lets compare riots

People like him really piss me off because they dont think things thru. Now you have situations where you could have some poor single woman with kids that doesnt have a grocery store nice and close to her to feed her family. Now this womans life has been made MUCH harder because people decided that looting and burning are o.k. She didnt do a thing wrong,.... but now she has to pay the price for the looters foolishness. It sucks that people like that get hurt in the process....

Exactly. And it sucks even more that imbeciles like Jerome applaud it.
really what kind of person would that be ?
seems they mostly ruined their own city's and businesses and neighborhoods like typical proud lefty dumbasses

Notice that Antifa usually comes after the far-right groups?

I certainly ain't a part of the far-right group.
A....you STILL dont get it. B.....It is not my neighborhood so I really dont give a shit if the people who live there have a grocery store or not. To most people that have a functioning brain its pretty simple.......If you want to have a grocery store,.....dont burn it down. :cool:

Burning down a grocery store in your own neighborhood doesnt do a damn thing to the cops. They could care less,.....they dont live there. Matter of fact it makes their job easier,.... one less business to watch over. Furthermore,....the grocery store didnt shoot anyone. Taking out things on them is not only wrong and immoral but it also does NOTHING besides leaving you without a grocery store. They will most likely collect the ins money and rebuild in a more worry free area,....they are probably HAPPY. The only ones hurt by it are those that live there. REALLY DUMB! This is called critical thinking and the ability to think things thru. You should REALLY get a whole lot better at it because right now you are just another in a long line of imbeciles that are losing the battle on every front and will continue to lose because you simply cannot THINK.

Are you okay? You're actually saying that BLM had nothing to do with it. :laugh:

Exactly. And it sucks even more that imbeciles like Jerome applaud it.

Yep.....For people like Jerome and the looters I could care less if they have a grocery store because they did it. BUT....the vast majority of people who live there didnt loot anything, nor did they do anything wrong. Those are the people I feel bad for.
Did you even know what was going on in Seattle? I think you did.

Frankly, they can burn the whole liberal city down and start over. It's a Washington state problem, not a Washington DC problem.

I haven't heard about Antifa raping, but I haven't looked either.

Notice Seattle has a yuuuuuge homeless problem but no one wants to make a Federal case out of it. The problems could be related.

Seattle is under siege. Over the past five years, the Emerald City has seen an explosion of homelessness, crime, and addiction. In its 2017 point-in-time count of the homeless, King County social-services agency All Home found 11,643 people sleeping in tents, cars, and emergency shelters. Property crime has risen to a rate two and a half times higher than Los Angeles’s and four times higher than New York City’s. Cleanup crews pick up tens of thousands of dirty needles from city streets and parks every year....

...Ultimately, the success or failure of local government is a back-to-basics proposition: Are the streets clean? Are the neighborhoods safe? Are people able to live, work, and raise their families in a flourishing environment? We have the resources to contain the homelessness crisis, in Seattle and elsewhere. The question is whether political leaders will have the courage to act.
You said they wouldnt come after you, because of your anti racist beliefs, that's not necessarily true.

Witold, this is why you get yourself into trouble; you only see what you want to see. I never said anyone wouldn't come after me. You only want to believe I did. The facts are far different, son:
Why would BLM and/or Antifa come for me? I'm not a deluded racist asshole.

Witold, when you can see the difference between the your claim and my statement then maybe you'll be mature enough to go to college.