We’ve Spent 4 Years Ignoring the Fact Melania Trump Posed Nude

I do not care that she posed in porn photos, I do enjoy watching the Religious Right fawn over her and imagining how they would act if a Democrats wife had done it.

It would have been proof that Democrats are unchristian.

No one on the "religious right" fawned over her, you lying turd. :rolleyes:
Once she grows enough to accept the reality that the reality tv guy is no longer president I hope she finds a way to forgive herself for acting in such a spiteful, hurtful worldly fashion, she is so much better than that.

Hopefully she come to realize & see trump for who & what he really is~even those he appointed to the courts carry no illusions, why should she?? :dunno:

The reality maybe that Melania is no better than tRump on many fronts.
Yes, IMHO it is certainly the hypocrisy that turns my stomach..

While they still flog clinton for his actions, they totally forgave trump for his sins, past, present & future-no questions asked........


Excellent example of the right wing hipocrisy disease.
Once she grows enough to accept the reality that the reality tv guy is no longer president I hope she finds a way to forgive herself for acting in such a spiteful, hurtful worldly fashion, she is so much better than that.

Hopefully she come to realize & see trump for who & what he really is~even those he appointed to the courts carry no illusions, why should she?? :dunno:

I hope the same as you. So far I haven't seen one trumper admit to what he really is and that's mind-boggling.
Melania feels as entitled as Daffy Donald. She is weak of values too. Why rightys think those stupid ass rich people care about them is amazing. What suckers.
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The reality maybe that Melania is no better than tRump on many fronts.

Perhaps :dunno: really hard to say as we know so little of her.

I tend (really w/out much evidence other than the occasional pushing away his hand-public rebuff) to think of her as having gone for the grand deal/the golden cage, which for her & her parents worked fine but when trump accidentally won the election that changed dramatically~she didn't sign up for all that..

While he prob has her legally bound & gagged she prob has an arsenal she could destroy him & the illusions he lied out & his fans created their illusions upon.. I would guess that would lengthen her leech by a few feet but obviously destroying the orange goose that lays the golden eggs wouldn't make her life more convenient......
Excellent example of the right wing hipocrisy disease.

That is what really bothers me, the two measures, one for those they like, & another for those they do not...... Just pure unadulterated politics......

If they opposed clinton, trump, falwell etc by the same measure, fine, they are sticking w/ their morals/values etc.......

But having two+ sets/situational ethics proves they really have none.....

All the bull shit about morals, values & ethics is just that, bull shit~those things are to be applied to others-tools to use against them to compel conformity, & then mostly to a political end, rather than a moral one.

No man can serve two masters: for either he. will hate the one, and love the other; or else. he will hold to the one, and despise the other, Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

I hope the same as you. So far I haven't seen one trumper admit to what he really is and that's mind-boggling.

I have seen accept but not necessarily admit anything but the reality is here, even Mitch as moved on=a mature political sense of reality=not a make believe world of ones own illusions & wishful thinking like an adolescent.........

I have not seen one trump hat since..... THe local trumpers wore them the day of the election?? Most of the ones I know here are nothing like we see here

First, it's wrong to call women whores or shame Hollywood celebrities and models for doing honest work.

Second, two wrongs don't make a right.

I like Dr. Jill Biden. She's a good, honest person. That doesn't make Melania evil for being a gold digger. Her life to choose.

What the Left has spent four years ignoring is that Melania wanted nothing to do with America politics, the White House or anything else than being a Rich Wife.
First, it's wrong to call women whores or shame Hollywood celebrities and models for doing honest work.

Second, two wrongs don't make a right.

I like Dr. Jill Biden. She's a good, honest person. That doesn't make Melania evil for being a gold digger. Her life to choose.

What the Left has spent four years ignoring is that Melania wanted nothing to do with America politics, the White House or anything else than being a Rich Wife.

That was her job, being a trophy wife. Trump running made her do work she was not signed up for or qualified for. I wonder why she chose cyberbullying? Aren't you glad she solved that problem?
That was her job, being a trophy wife. Trump running made her do work she was not signed up for or qualified for. I wonder why she chose cyberbullying? Aren't you glad she solved that problem?

I think Melania did a few things to irk "The Donald" for being an ass. Hand slaps, I think that coat was made for him, air kisses, etc. She may be tied to a prenup, but she's not a slave. I look forward to Trump dying on his toilet Tweeting followed by her memoirs.

She didn't. In part because haters were assholes to her just like they were to Michelle for proper nutrition and fighting obesity. All of them are glass-half-empty people with half empty lives.