I was reading through some posts by JPP lefties who voted Biden and I thought to myself: "My God, these clowns don't have the slightest understanding of the basics of politics, and this a politics forum, a site for people who have an interest in politic and how it works !" Then I realized there's no doubt there are millions like them (or even worse) who would have voted Democrat in the recent election. That is, who would have voted to destroy the American Republic forever, because if Biden becomes POTUS46 that is what WILL happen. So, for what it's worth I though I'd quickly explain the most basic, fundamental concepts of politics for the JPP "Lumpen Proletariat" (i.e. numbskulls like: NORDBERG; CONFART; MICAWBER; KATZGUTS; GEEKO SPORTIVO; FOULWOMAN and the like.
So, let's begin. I want everyone to listen carefully and pay full attention to what I'm saying (that includes you, NORBERG)
The first basic fact you need to know is that (for all reasonable intents and purposes) there are only TWO types of government:BIG GOVERNMENT and SMALL GOVERNMENT.
Everything exists on a continuum that runs from theBIGGEST type of government,- which is called TOTALITARIANISM - all the way down to the TINIEST, smallest form of government which is called ANARCHY. (Anarchy is government that is so small it doesn't exist, but Anarchy tends to turn into totalitarianism since it is not sustainable, and usually a "strong man" - a "Caesar" will come forth and end it and take control. It's like when you let your apartment get REALLY messy and REALLY filthy and there is crap all over the place: dirty clothes and soiled underwear strewn on the floor, a bad smell in the apartment, half-eaten Burgers and empty cans of Coke scattered around, dog shits under your kitchen table, a refrigerator that is full of mold and rotten food, bed sheets that you haven't washed for months, bugs crawling around eating food crumbs, light bulbs that have blown and not been replaced - this is ANARCHY. Then one day, your mother drops around to visit you, because she hasn't seen you for months. She walks into your apartment and thinks WTF is this ? Then, you get read the "Riot Act" and told you are going to start cleaning up your filthy s**t-hole of an apartment NOW. Your mom barks out the orders: " Right take that pile of rotten food to the trash bin outside NOW (!), then when you get back you are going to put a load of washing in the washing machine...then, while its washing you are going to start scrubbing these floors until they sparkle .... then you are going to clean up that pile of dog poop on the patio... then you are going ride drive to to Walmart to buy a air-freshener, a bottle of bleach and disinfectant, and dishwashing liquid and.... So, your mom is like the TOTALITARIAN "strong man" who assumes total control and restores strict order to a society where lawlessness, political disorder and chaos have reached a state of Anarchy that is unsustainable.
So, there are TWO extreme poles on the political spectrum, like this...
* Communism (for example the Soviet Union under the rule of Stalin)
* Fascism
* Socialism ( for example Hitler's NAZI Party the: "National Socialist German Workers Party"
* Military Junta
* Absolute Monarchy
* Oligarchy
I've listed some examples of different kinds of TOTALITARIANISM above. Though it doesn't really matter what name you give to it, the point is the same: TOTALITARIANISM means the government controls EVERY aspect of peoples' lives.
Now, if you move far away from TOTALITARIANISM, but still keep a healthy distance from ANARCHY, you end up at a place on the continuum that is called AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONALISM. Like so...
TOTALITARIANISM.....................................................................AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONALISM................................................................ANARCHY
* Small federal government with limited responsibilities (e.g Defense, Foreign Policy, Trade).
*A multiplicity of smaller government (e.g. state, county, cities) that are in close touch to the people
under their control and are immediately responsive to their needs, concerns, issues, etc.
*People have certain unalienable Rights with which the government cannot interfere. such as, the rights
to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
* The government exists to SERVE the people NOT CONTROL them.
In American politics today, President Trump's supporters are the people that hew to AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONALISM. Unfortunately, the Republican Party does not. It too, craves POWER and CONTROL, and this is why it is only providing very weak support for the President in his current battle against the corrupt election of November 3rd 2020, where is now clear that the Democratic Party and its agents used a range of illegal methods and devices to cheat, and fraudulently push the vote count in Joe Biden's favor. The upshot was that Joe Biden APPEARED to have won the election and is currently claiming the title of President - Elect. There are many, however, myself included, who believe that in terms of the legal votes cast, President Trump won the day. I can only hope and pray that there is justice for the American people through the courts, because if Biden become POTUS46 it will mean that the Constitutional Republic called "America" is finished...permanently.
