The universe is an island surrounded by whatever it is that surrounds universes.

If there is a spirit that guides the universe in helpful ways, then Trump will die in prison. The rest of his worshippers who overran the Capitol will do 10-15 years.
I take solace in knowing that trump is in a prison of his own making. His fantasy of being adored is crashing around him. No matter where he goes, people hate him. He can't flee to the safety of his Klan rallies that are paid for by the RNC and the Fed taxpayers. I'd like to see him in prison, but he'll no doubt suffer greatly in civil court. He'll have to keep scamming the under educated in order to fund his legal woes.

I'm guessing that he'll either be litigating or serving time for the rest of his life. This Epstein case is going to have rather long tentacles. I'm sure he's vulnerable.
I take solace in knowing that trump is in a prison of his own making. His fantasy of being adored is crashing around him. No matter where he goes, people hate him. He can't flee to the safety of his Klan rallies that are paid for by the RNC and the Fed taxpayers. I'd like to see him in prison, but he'll no doubt suffer greatly in civil court. He'll have to keep scamming the under educated in order to fund his legal woes.

I'm guessing that he'll either be litigating or serving time for the rest of his life. This Epstein case is going to have rather long tentacles. I'm sure he's vulnerable.

Have all the Reddit Gamestop people start sending Trump postcards that say "LOSER!" Sacks of them.
Laws of the Natural Universe, such as the Laws of Thermodynamics, do not exist outside Space/Time, meaning outside of our little bubble of a universe.

It's beyond my education level, but things change in Quantum Physics too.
true. it's an analogy ( conservation of energy to samsara ( cyclical rebirth)
Trying to put a concept into understandable terms
That goes for the animals too. (And androids perhaps? :whoa:)
Agreed. It's a matter of degrees. Consider someone very smart. Then think of Witold. Now think of a chimpanzee. A shepherd dog. At what point would it stop?

yes on the animals at least. animals do not have a 'Buddha nature' but they are clearly aware of self
Says Theravada Buddhism?

In Zen, all animals are pure Zen; they live in the eternal now. "When hungry, eat. When tired, sleep". Dogs are very good at it. So good they could become Democrats.

What does having a 'Buddha nature' mean? And wouldn't being aware of self and feeling make it wrong to kill them?
yes Buddhists are supposed to be vegetarian -but of course that is an ideal.
Factory farms are clearly an abomination -not just the killing for food, but the imposition of vast suffering on animals
is a defilement

Why Buddha Nature is one of the most important understandings in Mahayana Buddhism
lol. by that definition there was no "time" before time (it's impossible -self exclusionary) and involves physics way beyond my ability to conceive

Agreed on "no time" and it's involves physics beyond my education level. The youtube link dumbs it down but my grasp of everything it said is tenuous at best.
In Zen, all animals are pure Zen; they live in the eternal now. "When hungry, eat. When tired, sleep". Dogs are very good at it. So good they could become Democrats.

im really not all that good on Zen. I tend to intellectualize concepts instead of "just be"
I think the best was to describe Buddha nature is consciousness, more then just simple sentience-
an awareness and ability to achieve the Luminous mind (free from defilement)
im really not all that good on Zen. I tend to intellectualize concepts instead of "just be"
I think the best was to describe Buddha nature is consciousness, more then just simple sentience-
an awareness and ability to achieve the Luminous mind (free from defilement)

What did the Japanese Zen master say to the New York hotdog vender? "Make me one with everything".

Isn't consciousness being in tune with everything around you? Being part of it, not just a voyeur?

This link details three views of the Universe, of existence. I'm going with Door #3. You?