More extreme left PC idiocy....

I don't think some idiot pointing out who is wearing what is considered 'woke'.

If the statement "But he manifests privilege, white privilege, male privilege and class privilege" isn't woke then how do you define woke?
The funny thing is

That same feed showed a nearly identical picture of Ted Cruze seconds before the Bernie shot

To me they both looked kinda creepy and removed from the event

Then my second thought was YEAH BUT ITS FREEZING THERE

It was a thin piece of OHLOOK AT ME from one individual

It however is part of the what we have always called awkward conversation we fucking need to have to suss out the issue

Everybody’s voice is allowed

The evil ones go in the trash immediately (the racists)

Then everyone else gets to say what they believe and feel.

right up until we reach an understanding of each other

We don’t ever have to all agree

But if we don’t have the conversation we can’t understand each other and take the right steps on the right path to solve this as a society

That is what getting WOKE is

A willingness to listen to facts and ideas on what to do in light of those facts



This is what woke is
I do not know why one person I never heard of saying something stupid represents the left. The lefts here certainly think she is wrong. so how is she linked with the left?
I do not know why one person I never heard of saying something stupid represents the left. The lefts here certainly think she is wrong. so how is she linked with the left?

On one hand you aren't wrong that we all speak for ourselves as individuals. However you aren't paying attention if you aren't familiar with the work of Ta-Nehisi Coates, Hannah Nicole Jones and Ibram Kendi and where this type of belief comes from that the teacher professed. Her type of statement isn't some one off.
Yes, I know I have a long tradition here of championing the causes and agenda of the Democratic Party and the left in general. And I have argued vehemently against what I see as the intransigence of the right.

And I still feel the same. Nothing has changed.

I have, however, been known to speak out against my own side when the extremist fringe loonies have said or done things that even solid Democrats like myself find embarrassing, outrageous and beyond the pale.

A viral meme involving the outfit Bernie Sanders' wore on inauguration day has flooded the internet over the past few weeks.

It's a photo of him sitting alone in a chair bundled against the freezing cold with a puffy parka style jacket and mittens.


Apparently, Sanders has licensed the image and has used it to raise millions of dollars for various charities, including Meals On Wheels.

That's a good thing, right?

Not according to some San Francisco dipsh*t school teacher who saw it as a glaring and outrageous example of Bernie Sanders' "white privilege".

According to this dipsh*t whose name is Ingrid Seyer-Ochi, writing in a San Francisco Chronicle op-ed piece, Sanders' choice of clothing represented...

“privilege, white privilege, male privilege and class privilege” symbolized by Sanders’s choice of a relatively casual Burton snowboarding jacket and repurposed wool mittens.

Seyer-Ochi addressed the topic with her students, who she said were also upset by what they saw as the implicit message being delivered by Sanders’s choice of outerwear.

“What did they see? They saw a white man in a puffy jacket and huge mittens, distant not only in his social distancing, but in his demeanor and attire,” Seyer-Ochi wrote, adding, “What did I see? What did I think my students should see? A wealthy, incredibly well-educated and -privileged white man, showing up for perhaps the most important ritual of the decade, in a puffy jacket and huge mittens.

“I don’t know many poor, or working class, or female, or struggling-to-be-taken-seriously folk who would show up at the inauguration of our 46th president dressed like Bernie.”

Fortunately, common sense still prevails amongst the populace and the Tweets in response put things back into perspective and hopefully, her in her place.

A couple of examples:


I will never embrace right-wing conservatism even though as a centrist Democrat I occasionally agree with them in principle on some issues.

But sh*t like this makes me understand why so many on the right hate the left.

This dumbass does not represent the majority of those of us on the left.

These idiots need to be roundly shouted down and not just by the right.

But by every one on the left who is concerned about our side's credibility.

Fuck off, you can try to play this as you being reasonable all you want to but you didn't "leap into action" until Bernie was attacked. This shit has been going on for a long time but it took Bernie being attacked for you to get off of your fat treasonous ass and say something.
Fuck off, you can try to play this as you being reasonable all you want to but you didn't "leap into action" until Bernie was attacked. This shit has been going on for a long time but it took Bernie being attacked for you to get off of your fat treasonous ass and say something.

I don't give two shits about Bernie "Old BS" Sanders.

He's a fraud and a shyster as far as I'm concerned and you're just a vomit-puking piece of used ass-wipe.

Fuck off, trashbag.
Yes, I know I have a long tradition here of championing the causes and agenda of the Democratic Party and the left in general. And I have argued vehemently against what I see as the intransigence of the right.

And I still feel the same. Nothing has changed.

I have, however, been known to speak out against my own side when the extremist fringe loonies have said or done things that even solid Democrats like myself find embarrassing, outrageous and beyond the pale.

A viral meme involving the outfit Bernie Sanders' wore on inauguration day has flooded the internet over the past few weeks.

It's a photo of him sitting alone in a chair bundled against the freezing cold with a puffy parka style jacket and mittens.


Apparently, Sanders has licensed the image and has used it to raise millions of dollars for various charities, including Meals On Wheels.

That's a good thing, right?

Not according to some San Francisco dipsh*t school teacher who saw it as a glaring and outrageous example of Bernie Sanders' "white privilege".