You're probably thinking: "Dachshund is crazy, he's making wild claims about the death of the American Republic if Biden becomes POTUS46, but he doesn't have any kind of reasonable justification for his BS."
My response to this would be to ask you "Where do you think today's Democrats are located on the simple, political continuum that I sketched out above?" I put it to you that the current Democratic Party want TOTAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL, without the inconvenience of the "Bill of Rights," and that this puts them squarely in the TOTALITARIAN category. Now, as I mentioned above, there are different types of TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENT (Oligarchy, Military Junta, Fascism etc.) so what KIND of totalitarians are the Democrats? I would say that the Democrats (if they seize power next January 20th) will be a form of totalitarian government that is called a CORPORATOCRACY.
To explain....
The current, Democratic Party envisions control coming from a government partnership with corporations, with each working to help the other. How it works is that that government funnels MONEY (which it SEIZES from the US tax-payer) and POWER to corporations. The corporations, in turn, use CANCEL CULTURE to benefit the government, ensuring that it maintains unlimited and permanent control. The closest political parallel is Fascism.
Fascism is like soft communism, because it does not nationalize ALL private property, instead it limits itself to nationalizing a few crucial, core industries, especially fuel and transport. But there is NO FREEDOM in a fascist country. Benito Mussolini, the Italian Fascist dictator provided a very neat and accurate definition of fascism.....
The current US Democratic Party are fascists. All that matters to them is CONTROL over the American people, which they plan to achieve with help from corporations (e.g. from the CEOs of Big Tech, Big Pharma, the Military/Ammunition industries/the Financial industry, Wall Street, the Energy Extraction industries, the Agricultural, Chemical, Food and Communication industries). Here are some of the first people "President-Elect" Joe Biden has chosen to install in his White House.....
(1) Steve Ricchetti, a pharmaceutical and insurance industry lobbyist who will be Biden's CHIEF COUNSELLOR).
(2) Ron Klain, a venture capital executive with close ties to Big Tech will be Biden's CHIEF OF STAFF.
(3) Jen O'Malley Dillon, a woman (feminist
YUK !!) who co-founded a consulting company that represented Big Pharma will fill of role of Biden's DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF.
(4) Cedric Richmond, a Louisiana lawmaker who has been a reliable ally of the fossil fuel industry (which, BTW, has become quite political these days, and NOT Conservative !). Richmond has received more money from oil and gas than any other member of Congress has been selected to become SENIOR ADVISOR TO THE PRESIDENT
Interesting choices, aren't they ??
Right now, President Trump is fighting the Democrat scum to the bitter end with everything he's got. Why ? Because Donald Trump believes in individual liberty, both from the government and from the most powerful corporations in the world. This is why the Obama Deep State agencies (FBI, CIA ,DOJ, NSA etc.) the corporate mainstream mass media (CNN, MSNBC , CBS, ABC), the Big Tech companies (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, etc.) and corporate Republicans have joined forces to defeat him. They remind me of a rat pack. Each single rat knows it lacks the strength or courage to take on its enemy in a fair fight, so they gang up and "swarm" their opponent. I've notice the "big girls" who fight for Antifa do the same thing. They haven't got the guts to fight man to man; it's always 6 or so Antifa faggots ganging up on one guy who's stood up to them and told them to "Get Fucked !! "
Finally....You need to do what you can to help Trump; maybe if you're cashed-up you could donate some money, maybe if you like words you could write something in support and send it to your local newspaper, or you could simply use your presence and show up at a rally to protest the corrupt Nov 3rd election. Do what you can, otherwise YOU will learn the REAL meaning of the word fascism - right up close and personal. Think.......do you want creepezoids like Mark Zuckerberg (that pasty-faced, "sentient android") or nose-ringed, hipster faggots like Jack Dorsey telling you what YOU can and can't do ?...What YOU can and cannot say or write or do?.....Who YOU can and cannot associate with ?....SERIOUSLY !
