lets compare riots

If you loot, commit violence, or commit arson you should be arrested and charged to the fullest extent of the law. Those who engaged in that behavior during the George Floyd protests and BLM protest are not liberals or conservatives or righties or lefties. They are anarchists. If you attempt to interfere with the lawful function of government, you have taken it to a new level, and you should be charged with sedition. I'm pretty sure they were carrying Trump flags.

Anything else little Bobby?
Now you got it. When blacks engage in insurrection the left collectively chocks their chicken but when the right does it they lose control of their bowels. Incompetent and incontinent

Blacks don't engage in insurrection your opioid addiction is making you delusional
now there was a riot this year that was mainly conservatives and there was a murder involved some damage to the capital and some police officers hurt it was wrong no doubt about it.

But there were dozens and dozens of riots by liberals with massive looting of businesses and some will never reopen , thousands of cops injured 47 people murdered, statues destroyed old people attacked a woman in a wheel chair attacked , people dragged out of their cars and beaten , rapes people told to get out of their homes , well over a billion dollars in damages , flags burned public and private property destroyed.
over 14000 arrested .

simple fact is the democrats have proven they are a menace to society and a true danger to innocent people . now they will all come to the rescue of the democrat rioters and say its not true , I would like to see just one be honest and admit how much damage the blm riots actually did to then nation and say they were wrong like I did to the capital riots , but we know that's unlikely to happen .

Overstated but given that some rioting as you describe did occur the critical difference you fail to note is that only one riot was treasonous, incited by the President of The United States and his close associates, and excused by certain members of Congress.
now there was a riot this year that was mainly conservatives and there was a murder involved some damage to the capital and some police officers hurt it was wrong no doubt about it.

But there were dozens and dozens of riots by liberals with massive looting of businesses and some will never reopen , thousands of cops injured 47 people murdered, statues destroyed old people attacked a woman in a wheel chair attacked , people dragged out of their cars and beaten , rapes people told to get out of their homes , well over a billion dollars in damages , flags burned public and private property destroyed.
over 14000 arrested .

simple fact is the democrats have proven they are a menace to society and a true danger to innocent people . now they will all come to the rescue of the democrat rioters and say its not true , I would like to see just one be honest and admit how much damage the blm riots actually did to then nation and say they were wrong like I did to the capital riots , but we know that's unlikely to happen .

When police are systematically murdering you, it justifies protest.

When your cult-leader lies to you and tries to convince you to overthrow democracy, it does NOT justify protest. It makes you a terrible person (and a racist, in this case).

It's that simple.
So in other words......Just pretty much common thieves and typical dirtbags trying to get something for nothing. Not anything about a greater goal or anything honorable. Yep.....pretty much what I thought.

Come on, drop an N-word in there just to square the circle....
What does insurrection mean fuck face?

An attempt to overthrow the Government, you didn't really think the MAGA militia invaded the Capitol to help the Congress execute their Constitutional duty of certifying the election did you
An attempt to overthrow the Government, you didn't really think the MAGA militia invaded the Capitol to help the Congress execute their Constitutional duty of certifying the election did you

A violent uprising against an authority or government. Black liars matter was insurrection against legitimate authority of the police.
Why? I saw plenty of whites out there looting. Just as many as blacks and probably even more.

Because that is all the weak minded like Jerome have. They certainly are no going to best you in an argument with fact or intellect.
A violent uprising against an authority or government. Black liars matter was insurrection against legitimate authority of the police.

Did BLM invade the Capitol to prevent the Congress from executing their Constitutional duty of certifying the election, in other words, to negate or overturn the results of a national election?
When police are systematically murdering you, it justifies protest.

When your cult-leader lies to you and tries to convince you to overthrow democracy, it does NOT justify protest. It makes you a terrible person (and a racist, in this case).

It's that simple.

My Poles suffered enormous oppression in the 20 th century!?

You know how it stopped!?

By Poles getting control to form THEIR OWN NATION.

It's really that simple.
So in other words......Just pretty much common thieves and typical dirtbags trying to get something for nothing. Not anything about a greater goal or anything honorable. Yep.....pretty much what I thought.

BLM had an honorable goal. You must think ending the American republic and installing Trump as king, is honorable. Where does it say attacking and trashing the nation's capitol is honorable? How is hanging Pence and killing our politicians honorable?? We sure have different definitions.
Because you know you want to, racist twat. Just giving you permission.

You dont give me permission for ANYTHING. You hold zero power, and certainly none over me.

BTW.....I like how you only quoted PART of my statement. Gee,...wonder why? LMAO! Could it just be because it didnt fit your silly ass little crying narrative? Yep...THATS WHY. ;)
My Poles suffered enormous oppression in the 20 th century!?

You know how it stopped!?

By Poles getting control to form THEIR OWN NATION.

It's really that simple.

Ok, so let's just follow your thesis all the way out...WHY do you think blacks aren't in the privileged position of Poles today?

Let's hear your theory.
You dont give me permission for ANYTHING. You hold zero power, and certainly none over me.

BTW.....I like how you only quoted PART of my statement. Gee,...wonder why? LMAO! Could it just be because it didnt fit your silly ass little crying narrative? Yep...THATS WHY. ;)

The rest wasn't necessary. We all know PRECISELY of which images your statement was evocative. You INCESSANTLY rail with white grievance in BLM discussions, comparing the Capitol tragedy to any of the BLM marches, but you think you're safe by using "BLM" as a substitute for "NIGGER", don't you?
Here was my full statement Jerome. The one you went out of your way not to quote fully. Scumbag.....

" Why? I saw plenty of whites out there looting. Just as many as blacks and probably even more."

Here was my full statement Jerome. The one you went out of your way not to quote fully. Scumbag.....

" Why? I saw plenty of whites out there looting. Just as many as blacks and probably even more."


We've moved on from that, trailer-trash.