Trump win on jan 6.

$1000 or your resignation from JPP forever, no sock puppet bullshit, that Trump doesn't win on January 6th. VP Pence and Congress will do the honest and right thing by confirming the EC votes. If Trump is elected, I'll either pay the $1000 or resign. Your call on which bet you choose to take...if you are man enough to take it, kid.

If you are not, then everyone here will know you are just bullshitting again.

On the contrary, it's a 99.9% chance the Truth will prevail. Bet applies to you too if you are honest enough to take it.

Same bet. Are you in?

gambling is dumb. stupidity doesn't excite me.
No doubt Trump will make Jan 6th a circus, the little ass kissing Jimmy Jordans and Ron Johnsons will make sure Trump gets his orchestrated drama, the final hearing of all “the truth ain’t the truth” Rudi’s bogus examples of election fraud, with the Johnathan Turleys and Ken Stars all over Fox implying legitimacy to the fabrications

In the end, it will only be for show, which is the purpose, both houses of Congress has to vote and agree and it would be surprising if Trump won either. And debate is limited to two hours, meaning it should be over that day

The only knuckleball that could make it interesting is if Pence, in opening the votes from the States, refuses to accept certain States votes, claiming under the 12 Amendment he can refuse what he believes are illegitimate. This is why Trump was working the individual State Legislatives to select alternative electors. Won’t fly, but would open a can of worms that would have to go to Court and delay the process, more circus Trump would love

Even Pence is grumbling about Trump's antics. Pence is a diehard Christian and American. Agree with him or not, he'll go by the US Constitution, not whatever bullshit Trump is Tweeting. Trump's antics are doing permanent harm to the Republican Party and every good Republican knows it. They don't like the idea of the Democrats coming into power, but what Trump is doing is far worse.

Trump is doing the exact opposite of what he should be doing to help the Republicans in Georgia. The odds were against the Democrats taking either Senate seat in Georgia, but Trump's actions may be helping them win one or both.
President Trump, in his final days, is turning bitterly on virtually every person around him, griping about anyone who refuses to indulge conspiracy theories or hopeless bids to overturn the election, several top officials tell Axios.

The latest: Targets of his outrage include Vice President Pence, chief of staff Mark Meadows, White House counsel Pat Cipollone, Secretary of State Pompeo and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Why it matters: Trump thinks everyone around him is weak, stupid or disloyal — and increasingly seeks comfort only in people who egg him on to overturn the election results. We cannot stress enough how unnerved Trump officials are by the conversations unfolding inside the White House.

Top officials are trying to stay away from the West Wing right now.

Trump is lashing out, and everyone is in the blast zone: At this point, if you're not in the “use the Department of Homeland Security or the military to impound voting machines” camp, the president considers you weak and beneath contempt.

Trump is fed up with Cipollone, his counsel. Some supporters of Cipollone are worried that Trump is on the brink of removing him and replacing him with a fringe loyalist.

A source who spoke to Trump said the president was complaining about Pence and brought up a Lincoln Project ad that claims that Pence is "backing away" from Trump. This ad has clearly got inside Trump’s head, the source said.

Trump views Pence as not fighting hard enough for him — the same complaint he uses against virtually everybody who works for him and has been loyal to him.

Pence’s role on Jan. 6 has begun to loom large in Trump’s mind, according to people who’ve discussed the matter with him.

Trump would view Pence performing his constitutional duty — and validating the election result — as the ultimate betrayal.

A new fixation: Trump has even been asking advisers whether they can get state legislatures to rescind their electoral votes. When he’s told no, he lashes out even more, said a source who discussed the matter with the president.

And in an Oval meeting Monday night, Trump spoke with House Republicans about voting to overturn the result on Jan. 6 — a desperate vote that even Trump has privately acknowledged he's bound to lose.

The person who has the worst job in Washington, according to multiple administration officials: the incoming head of the Justice Department, Jeffrey Rosen.

The consensus is he has no earthly idea the insanity he is in for.

The next month will be the longest of his life.
gambling is dumb. stupidity doesn't excite me.

