lets compare riots

BLM did not do that. It was the fellow travelers and some thieves who took advantage of an opportunity. Blaming BLM for what happened would require some proof.
The whole point of the attack by rightys on the capitol was to overthrow the American system I didn't think breaking any amount of store windows can match that,
The plan was to kill the politicians. BLM cannot be compared with that.



New Study Shows Hundreds of BLM 'Protests' Turned Violent
Katie PavlichKatie Pavlich| @KatiePavlich|Posted: Sep 08, 2020 12:00 PM

New Study Shows Hundreds of BLM 'Protests' Turned Violent

For months Democrats and their allies in the media have claimed Black Lives Matter protests in cities across the country have been "mostly peaceful." Recently, CNN ran a chyron that stated "fiery but mostly peaceful" as a building in Kenosha, Wisconsin burned to the ground.

But contrary to the narrative and according to a new study from Princeton University, over the past four months hundreds of "protests" have turned into violent, destructive riots.

A better look at the map from the study.


Study: Up To 95 Percent Of 2020 U.S. Riots Are Linked To Black Lives Matter
A report accompanying the data project, however, reads like an upscale attempt to blame the police for criminals’ decision to steal, kill, and destroy.
Joy PullmannBy Joy Pullmann
SEPTEMBER 16, 2020
Contrary to corporate media narratives, up to 95 percent of this summer’s riots are linked to Black Lives Matter activism, according to data collected by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED). The data also show that nearly 6 percent — or more than 1 in 20 — of U.S. protests between May 26 and Sept. 5 involved rioting, looting, and similar violence, including 47 fatalities.

ACLED is a nonprofit organization that tracks conflict across the globe. Its U.S. project that collected the summer protest data is supported by Princeton University. The project’s spreadsheet collating tens of thousands of data points documents 12,045 incidents of U.S. civil unrest from May 26, 2020 to Sept. 5, 2020. May 26 is the day after George Floyd’s death in police custody with enough fentanyl in his system to have died of an overdose if police had never touched him.
The former president fomented a violent attack on the US Capitol during a session removing him from office, on the one hand,

A diffuse and unorganized criminal element exploits opportunity during peaceful and righteous protests against police brutality to loot stores and banks, on the other.

OK, I compared them. Now what?

You're best off not fucking with real Americans, you fucking POS.

#1 Faggots like your fuckass die.
We move on from there and tackle the next problem. True Story.
And so on and so on. :/
The former president fomented a violent attack on the US Capitol during a session removing him from office, on the one hand,

A diffuse and unorganized criminal element exploits opportunity during peaceful and righteous protests against police brutality to loot stores and banks, on the other.

OK, I compared them. Now what?

If Trump instigated a riot so did the Leftist media.
BLM did not do that. It was the fellow travelers and some thieves who took advantage of an opportunity. Blaming BLM for what happened would require some proof.
The whole point of the attack by rightys on the capitol was to overthrow the American system I didn't think breaking any amount of store windows can match that,
The plan was to kill the politicians. BLM cannot be compared with that.

But BLM leadership has already admitted, ON TAPE,...that they are FELLOW TRAVELERS as well. In otherwords...MARXISTS. But you already know that......chickenshit.
Actually it was religious. I could be wrong, but aren't hurricanes the reason for gay people? :laugh:

Only to demented idiots like Pat Robertson. He also said Haiti deserved their devastating earthquake and that the US deserved 9/11. He's as fucked up and evil as those Westboro Baptist assholes.

Two days after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, Pat Robertson had fellow televangelist Jerry Falwell on his "700 Club" program. Robertson agreed with Falwell when Falwell said God allowed the attacks because of moral decay - specifically the ACLU, abortionists, feminists and gays. Robertson later distanced himself from the remarks.

Jerry Falwell was another asshole. Fortunately he's dead and buried at Liberty University. Rumor mill says Jerry Jr likes to fuck on the grave by the light of a full moon but another rumor says he only likes to watch Becky fuck there.


Pat Robertson, the evangelical Christian who once suggested God was punishing Americans with Hurricane Katrina, says a "pact to the devil" brought on the devastating earthquake in Haiti.

Officials fear more than 100,000 people have died as a result of Tuesday's 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Haiti.

