So, will “it be wild” on January 6th as Trump has promised?

The Republican brand is total shit now. Ha! I've never seen anyone wear a MAGA hat period. Anywhere.
Only on TV and at dumbshit hick rallies. They are embarrassed to go out alone admitting what they are.
Agreed. But having a Republican president and Senate also accomplished nothing.

All part of the checks and balances. Being in control of the Executive branch has it's powers and limitations just like the Legislative branch.

Even though the Republicans have the Senate, it's a numbers game. Look at the numbers for Obama jamming through Obama care and look at current Republican numbers.

This is precisely why I support State's Rights but less and less Republicans truly do - They are mainly looking at the Senate and House numbers, not what is best for the States in the long run.
What patriotism?

Mark Twain phrased it well in The Czar's Soliloquy:
"Remember this, take it to heart, live by it, die for it if necessary: that our patriotism is medieval, outworn, obsolete; that the modern patriotism, the true patriotism, the only rational patriotism, is loyalty to the Nation all the time, loyalty to the Government when it deserves it."
[B “Ex-Pence aide turned Trump critic 'very concerned' about Jan. 6 violence” [/B]

”DC hotel frequented by Proud Boys to close Jan. 4-6”

“Be there, will be wild' | Pro-Trump protest expected on day Congress set to certify 2020 election results”

”Trump backers look to last-stand protest on January 6”

So are the Proud Boys and Boogaloo Boys “standing by,” ready to make it “wild?” We going to see Donny circling above in his helicopter? Are the Chuck Norris wannabes going to be openly waving their weapons like a third world banana republic giving even carrying a gun in DC is illegal?

This is one of the idiotic scenarios perpetuating on the right, that the violence will be out of control in DC and Trump will have to declare martial law and maintain power

What you ignorant dumbasses fail to realize? Mike Pence is the head of the senate and the Electoral College count. All it will take is a simple procedural 2 hour debate on the floor in order for all the evidence to be introduced proving there was "foreign" agents with access to the US ELECTION balloting.....directly in contradiction to Trump's Executive Order enacted in Sept. 2018.

Evidence what evidence? Documented facts such as the voting machines being connected to the WWW via one instance the corrupt players were using a thermostat rigged with BLUE TOOTH. Another FACT in evidence........the seizure of Server in Europe......proven to be connected to the voting machine. dumbass think CONGRESS matters and the democrat controlled house would never allow such a thing? Reality Check: Pence has the constitutional authority NOT TO CERTIFY the contested states if "he" deems the votes to be fraudulent and corrupt. Some falsely claim PENCE does not have such authority. But if its demonstrated in that simple 2 hour floor debate that fraud did take place.....PENCE has the authority NOT TO COUNT contested....possibly fraudulent votes (its against the law of the land........the US CONSTITUTION). ;)
All part of the checks and balances. Being in control of the Executive branch has it's powers and limitations just like the Legislative branch.

Even though the Republicans have the Senate, it's a numbers game. Look at the numbers for Obama jamming through Obama care and look at current Republican numbers.

This is precisely why I support State's Rights but less and less Republicans truly do - They are mainly looking at the Senate and House numbers, not what is best for the States in the long run.

this is precisely why I don't have a huge problem with collateral damage. Your emotions and feelings will do nothing but keep you a slave to tyranny

Meh. Get shot being stupid. You're not in the service anymore. You only answer to the laws of your state and the Feds.

BTW, your meme is lame. It doesn't have any pizzazz.

if you're ok with being told what to do, when to do it, and like it......that's on you.............but when some idiot, politician, law enforcement, whatever, threatens me.......then it's on. stay at least 500 yards away from me, because inside that range, you're dead. go suck up to your nanny state with your fresh supply of knee pads........
if you're ok with being told what to do, when to do it, and like it......that's on you.............but when some idiot, politician, law enforcement, whatever, threatens me.......then it's on. stay at least 500 yards away from me, because inside that range, you're dead. go suck up to your nanny state with your fresh supply of knee pads........

I'm not. Who is telling you what to do? Does the television talk to you? The radio? Are you claiming you are isolated, bunkered and hunkered down and a clear field of fire for 500 yards in any direction? Are you on a mountaintop or just a popup tent on the town water tower? I'm guessing you're alone.

BTW, this meme is funnier than yours:
[B “Ex-Pence aide turned Trump critic 'very concerned' about Jan. 6 violence” [/B]

”DC hotel frequented by Proud Boys to close Jan. 4-6”

“Be there, will be wild' | Pro-Trump protest expected on day Congress set to certify 2020 election results”

”Trump backers look to last-stand protest on January 6”

So are the Proud Boys and Boogaloo Boys “standing by,” ready to make it “wild?” We going to see Donny circling above in his helicopter? Are the Chuck Norris wannabes going to be openly waving their weapons like a third world banana republic giving even carrying a gun in DC is illegal?

This is one of the idiotic scenarios perpetuating on the right, that the violence will be out of control in DC and Trump will have to declare martial law and maintain power

Well if your lame duck and thrown down by the historical will of the over 81 million voter tRump and his sewer mob think they are tough enough to take on the U.S. military, well anything is fair and wild game when it comes to the military that is there to defend Democracy and the lawful will of of the majority that voted for President elect Joe Biden:

Exclusive: Donald Trump's Martial-Law Talk Has Military on Red Alert

Pentagon and Washington-area military leaders are on red alert, wary of what President Donald Trump might do in his remaining days in office. Though far-fetched, ranking officers have discussed what they would do if the president declared martial law. And military commands responsible for Washington DC are engaged in secret contingency planning in case the armed forces are called upon to maintain or restore civil order during the inauguration and transition period. According to one officer who spoke to Newsweek on condition of anonymity, the planning is being kept out of sight of the White House and Trump loyalists in the Pentagon for fear that it would be shut down."
I'm not. Who is telling you what to do? Does the television talk to you? The radio? Are you claiming you are isolated, bunkered and hunkered down and a clear field of fire for 500 yards in any direction? Are you on a mountaintop or just a popup tent on the town water tower? I'm guessing you're alone.
you'd be guessing wrong............did you forget your marine corps brotherhood? probably, since you're just an officer. but i'm not alone.....
Well if your lame duck and thrown down by the historical will of the over 81 million voter tRump and his sewer mob think they are tough enough to take on the U.S. military, well anything is fair and wild game when it comes to the military that is there to defend Democracy and the lawful will of of the majority that voted for President elect Joe Biden

that common core math is gonna get you killed, junior
you'd be guessing wrong............did you forget your marine corps brotherhood? probably, since you're just an officer. but i'm not alone.....

Time will tell. Marines don't betray their oaths by murdering innocent Americans. You and I clarified last week that you are an ex-Marine.

Save yourself before it's too late, brother.
