Can you imagine the outrage if Obama had made the Access Hollywood tape?
can you imagine if biden rape fingered tara reade?
Can you imagine the outrage if Obama had made the Access Hollywood tape?
you think trump checked ideology before he grabbed a groupie by the pussy?
are groupies victims?
Like I said, Conservatives like Trump don't actually have any values. He doesn't see anything wrong with rape, but he still criticized Bill Clinton.
That's why Melania was able to get away with posing nude.
Like I said, Conservatives like Trump don't actually have any values. He doesn't see anything wrong with rape, but he still criticized Bill Clinton.
That's why Melania was able to get away with posing nude.
damn you're insane.
tRump said that he would not be playing GOLF as POTUS. There was too much WORK to do.
Now, the gutless tRumptards that constantly bitched and moaned about Obama's golfing suddenly had no problem when tRump played even more.
Yeah, it can be done with anything. They also constantly talk about Biden having dementia when Trump is clearly mentally ill. For Fascists, it's just about gaining power. Any policies not directly related to that are unimportant.
Yeah, it can be done with anything. They also constantly talk about Biden having dementia when Trump is clearly mentally ill. For Fascists, it's just about gaining power. Any policies not directly related to that are unimportant.
so what about tara reade tho?
Reade didn't accuse Biden of rape. She accused him of inappropriate touching and remarks. While she did file a complaint against him, she didn't mention anything about sexual misconduct in the complaint.
Biden acknowledged that in the past he didn't respect other people's personal space and sometimes made inappropriate comments. Since then, he's worked on fixing himself.
Now if Conservatives really believed this was so terrible that it should have disqualified Biden from holding office, why were they ok with Trump, even though he's been accused of rape by over a dozen women including a thirteen year old girl?
It's because Fascists don't actually care about rape. They'll use rape in their propaganda, but that's all it is to them.
finger rape. insertion.
He wasn't accused of that.
yes he was.
who was trumps rape victim?
just type the name, missy.
Oh, you mean the second time she brought up allegations? Yeah, that was obviously bullshit. She brought up accusations of him back when they worked together and there was no mention of sexual assault. Then after he became the Democrat nominee, all of a sudden she remembered he also finger raped her?
All of them? My dude, there's like twenty.