tRump's favorite newspaper just turned on him biggly.

I have only been looking at NYPOST for about a year but I am increasingly noticing that it is well along the way of being captured by the Revolution. All corporate media is, there is not a single exception.

Still loving those ridiculous conspiracy theories I

He's not gonna be happy about this from the OP link:

"We understand, Mr. President, that you're angry that you lost. But to continue down this road is ruinous. We offer this as a newspaper that endorsed you, that supported you: If you want to cement your influence, even set the stage for a future return, you must channel your fury into something more productive."
Nothing held back in the OP link:

"The Post echoed concerns held by Democrats and Republicans alike that a lame-duck President Trump, unbound to any consequence and unswayed by shame, poses a danger to the future of the United States. The editorial board cautioned Trump against that approach, noting he still has something to fight for: how Americans remember him.
"If you insist on spending your final days in office threatening to burn it all down, that will be how you are remembered. Not as a revolutionary, but as the anarchist holding the match.""
No, he'll just end up encysted to your asshole in the form of a hemorrhoid and become a pain in the ass for you!

Get you some of this and be done with him!


You could get rich here with that stuff. That is if the tRumptards have any money left after donating to the current tRump scams.

He's not gonna be happy about this from the OP link:

"We understand, Mr. President, that you're angry that you lost. But to continue down this road is ruinous. We offer this as a newspaper that endorsed you, that supported you: If you want to cement your influence, even set the stage for a future return, you must channel your fury into something more productive."

condescending pukes.