The usurper lied and his suckers cried

Skip to 0:48 and hear the promise the usurper broke to the voters he bribed.

So, Biden has two significant Whoppers to his credit in his first two weeks. And these aren’t on the order of exaggerating the size of the inauguration crowd. Well, The Big Guy didn’t have a crowd size lol.

He lied about the $2000 checks and he lied about the China Virus. Biden’s central hook in the campaign was handling COVID better than Trump and a week into his term he says “we can’t change the trajectory”.

The media won’t report on it but there are some Biden voters with buyers remorse—and this is early.
So, Biden has two significant Whoppers to his credit in his first two weeks. And these aren’t on the order of exaggerating the size of the inauguration crowd. Well, The Big Guy didn’t have a crowd size lol. He lied about the $2000 checks and he lied about the China Virus. Biden’s central hook in the campaign was handling COVID better than Trump and a week into his term he says “we can’t change the trajectory”. The media won’t report on it but there are some Biden voters with buyers remorse—and this is early.

Can his defenders circle back to you on that, lol?

Of course they lied and liberals should be pissed also but they aren't.

They are more then willing to bend over and take it in the ass from their rulers.

They could cancel stimulus checks and these fucknuts would still be defending them.

Aww, dipshit seems triggered that he is going to get $2000, or maybe he isn't get it. Do those living in moms basement get a check or does their mom spend it on more booze.....
Of course they lied and liberals should be pissed also but they aren't.

Plenty of them are. #BIDENLIED is trending on Twitter, and "proud progressives" are moaning about not getting the $2,000 checks they were promised for voting for the two Georgia DEMOCRATS.
Aww, dipshit seems triggered that he is going to get $2000, or maybe he isn't get it. Do those living in moms basement get a check or does their mom spend it on more booze.....

I'm not the one making #BIDENLIED a trend on Twitter.

BTW, what happened to your claim?

They will get a total of $2000, and nothing more was promised.

“One of the first things that I want to do when our new senators are seated is deliver the $2,000 checks to the American families,” Sen. Chuck Schumer told reporters in early January.

Plenty of them are. #BIDENLIED is trending on Twitter, and "proud progressives" are moaning about not getting the $2,000 checks they were promised for voting for the two Georgia DEMOCRATS.

Republicans only want 1000 and apparently Biden is considering it but did you expect any different?

Even if liberals get upset all they have to say is Trump and the people will forget about it.

Thats how well trained they are.
Republicans only want 1000 and apparently Biden is considering it but did you expect any different?

Even if liberals get upset all they have to say is Trump and the people will forget about it.

Thats how well trained they are.

Biden rejected the GOP offer and will push forward with the original Bill and get it passed. Enjoy.
Republicans only want 1000 and apparently Biden is considering it but did you expect any different?




Of course they lied and liberals should be pissed also but they aren't.

They are more then willing to bend over and take it in the ass from their rulers.

They could cancel stimulus checks and these fucknuts would still be defending them.


Checks are a day late and a dollar short anyway.

This should have happened back in the Summer but Pelosi didn’t want Trump signing relief checks so close to an election. It’s so obvious that congress in general, and democrats in particular, don’t GAF about the working class it’s astounding.

It’s crap like that which led to the Reddit rebellion against the hedge funds. People are missing the mark on that—it was an apolitical populist revolt done by both lefties and righties. The COVID response [NOT the virus] led to a drastic increase in the wealth gap between the oligarch class and everyone else. It was the biggest transfer of wealth, well ever. And it’s obvious who congress and the Uni-Party works for.

These are interesting times.
Tue, but that would have made no difference to the result. Pieces of paper in the mail don't change their minds. The minute the PA Supreme Court let the DEMOCRATS do away with the election laws Trump was done.

Maybe Trump will bring that up in the charade—err I mean Senate trial.