Robertson, the host of the "700 Club," blamed the tragedy on something that "happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it."
But BLM leadership has already admitted, ON TAPE,...that they are FELLOW TRAVELERS as well. In otherwords...MARXISTS. But you already know that......chickenshit.

Chickenshit? WTF how does that make sense? Do you just automatically finish a post with a childish name or insult? The break & enterers were not BLM. They were hangers-on. Opportunists who saw a chance to pick up stuff.
You righyts were insurrectionists. You were rearing down the nation and killing the politicians. I do not think windows and TVs can be compared with that. Rightys hate America and want to kill it. BLM wants the police to quit abusing and killing blacks. That would make us a better place.
Pretty sure those rioters don't care about politics, just Nikes and big TVs.

kinda odd how when the election happened the riots pretty well stopped , really odd and antifa cares about politics and I think you will see blm cares also, but tel me and be honest here which is worth going to jail over politics or tennis shoes. which did more damage to America ?
Chickenshit? WTF how does that make sense? Do you just automatically finish a post with a childish name or insult? The break & enterers were not BLM. They were hangers-on. Opportunists who saw a chance to pick up stuff.
You righyts were insurrectionists. You were rearing down the nation and killing the politicians. I do not think windows and TVs can be compared with that. Rightys hate America and want to kill it. BLM wants the police to quit abusing and killing blacks. That would make us a better place.

yes there were blm involved in looting and burning and killing and you know it .
now there was a riot this year that was mainly conservatives and there was a murder involved some damage to the capital and some police officers hurt it was wrong no doubt about it. But there were dozens and dozens of riots by liberals with massive looting of businesses and some will never reopen , thousands of cops injured 47 people murdered, statues destroyed old people attacked a woman in a wheel chair attacked , people dragged out of their cars and beaten , rapes people told to get out of their homes , well over a billion dollars in damages , flags burned public and private property destroyed. over 14000 arrested . simple fact is the democrats have proven they are a menace to society and a true danger to innocent people . now they will all come to the rescue of the democrat rioters and say its not true , I would like to see just one be honest and admit how much damage the blm riots actually did to then nation and say they were wrong like I did to the capital riots , but we know that's unlikely to happen .

Leftist riots good.

Rightist riots bad.
There are usually lootings after hurricanes and earthquakes and such strike. Anything can be use as an excuse to loot. So yeah there's no greater goal or anything honorable.

Good to see you admit black liars matter is a useless self serving piece of shit movement. We already knew that it's just freshing to see one of you dipshits being honest about it.
now there was a riot this year that was mainly conservatives and there was a murder involved some damage to the capital and some police officers hurt it was wrong no doubt about it.

But there were dozens and dozens of riots by liberals with massive looting of businesses and some will never reopen , thousands of cops injured 47 people murdered, statues destroyed old people attacked a woman in a wheel chair attacked , people dragged out of their cars and beaten , rapes people told to get out of their homes , well over a billion dollars in damages , flags burned public and private property destroyed.
over 14000 arrested .

simple fact is the democrats have proven they are a menace to society and a true danger to innocent people . now they will all come to the rescue of the democrat rioters and say its not true , I would like to see just one be honest and admit how much damage the blm riots actually did to then nation and say they were wrong like I did to the capital riots , but we know that's unlikely to happen .

What the MAGA militia did at the Capitol wasn't a riot, it was an attempted insurrection, big difference
now there was a riot this year that was mainly conservatives and there was a murder involved some damage to the capital and some police officers hurt it was wrong no doubt about it.

But there were dozens and dozens of riots by liberals with massive looting of businesses and some will never reopen , thousands of cops injured 47 people murdered, statues destroyed old people attacked a woman in a wheel chair attacked , people dragged out of their cars and beaten , rapes people told to get out of their homes , well over a billion dollars in damages , flags burned public and private property destroyed.
over 14000 arrested .

simple fact is the democrats have proven they are a menace to society and a true danger to innocent people . now they will all come to the rescue of the democrat rioters and say its not true , I would like to see just one be honest and admit how much damage the blm riots actually did to then nation and say they were wrong like I did to the capital riots , but we know that's unlikely to happen .

Trying to compare riots to an insurrection is dishonest.