Gambling is stupid when you know you're going to lose.

Thanks for the confession, kid. Now everyone on the forum knows what I know: You're a punk-ass bitch who is all mouth and zero substance. Just another gutless coward spouting off shit he won't backup. I have no doubt that is exactly how you are in real life. I'm guessing SYT knows it too.

Enjoy being a loser, Asshat. You're young enough to change, but you have to get up off your ass and do it on your own. Mommy isn't there to hold your fucking little hand anymore.
$1000 or your resignation from JPP forever, no sock puppet bullshit, that Trump doesn't win on January 6th. VP Pence and Congress will do the honest and right thing by confirming the EC votes. If Trump is elected, I'll either pay the $1000 or resign. Your call on which bet you choose to take...if you are man enough to take it, kid.

If you are not, then everyone here will know you are just bullshitting again.

On the contrary, it's a 99.9% chance the Truth will prevail. Bet applies to you too if you are honest enough to take it.

Same bet. Are you in?

No Trump fan boy is going to accept your bet, because they do not even believe their own horseshit
I put Pence in the "phony Christian" category. No true God-fearing man would ever support, defend and "slobber" over tRump like Pence has done.
Even Pence is grumbling about Trump's antics. Pence is a diehard Christian and American. Agree with him or not, he'll go by the US Constitution, not whatever bullshit Trump is Tweeting. Trump's antics are doing permanent harm to the Republican Party and every good Republican knows it. They don't like the idea of the Democrats coming into power, but what Trump is doing is far worse.

Trump is doing the exact opposite of what he should be doing to help the Republicans in Georgia. The odds were against the Democrats taking either Senate seat in Georgia, but Trump's actions may be helping them win one or both.
President Trump, in his final days, is turning bitterly on virtually every person around him, griping about anyone who refuses to indulge conspiracy theories or hopeless bids to overturn the election, several top officials tell Axios.

The latest: Targets of his outrage include Vice President Pence, chief of staff Mark Meadows, White House counsel Pat Cipollone, Secretary of State Pompeo and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Why it matters: Trump thinks everyone around him is weak, stupid or disloyal — and increasingly seeks comfort only in people who egg him on to overturn the election results. We cannot stress enough how unnerved Trump officials are by the conversations unfolding inside the White House.

Top officials are trying to stay away from the West Wing right now.

Trump is lashing out, and everyone is in the blast zone: At this point, if you're not in the “use the Department of Homeland Security or the military to impound voting machines” camp, the president considers you weak and beneath contempt.

Trump is fed up with Cipollone, his counsel. Some supporters of Cipollone are worried that Trump is on the brink of removing him and replacing him with a fringe loyalist.

A source who spoke to Trump said the president was complaining about Pence and brought up a Lincoln Project ad that claims that Pence is "backing away" from Trump. This ad has clearly got inside Trump’s head, the source said.

Trump views Pence as not fighting hard enough for him — the same complaint he uses against virtually everybody who works for him and has been loyal to him.

Pence’s role on Jan. 6 has begun to loom large in Trump’s mind, according to people who’ve discussed the matter with him.

Trump would view Pence performing his constitutional duty — and validating the election result — as the ultimate betrayal.

A new fixation: Trump has even been asking advisers whether they can get state legislatures to rescind their electoral votes. When he’s told no, he lashes out even more, said a source who discussed the matter with the president.

And in an Oval meeting Monday night, Trump spoke with House Republicans about voting to overturn the result on Jan. 6 — a desperate vote that even Trump has privately acknowledged he's bound to lose.

The person who has the worst job in Washington, according to multiple administration officials: the incoming head of the Justice Department, Jeffrey Rosen.

The consensus is he has no earthly idea the insanity he is in for.

The next month will be the longest of his life.

Perhaps, but as we have seen in the past, Pence will support Trump regardless, never shown any real degree of independence

The scenario probably won’t happen, but it is a script put out their by some Trump loyalists, and as we know with Trump, anything is possible regardless of right, wrong, or how it effects the country

1. A joint session, presided over by the vice president

At 1 p.m. lawmakers from the House and Senate will assemble in the House chamber, with Vice President Pence presiding in his role as president of the Senate. He will then begin to open the sealed certificates submitted by each state and hand them to tellers appointed from among the House and Senate members to read.

