as sane Americans get vaccinated and teabillies refuse to, they'll die off sooner

China's even worse they are monstrous.

Hopefully everything goes the same way as when Japan was taking us over.
It was looking like there was no stopping them and they were going to own everything, then their economy imploded.
I thank God for that. This was in either 1988 or 89.
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So, what you're celebrating is the retention of Leftist idiots, morons, and losers in the gene pool. I'd say you're on the wrong side of things here.

It is called survival of the fittest. Everyone has certainly tried to keep you people alive, but there is only so much we can do.
Vaccinations are the only sane way to go, but try to get one. I'm a senior, and I've got a confirmed appointment, but it's weeks away.
refusing to wear masks endangered everyone (like they give a fuck) but now, the vaccinated citizens will sail on through the pandemic, even as these morons attend covid infested hootenannies, line dancing to their deaths. god is great!

We'll all be better off when they all die, but I'm not that concerned with them. The bigger problem is these mouth breathing knuckle draggers operating in public. I will actually kill the Trumpist who passes COVID to me if anyone in my family gets sick.
We'll all be better off when they all die, but I'm not that concerned with them. The bigger problem is these mouth breathing knuckle draggers operating in public. I will actually kill the Trumpist who passes COVID to me if anyone in my family gets sick.

You're not stepping on my toes if you kill him/her for any reason.
Trumpanzees, or Trumpists as you call them, are lower than the parasites who feed on the whale shit at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
Not necessary, but an irony if you look at those States who are vaccinating the most per ratio you’ll find a lot of Red States, West Virginia leading the nation. Surprising for those that echoed that the whole thing was a hoax

Yes, the last I looked at Oklahoma, who is REALLY RED, we were 7th in the nation. My tribe has been instrumental in bringing vaccines to our state, and making it possible for people like me, a public school teacher under the age of 65, to receive the vaccination early. I had COVID during the Christmas holidays but as soon as the Drs say I can, I’ll be right there in line. My sister, her husband and several of my cousins have had the first one, with the second one due the 2nd week in February. We’ve got our share of deniers but we ain’t all dumb. I’ll still likely never be able to vote for a Democrat on the national level.
That's deep. Think about how technology has flourished with democracy compared to before it.

Under monarchy and papal rule it took a billion years to fucking forge god damned tools. My kid is going to own a self driving rocket car.
God bless freedom and democracy. It's like a brain incendiary! :laugh:

Who says technology is always best!?

Yeah, and lots of science came from Papal scientists like you know Catholic clerical scientists.
refusing to wear masks endangered everyone (like they give a fuck) but now, the vaccinated citizens will sail on through the pandemic, even as these morons attend covid infested hootenannies, line dancing to their deaths. god is great!

That's just beautiful, RG.

Couldn't be more eloquently stated, my friend.

Thank you
That's deep. Think about how technology has flourished with democracy compared to before it.

Under monarchy and papal rule it took a billion years to fucking forge god damned tools. My kid is going to own a self driving rocket car.
God bless freedom and democracy. It's like a brain incendiary! :laugh:

Poland was arguably a freerer society in the 1500s.
Then the USA was in the late 1700s to mid 1800s.

The Catholic Polish May 3rd Constitution in 1791 which included the first board of education & first full abolishment of serfdom / slavery.

Was a concern for Protestant Prussia & Orthodox Russia who Destroyed Poland over it's Democracy.