I was reading through some posts by JPP lefties who voted Biden and I thought to myself: "My God, these clowns don't have the slightest understanding of the basics of politics, and this a politics forum, a site for people who have an interest in politic and how it works !" Then I realized there's no doubt there are millions like them (or even worse) who would have voted Democrat in the recent election. That is, who would have voted to destroy the American Republic forever, because if Biden becomes POTUS46 that is what WILL happen. So, for what it's worth I though I'd quickly explain the most basic, fundamental concepts of politics for the JPP "Lumpen Proletariat" (i.e. numbskulls like: NORDBERG; CONFART; MICAWBER; KATZGUTS; GEEKO SPORTIVO; FOULWOMAN and the like.
So, let's begin. I want everyone to listen carefully and pay full attention to what I'm saying (that includes you, NORBERG)
The first basic fact you need to know is that (for all reasonable intents and purposes) there are only TWO types of government:BIG GOVERNMENT and SMALL GOVERNMENT.
Everything exists on a continuum that runs from theBIGGEST type of government,- which is called TOTALITARIANISM - all the way down to the TINIEST, smallest form of government which is called ANARCHY. (Anarchy is government that is so small it doesn't exist, but Anarchy tends to turn into totalitarianism since it is not sustainable, and usually a "strong man" - a "Caesar" will come forth and end it and take control. It's like when you let your apartment get REALLY messy and REALLY filthy and there is crap all over the place: dirty clothes and soiled underwear strewn on the floor, a bad smell in the apartment, half-eaten Burgers and empty cans of Coke scattered around, dog shits under your kitchen table, a refrigerator that is full of mold and rotten food, bed sheets that you haven't washed for months, bugs crawling around eating food crumbs, light bulbs that have blown and not been replaced - this is ANARCHY. Then one day, your mother drops around to visit you, because she hasn't seen you for months. She walks into your apartment and thinks WTF is this ? Then, you get read the "Riot Act" and told you are going to start cleaning up your filthy s**t-hole of an apartment NOW. Your mom barks out the orders: " Right take that pile of rotten food to the trash bin outside NOW (!), then when you get back you are going to put a load of washing in the washing machine...then, while its washing you are going to start scrubbing these floors until they sparkle .... then you are going to clean up that pile of dog poop on the patio... then you are going ride drive to to Walmart to buy a air-freshener, a bottle of bleach and disinfectant, and dishwashing liquid and.... So, your mom is like the TOTALITARIAN "strong man" who assumes total control and restores strict order to a society where lawlessness, political disorder and chaos have reached a state of Anarchy that is unsustainable.
So, there are TWO extreme poles on the political spectrum, like this...
* Communism (for example the Soviet Union under the rule of Stalin)
* Fascism
* Socialism ( for example Hitler's NAZI Party the: "National Socialist German Workers Party"
* Military Junta
* Absolute Monarchy
* Oligarchy
I've listed some examples of different kinds of TOTALITARIANISM above. Though it doesn't really matter what name you give to it, the point is the same: TOTALITARIANISM means the government controls EVERY aspect of peoples' lives.
Now, if you move far away from TOTALITARIANISM, but still keep a healthy distance from ANARCHY, you end up at a place on the continuum that is called AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONALISM. Like so...
TOTALITARIANISM.....................................................................AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONALISM................................................................ANARCHY
* Small federal government with limited responsibilities (e.g Defense, Foreign Policy, Trade).
*A multiplicity of smaller government (e.g. state, county, cities) that are in close touch to the people
under their control and are immediately responsive to their needs, concerns, issues, etc.
*People have certain unalienable Rights with which the government cannot interfere. such as, the rights
to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
* The government exists to SERVE the people NOT CONTROL them.
In American politics today, President Trump's supporters are the people that hew to AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONALISM. Unfortunately, the Republican Party does not. It too, craves POWER and CONTROL, and this is why it is only providing very weak support for the President in his current battle against the corrupt election of November 3rd 2020, where is now clear that the Democratic Party and its agents used a range of illegal methods and devices to cheat, and fraudulently push the vote count in Joe Biden's favor. The upshot was that Joe Biden APPEARED to have won the election and is currently claiming the title of President - Elect. There are many, however, myself included, who believe that in terms of the legal votes cast, President Trump won the day. I can only hope and pray that there is justice for the American people through the courts, because if Biden become POTUS46 it will mean that the Constitutional Republic called "America" is finished...permanently.
