House overrides veto. "Lame Duck Donald" finishes ONLY term a legislative loser!


Peruse current American history

Clinton produced a stable economy

Bush lied us to war and crashed the economy

Obama produced a stable economy

Trump lied us into a protracted pandemic and crashed the economy

No level of mouth diarrhea will change the Republican Party record

The Republican Party stabbed its self to death
Hilarious comment from a mindless tRumpworshipping "sheep". In reality, you are the spineless trumpsuckass

idiotic and retarded comment from a mindless liberal moron who has to believe that any non liberal has to be a trump worshipper. talk about spineless retardation and cowardice
idiotic and retarded comment from a mindless liberal moron who has to believe that any non liberal has to be a trump worshipper. talk about spineless retardation and cowardice

Yes, you are a spineless coward. That is evident in your trumploving posts.

That said, I am Moderate dumbass. You stupidly believe that all never -tRumpers are Liberals. We can ad that to the long list of things that mindless tRumptards like yourself are wrong about.
Yes, you are a spineless coward. That is evident in your trumploving posts.

That said, I am Moderate dumbass. You stupidly believe that all never -tRumpers are Liberals. We can ad that to the long list of things that mindless tRumptards like yourself are wrong about.

the simple fact that you still believe i'm a trumptard shows that you are not a moderate, but you are a moderate dumbass...........and a spineless fucking coward.............but that shouldn't be news to you
the simple fact that you still believe i'm a trumptard shows that you are not a moderate, but you are a moderate dumbass...........and a spineless fucking coward.............but that shouldn't be news to you

You are simply a mindless "stooge" that tRump loves. Congrats!