In some recent elections, the count was expedited, and the entire process was over in less than half an hour. But if there are objections to any of the state's certificates, it could take much longer.

Trump is going to prison.
No Trump fan boy is going to accept your bet, because they do not even believe their own horseshit

Agreed. We can label each other all kinds of nasty things on this forum, but proving those labels are true is both much better and proof of Truth. It's proof they are lying cowards full of their own horseshit.
Perhaps, but as we have seen in the past, Pence will support Trump regardless, never shown any real degree of independence

The scenario probably won’t happen, but it is a script put out their by some Trump loyalists, and as we know with Trump, anything is possible regardless of right, wrong, or how it effects the country

There are two things to remember about being Vice President:

#1 Both abide by his oath and support the President. Yes, there's a "my country right or wrong" element, but that's part of both the job and duty. Do you really think it would have worked well if Biden came out and said "The President's actions in Libya and Syria are wrong, unAmerican and killing innocent women and children!!!"? No, it would have not. Biden may have (probably did) cautioned Obama about those things in private but all you saw in public was Biden being supportive of the Commander-in-Chief. Pence is no different and should not be held to a different standard.

#2 Besides being second in command and, possibly the next President, the Vice President is also President of the Senate. Even prisoners who submitted and sucked cock in prison return to heterosexual behavior on the outside. Republicans, those who did submit, sucked cock and, therefore, survived in office, are still Republicans. Only a few are fanatical enough to really believe Trump's bullshit. The fanatics will be quickly shut down and outed in the next few years as Republicans rinse out their mouths with bleach and then regain their dignity.

Pence and the Republican Senate will confirm the Electoral College results. IMO, there's a better chance of Trump being outed by the 25th Amendment than of him getting away with canceling the election.

The nation will survive and move forward....and I won't have to shoot anybody. God Bless America!
I put Pence in the "phony Christian" category. No true God-fearing man would ever support, defend and "slobber" over tRump like Pence has done.

There's a difference between support in public, for the good of the nation, and support in private with fervent dedication. Pence is one of few people Trump can't fire.
Rightys, Jan.6th is not a vote. It is a ratification of the certified votes of the electoral college. No votes and no changes. It is a ceremonial logging in of the votes. It generally takes about half an hour. Trump crazies may drag it out, but it will be done. Then you can talk about how Trump will just stay in the Whitehouse Jan. 20th and how that means he is still president. What comes after that, I do not know, but the rightys will think of something.
Does this mean you are taking my bet? Which is it; the $1000 bet or the resignation forever including all socks?

Do I get to know the details? You assume that I read your posts, which is only a rare occasion because they are so uninteresting.
Agreed. We can label each other all kinds of nasty things on this forum, but proving those labels are true is both much better and proof of Truth. It's proof they are lying cowards full of their own horseshit.

you being an internationalist fascist, however, is proven by your stated internationalist fascist beliefs.
There's a difference between support in public, for the good of the nation, and support in private with fervent dedication. Pence is one of few people Trump can't fire.

Pence crossed the line of keeping his own respect with his constant slobbering praise of tRump. Pence obviously puts his Christian faith well below his desire to worship tRump.
I can recall no V.P. that has ever "slobbered" over his POTUS boss like Pence has.

In fact, the fact that tRump could not fire Pence made his subservient "knob polishing" of tRump even more disgusting.
Do I get to know the details? You assume that I read your posts, which is only a rare occasion because they are so uninteresting.

What details? It's a simple bet: You bet $1000 or permanent resignation (no socks) that Congress refuses to ratify the election results. I bet the same that they will ratify the Election.
What details? It's a simple bet: You bet $1000 or permanent resignation (no socks) that Congress refuses to ratify the election results. I bet the same that they will ratify the Election.

Dark Soil is another gutless chickenshit. He runs from bets just like the other trumpsuckass do. He will spend hours lying and craw fishing like his gutless buddies do.