According to this dipsh*t whose name is Ingrid Seyer-Ochi, writing in a San Francisco Chronicle op-ed piece, Sanders' choice of clothing represented...

“privilege, white privilege, male privilege and class privilege” symbolized by Sanders’s choice of a relatively casual Burton snowboarding jacket and repurposed wool mittens.

Seyer-Ochi addressed the topic with her students, who she said were also upset by what they saw as the implicit message being delivered by Sanders’s choice of outerwear.

“What did they see? They saw a white man in a puffy jacket and huge mittens, distant not only in his social distancing, but in his demeanor and attire,” Seyer-Ochi wrote, adding, “What did I see? What did I think my students should see? A wealthy, incredibly well-educated and -privileged white man, showing up for perhaps the most important ritual of the decade, in a puffy jacket and huge mittens.

“I don’t know many poor, or working class, or female, or struggling-to-be-taken-seriously folk who would show up at the inauguration of our 46th president dressed like Bernie.”

Fortunately, common sense still prevails amongst the populace and the Tweets in response put things back into perspective and hopefully, her in her place.

A couple of examples:


I will never embrace right-wing conservatism even though as a centrist Democrat I occasionally agree with them in principle on some issues.

But sh*t like this makes me understand why so many on the right hate the left.

This dumbass does not represent the majority of those of us on the left.

These idiots need to be roundly shouted down and not just by the right.

But by every one on the left who is concerned about our side's credibility.

Since we're on a roll in San Francisco, here's another one for you. The argument being made is the use of acronyms reinforces white supremacy culture because it could be confusing for those whom English is not a first language.

Are acronyms a symptom of 'white supremacy culture?' SFUSD makes another disputable decision

First the San Francisco School Board decided to rename 44 schools because they are named after people with ties to racism or slavery. Now the Arts Department has taken a bold move by changing its name, "VAPA" because they say, "acronyms are a symptom of white supremacy culture."

Schools have yet to reopen in San Francisco, but their Arts Department has continued to work toward ensuring that all students have access to quality arts education.

The director of that department said, "We are prioritizing antiracist arts instruction in our work." So they got rid of the acronym "VAPA," which is short for visual and performing arts.

From now on, they'll simply be called SFUSD Arts Department.

"It is a very simple step we can take to just be referred to as the SFUSD Arts Department for families to better understand who we are," explained Sam Bass, Director of the SFUSD Arts Department.

In a letter, he explains that acronyms are a symptom of white supremacy culture.

"The use of so many acronyms within the educational field often tends to alienate those who may not speak English to understand the acronym," he added.

That's based on a 1999 paper written by author Tema Okun titled "White Supremacy Culture." Okun told me that, "Our culture perpetuates racism when things continue to be written down in a certain way."

But the San Francisco Unified School District uses so many acronyms on a daily basis that if you go to their website there's a section on how to find what their acronyms or abbreviations mean.

When we asked Mayor London Breed for her opinion, she was confused and thought we were asking her about the issue of renaming schools.

"We definitely need to have a robust conversation about what we need to do but not a rushed conversation," said Mayor Breed.

So does that mean that the acronym SOTA which stands for School of the Arts should now be called the Ruth Asawa School, period?

"In the same sprit of getting rid of acronyms I do believe in calling it Ruth Asawa," suggested Bass.

The school district told me there is no official policy or effort underway related to acronyms district wide.
I don't give two shits about Bernie "Old BS" Sanders.

He's a fraud and a shyster as far as I'm concerned and you're just a vomit-puking piece of used ass-wipe.

Fuck off, trashbag.

You do care about Bernie because Bernie is the guy you defended. Over the years there has been worse than this done and you said...nothing.

Idiot, let me explain to you (again) how this works. Critical Theory is unleashed on a society to destroy everyone, not just the people you don't like. You don't like the way Bernie was targeted? That's a mistake and you're showing your ignorance. Critical Theory isn't designed to discriminate targets. It's not a rifle that's used to attack only the people you don't like, it attacks everyone. It's a truck bomb and it takes everyone out regardless of social or political opinion. It destroys society...all of it not just the little bits you don't like. Reality check bitch, you're part of society as am I and as is Bernie, it goes after all of us so buckle up boy, the shit you've been defending on this forum for years is coming for you too.
You do care about Bernie because Bernie is the guy you defended. Over the years there has been worse than this done and you said...nothing.

Idiot, let me explain to you (again) how this works. Critical Theory is unleashed on a society to destroy everyone, not just the people you don't like. You don't like the way Bernie was targeted? That's a mistake and you're showing your ignorance. Critical Theory isn't designed to discriminate targets. It's not a rifle that's used to attack only the people you don't like, it attacks everyone. It's a truck bomb and it takes everyone out regardless of social or political opinion. It destroys society...all of it not just the little bits you don't like. Reality check bitch, you're part of society as am I and as is Bernie, it goes after all of us so buckle up boy, the shit you've been defending on this forum for years is coming for you too.

Fuck you, goofball.

I have NEVER defended Bernie Sanders.

I even speculated that if he had won the primaries and gotten the nomination over Biden, I might not even cast a vote for President last year.

So shut the fuck up, bitch.

You don't know what the fuck you're flapping your yap about.