Trump and his base growing stronger according to Politico...

Just went on our county health dept website. Yup,....STILL dropping. Down 40%... AGAIN.
Is Stalin your hero, it sure seems the right has embraced his ideals, we saw it on Nov 6, within the Capital by Repub Congressmen and women and Senators. In Arizona one Republican Legislator is pushing a Bill to make so that the State government can throw out the votes of the People of Arizona and decide who they want as elected Representatives in the State at in the Federal government, I mean why even bother with the vote, let the Dictators make all the choices, what could go wrong.

Another reason all Americans, regardless of political flavor, need to own at least one firearm and be proficient in its use.
I dont think some of you understand that there are HUGE pockets of the country where any of the covid restrictions were never followed because LEO deemed them unconstitutional and unenforceable . Thats how it is here. We go to bars...No masks, we go out for dinner with friends at restaurants,.... no masks. Our bars and restaurants are packed. We go to stores to shop,....masks, and some with no masks. Yet our infection rate keeps dropping dropping, dropping. Has been since our peak in late oct.

How long before you'll be whining your kids are sick? I won't mention your soon-to-be-ex because you'll be calling her a greedy bitch in another year or so. :thup:
They're growing stronger, but the GOP is getting weaker.

Trump's group is a fringe group. He'll be an albatross around the neck of the party for years.

I dont think you GET IT yet. Were not out to kill one of the political parties. We are going to take them BOTH down. And YOU are going to help us do it. Both wings of the bird are rotten. Have been for a very long time. You are going to help us thru your own actions just like you did in 2010 and again in 2016. This is why I OPENLY CHEER all the political nonsense coming from the left to go on unfettered. The more you do........ the more wake up. You cant stop it either because you cannot stop yourselves from acting the way you act.
I dont think you GET IT yet. Were not out to kill one of the political parties. We are going to take them BOTH down. And YOU are going to help us do it. Both wings of the bird are rotten. Have been for a very long time. You are going to help us thru your own actions just like you did in 2010 and again in 2016. This is why I OPENLY CHEER all the political nonsense coming from the left to go on unfettered. The more you do........ the more wake up. You cant stop it either because you cannot stop yourselves from acting the way you act.

America is an amazing country. We live more free & prosperous lives than any human beings in the history of the planet earth. I'd be pressed to think of anything that I'm restricted from doing that I want to do.

What is it that you think is so wrong here that we need to tear everything down?
It was YOU who birthed the tea party movement and the absolute ass kicking they gave you back in 10. It was also YOU you birthed the populist Trumpism movement. NOW..... you will be the ones who birth the FREEDOM movement. Once born,.... there is no going back. Thanks in advance.
75 million people aren't just "going away."

They will find that out again as they did in 2016.

Agreed. Just like Trump found out the 66 million who voted for Hillary (versus Trump's 63M) in 2016 didn't go away.

The bad news for Trumpers is that more Americans are turning 18 every day while old farts are dying of heart disease and suicide. Who do you think will win in the long run?
America is an amazing country. We live more free & prosperous lives than any human beings in the history of the planet earth. I'd be pressed to think of anything that I'm restricted from doing that I want to do.

What is it that you think is so wrong here that we need to tear everything down?

We dont want to tear EVERYTHING DOWN. Not even close. But we WILL put an end to the absolute corrupt shit show of both parties. NEITHER give a flying fuck about the citizens of this country. Deep down EVERY SINGLE POSTER in this room KNOWS this to be a FACT. WHY FIGHT IT?
We dont want to tear EVERYTHING DOWN. Not even close. But we WILL put an end to the absolute corrupt shit show of both parties. NEITHER give a flying fuck about the citizens of this country. Deep down EVERY SINGLE POSTER in this room KNOWS this to be a FACT. WHY FIGHT IT?

I don't agree with that, at all. In fact, MOST get into Congress to help their constituents, and make a difference.

Are some corrupt? Of course. But we probably have less corruption in DC today than we did 50 years ago, and certainly less than 100 years ago.

Again - what is so wrong w/ what they're doing? Has any of it affected your life and ability to do what you want, at all?
Agreed. Just like Trump found out the 66 million who voted for Hillary (versus Trump's 63M) in 2016 didn't go away.

The bad news for Trumpers is that more Americans are turning 18 every day while old farts are dying of heart disease and suicide. Who do you think will win in the long run?

I am only a few years younger than you. I have been hearing that same bullshit story my entire life. It never happens. As people become older and wiser they reject the progressive movement.
Agreed. Just like Trump found out the 66 million who voted for Hillary (versus Trump's 63M) in 2016 didn't go away.

The bad news for Trumpers is that more Americans are turning 18 every day while old farts are dying of heart disease and suicide. Who do you think will win in the long run?
If this country becomes more bankrupt and heads to 3rd world shithole status, you will find out.

"Feelings" are put on the back burner when stupid economic decisions majorly affect someone's own life.

"Feeling good" about who is President won't mean shit if someone is unemployed, hungry and on the verge of living under a bridge.
I think the biggest problem those in the "freedom" movement have is people who they disagree with.

They don't like losing elections now. They want a country where everyone has the same beliefs and convictions. They don't want disagreement, or to lose elections to people who they disagree with.
Agreed. Just like Trump found out the 66 million who voted for Hillary (versus Trump's 63M) in 2016 didn't go away.

The bad news for Trumpers is that more Americans are turning 18 every day while old farts are dying of heart disease and suicide. Who do you think will win in the long run?
About half my Trump supporting family peeled off from him after the terrorism, the others still support him, so I don’t think there’s as many Trump supporters now.
“It is not important who votes, but is only important who counts the votes.”
And because of this it really doesnt matter.
Democracies run in a cycle. Guess where we are now !
Bondage to Spiritual Faith —-> Spiritual Faith to Great Courage —-> Courage to Liberty —-> Liberty to Abundance —-> Abundance to Complacency —-> Complacency to Apathy —-> Apathy to Dependence —-> and Dependence back into Bondage.”

Where are we now? Free of Trump.