You're probably thinking: "Dachshund is crazy, he's making wild claims about the death of the American Republic if Biden becomes POTUS46, but he doesn't have any kind of reasonable justification for his BS."
My response to this would be to ask you "Where do you think today's Democrats are located on the simple, political continuum that I sketched out above?" I put it to you that the current Democratic Party want TOTAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL, without the inconvenience of the "Bill of Rights," and that this puts them squarely in the TOTALITARIAN category. Now, as I mentioned above, there are different types of TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENT (Oligarchy, Military Junta, Fascism etc.) so what KIND of totalitarians are the Democrats? I would say that the Democrats (if they seize power next January 20th) will be a form of totalitarian government that is called a CORPORATOCRACY.
To explain....
The current, Democratic Party envisions control coming from a government partnership with corporations, with each working to help the other. How it works is that that government funnels MONEY (which it SEIZES from the US tax-payer) and POWER to corporations. The corporations, in turn, use CANCEL CULTURE to benefit the government, ensuring that it maintains unlimited and permanent control. The closest political parallel is Fascism.
Fascism is like soft communism, because it does not nationalize ALL private property, instead it limits itself to nationalizing a few crucial, core industries, especially fuel and transport. But there is NO FREEDOM in a fascist country. Benito Mussolini, the Italian Fascist dictator provided a very neat and accurate definition of fascism.....
The current US Democratic Party are fascists. All that matters to them is CONTROL over the American people, which they plan to achieve with help from corporations (e.g. from the CEOs of Big Tech, Big Pharma, the Military/Ammunition industries/the Financial industry, Wall Street, the Energy Extraction industries, the Agricultural, Chemical, Food and Communication industries). Here are some of the first people "President-Elect" Joe Biden has chosen to install in his White House.....
(1) Steve Ricchetti, a pharmaceutical and insurance industry lobbyist who will be Biden's CHIEF COUNSELLOR).
(2) Ron Klain, a venture capital executive with close ties to Big Tech will be Biden's CHIEF OF STAFF.
(3) Jen O'Malley Dillon, a woman (feminist

(4) Cedric Richmond, a Louisiana lawmaker who has been a reliable ally of the fossil fuel industry (which, BTW, has become quite political these days, and NOT Conservative !). Richmond has received more money from oil and gas than any other member of Congress has been selected to become SENIOR ADVISOR TO THE PRESIDENT
Interesting choices, aren't they ??

Right now, President Trump is fighting the Democrat scum to the bitter end with everything he's got. Why ? Because Donald Trump believes in individual liberty, both from the government and from the most powerful corporations in the world. This is why the Obama Deep State agencies (FBI, CIA ,DOJ, NSA etc.) the corporate mainstream mass media (CNN, MSNBC , CBS, ABC), the Big Tech companies (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, etc.) and corporate Republicans have joined forces to defeat him. They remind me of a rat pack. Each single rat knows it lacks the strength or courage to take on its enemy in a fair fight, so they gang up and "swarm" their opponent. I've notice the "big girls" who fight for Antifa do the same thing. They haven't got the guts to fight man to man; it's always 6 or so Antifa faggots ganging up on one guy who's stood up to them and told them to "Get Fucked !! "
Finally....You need to do what you can to help Trump; maybe if you're cashed-up you could donate some money, maybe if you like words you could write something in support and send it to your local newspaper, or you could simply use your presence and show up at a rally to protest the corrupt Nov 3rd election. Do what you can, otherwise YOU will learn the REAL meaning of the word fascism - right up close and personal. Think.......do you want creepezoids like Mark Zuckerberg (that pasty-faced, "sentient android") or nose-ringed, hipster faggots like Jack Dorsey telling you what YOU can and can't do ?...What YOU can and cannot say or write or do?.....Who YOU can and cannot associate with ?....SERIOUSLY !
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