially experiencing every day, do not require sooth saying to predict an outcome.
This can not end well for him.

I agree. Trump and 'Money Laundering' could be fatal. I'm more worried about Mike Pence and his Christian Crusaders. (I appreciate you trying to tell me what the Chessboard is going to look like 8 moves in advance, but ... one never knows)
I agree. Trump and 'Money Laundering' could be fatal. I'm more worried about Mike Pence and his Christian Crusaders. (I appreciate you trying to tell me what the Chessboard is going to look like 8 moves in advance, but ... one never knows)

Trump's wealth comes directly from Russian money laundering in his real estate ventures by the Russian mafia and Russian oligarchs.
Trump is directly indebted to them, and it will soon come to light that they have him "over a barrel" in many, many ways.
The justice wheels are in motion and daffy can not coast through this one as he has done his whole carreer.
Trump knew he wasn't supposed to win the election and no one was as surprised that he did, as he was.
Had he considered the legal and financial microscope he would soon be under he might have wisely abdicated the office.
Once it is revealed how deep in Daffy is, and has been, with the Russians, even Rush Limbaugh will be calling him a traitor.
I agree. Trump and 'Money Laundering' could be fatal. I'm more worried about Mike Pence and his Christian Crusaders. (I appreciate you trying to tell me what the Chessboard is going to look like 8 moves in advance, but ... one never knows)

Maybe he can get Erik Prince's private Mercernary army to patrol the streets for blasphemers and harlots.