I wouldn’t trust Newsmax videos.
LOL, I guess I missed them. I don’t open videos on here.Videos NOT from Newsmax posted in here all year.
Biden has never once said he condemned Antifa. Only that he condemned violence. He has never once made a direct statement against Antifa. Just talks in circles like all Democrats.
Bullshit. He was asked "Do you condemn Antifa" and his answer was "Yes, I condemn all violence." Clear as possible.
These idiot racists are the only hero’s the republicans have left
When they kill people
They will be shot or carried off to prison
Less racists on the street has begun
Now comes the stomping them to the curb and the kicking back down into the sewer
Bullshit. He was asked "Do you condemn Antifa" and his answer was "Yes, I condemn all violence." Clear as possible.
Now compare that to Trump telling the Proud Boys to "Stand back and stand by."
Stop being a pussy and admit that you like terrorism as long as it's right-wing terrorism.
You can just sit down on the curb and hop into the sewer when told to
anything else you forgot in your fantasy roundup?[B “Ex-Pence aide turned Trump critic 'very concerned' about Jan. 6 violence” [/B]
”DC hotel frequented by Proud Boys to close Jan. 4-6”
“Be there, will be wild' | Pro-Trump protest expected on day Congress set to certify 2020 election results”
”Trump backers look to last-stand protest on January 6”
So are the Proud Boys and Boogaloo Boys “standing by,” ready to make it “wild?” We going to see Donny circling above in his helicopter? Are the Chuck Norris wannabes going to be openly waving their weapons like a third world banana republic giving even carrying a gun in DC is illegal?
This is one of the idiotic scenarios perpetuating on the right, that the violence will be out of control in DC and Trump will have to declare martial law and maintain power
In testimony before a Democratic-led House Homeland Security hearing last week, Wray told lawmakers that the largest "chunk" of the FBI's investigations involve white supremacist groups.Nope. Just the actual video footage we've all seen all year since Floyd.
Show me where he brought up Antifa or anyone else. You lying cunt.
I remember the Freddie Gray riots in BaltimoreDemocrat politicians did not do shit to stop the rioting, looting or violence. There is no denying that.
noted how truly bizarre (bolded) your writing have become.#strawmanning
I didn't say he brought up Antifa. I said he was asked if he condemns Antifa and his answer was "Yes, I condemn all violence."
Biden condemned Antifa, but Trump didn't condemn the Proud Boys, because he knows that most Conservatives support terrorism.
noted how truly bizarre (bolded) your writing have become.
Biden? who cares about Biden? the entire Democratic National Convention went by with nary a word on the riots.
That was bizarre to ignore at a political convention. I think they told Joe to condemn them afterwards
there were individuals words like "we dont support the violence" but no condemnation of the thugs themselves..Nope. Biden, Pelosi, and a bunch of other Democrats condemned the riots as soon as they started.
Yes, most Conservatives support terrorism, which is why Trump couldn't condemn the Proud Boys. It's also why 74 million people voted for Trump even after he openly promoted terrorism.
Disagree, Trump is going to do his best to make the day inside and outside of Congress a total circus, it's his last chance to put himself as the center of attention, January 20th there is nothing he can do to make the day all about him