And the goal of protests is to stop police from killing them. Burning down grocery stores was never the objective. Instead, they protest, and cops shoot and tear-gas them, and beat them, and hand out water bottles to shithead vigilante murderers who are sick of black people fighting for their rights.
The other thing here is that democratic politicians condemned the rioting and looting. Right-wing politicians congratulate the rioters at the capitol by trying to finish what they started with a vote to cast doubt on the election, and by calling them "very special people" that they "love."
I've been to BLM protests. Several. I've literally never once, EVER, seen a protestor loot/damage a store. Not once. Sure, I left by nightfall, but that's almost the entire thing the media covers. So hilljack dipshits like you in flyover country think all that's happening is ungrateful jerks burning down a store.
Here, this woman puts it much better than I can: