tRump seen on golf course after pledging to work "tirelessly" during the holiday.


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tRump seen on golf course after pledging to work "tirelessly" during the holiday.

For one, I wish he would just play golf every day until he leaves office. At least he cannot kill more innocent civilians with his incompetence and psychotic behavior.

The main thing is that his blatant and pathological lies prove beyond a doubt just how galatically stupid tRump thinks his supporters really are.
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For one, I wish he would just play golf every day until he leaves office. At least he cannot kill more innocent civilians with his incompetence and psychic behavior.

The main thing is that his blatant and pathological lies prove beyond a doubt just how galatically stupid tRump thinks his supporters really are.

Why not, he has all his ass kissers and the right wing media doing his work for him now
And, what's Biden doing these days, still hiding in his mom's basement? Just curious...

Biden isn't the President yet is he tRumptard?
Biden isn't pardoning child killers is he?

Once again, the only defense you have for your savior tRump is to deflect to someone else....lmao

I enjoy watching you trump-worshippers degrade yourselves with the defense of tRump's behavior and lies.

Here is another tidbit from tRump for you to defend. "Crawfish"

Trump said last year that he wouldn’t have time for golf if he became president. “I’m going to be working for you, I’m not going to have time to go play golf,” he told supporters in Virginia.*