lets compare riots

Well it's implicit in your statement. You said it yourself, why would they destroy a grocery store? It accomplishes nothing. The only thing it accomplishes are new pairs of Nikes and flat screen TVs. Been that way since MLK's assassination.
If it happened, then I would have been aware. Are you referring to the 911 call reporting an attempted rape at CHAZ?

Is what not an attempted rape. Nor was that an attempted murder. Of course democrats had no problem with it. Peaceful protesting and all.
Witold, this is why you get yourself into trouble; you only see what you want to see. I never said anyone wouldn't come after me. You only want to believe I did. The facts are far different, son:

Witold, when you can see the difference between the your claim and my statement then maybe you'll be mature enough to go to college.

I'd recommend voc school first though.
Witold, this is why you get yourself into trouble; you only see what you want to see. I never said anyone wouldn't come after me. You only want to believe I did. The facts are far different, son:

Witold, when you can see the difference between the your claim and my statement then maybe you'll be mature enough to go to college.

You asked why BLM / ANTIFA would come for you!? Before stating you're not a deluded racist @$$hole.

Do you even know what you're doing Gramps!?
You're off your rocker.
A....you STILL dont get it. B.....It is not my neighborhood so I really dont give a shit if the people who live there have a grocery store or not. To most people that have a functioning brain its pretty simple.......If you want to have a grocery store,.....dont burn it down. :cool:

Burning down a grocery store in your own neighborhood doesnt do a damn thing to the cops. They could care less,.....they dont live there. Matter of fact it makes their job easier,.... one less business to watch over. Furthermore,....the grocery store didnt shoot anyone. Taking out things on them is not only wrong and immoral but it also does NOTHING besides leaving you without a grocery store. They will most likely collect the ins money and rebuild in a more worry free area,....they are probably HAPPY. The only ones hurt by it are those that live there. REALLY DUMB! This is called critical thinking and the ability to think things thru. You should REALLY get a whole lot better at it because right now you are just another in a long line of imbeciles that are losing the battle on every front and will continue to lose because you simply cannot THINK.

And the goal of protests is to stop police from killing them. Burning down grocery stores was never the objective. Instead, they protest, and cops shoot and tear-gas them, and beat them, and hand out water bottles to shithead vigilante murderers who are sick of black people fighting for their rights.

The other thing here is that democratic politicians condemned the rioting and looting. Right-wing politicians congratulate the rioters at the capitol by trying to finish what they started with a vote to cast doubt on the election, and by calling them "very special people" that they "love."

I've been to BLM protests. Several. I've literally never once, EVER, seen a protestor loot/damage a store. Not once. Sure, I left by nightfall, but that's almost the entire thing the media covers. So hilljack dipshits like you in flyover country think all that's happening is ungrateful jerks burning down a store.

Here, this woman puts it much better than I can:

I'd recommend voc school first though.

There's great job opportunities after VoTech. Career success varies on standard economic requirements such as supply and demand. There have been a lot of people who chose their careers based on what they wanted to see and not the realistic outcomes. Sure, an interior decorator could become rich and famous, but thousands of such graduates will be flipping burgers at the closest fast food restaurant within walking distance of their parents house. I've seen a lot of zoology and art majors working as secretaries and probably will be for their entire career. Some make very good money.