lets compare riots

Oh the horror of Dollar stores it's like slavery & another Holocaust.

The vast majority of Black slaves were sold to European colonial powers by other Black African tribes.

I don't know if you're on the autism spectrum, or what, but I'm done listening to your uninformed garbage. It's clear you have no interest in learning anything from anyone else. You just want to spouse confederate lost-cause nonsense.

On ignore you go.
Are you under the delusion that grocery stores in black neighborhoods are burned down on the regular? Stay off the fox news, crackhead.

NOT what I said. Why cant you follow along a simple train of thought? That might be the driving factor in your glaring stupidity.
I don't know if you're on the autism spectrum, or what, but I'm done listening to your uninformed garbage. It's clear you have no interest in learning anything from anyone else. You just want to spouse confederate lost-cause nonsense.

On ignore you go.

It's a historical fact a lot of Black slaves were POWs in African wars sold by other African tribes to the Western European colonists.
NOT what I said. Why cant you follow along a simple train of thought? That might be the driving factor in your glaring stupidity.

It's exactly what you implied. The riots happen when cops murder black people who are unarmed. Maybe fix that shit before we bitch about grocery stores covered by insurance.
It's also a fact thousands of Poles sucked Russian poles for over 50 years.

You cry about alleged anti Black oppression in the modern era.

But, then say cr@p like this gloating about anti Polish confirmed oppression during the Soviet era.

You are one of the most brutish, stupid, spiteful, and ignorant people I've ever seen.
It's also a fact thousands of Poles sucked Russian poles for over 50 years.

Poland freed the shackles of oppression by their own autonomy statehood.

Everyone without autonomy is oppressed to some degree.

People without statehood tend to be oppressed.

Exactly why I support a Black statehood.
It's exactly what you implied. The riots happen when cops murder black people who are unarmed. Maybe fix that shit before we bitch about grocery stores covered by insurance.

A....you STILL dont get it. B.....It is not my neighborhood so I really dont give a shit if the people who live there have a grocery store or not. To most people that have a functioning brain its pretty simple.......If you want to have a grocery store,.....dont burn it down. :cool:

Burning down a grocery store in your own neighborhood doesnt do a damn thing to the cops. They could care less,.....they dont live there. Matter of fact it makes their job easier,.... one less business to watch over. Furthermore,....the grocery store didnt shoot anyone. Taking out things on them is not only wrong and immoral but it also does NOTHING besides leaving you without a grocery store. They will most likely collect the ins money and rebuild in a more worry free area,....they are probably HAPPY. The only ones hurt by it are those that live there. REALLY DUMB! This is called critical thinking and the ability to think things thru. You should REALLY get a whole lot better at it because right now you are just another in a long line of imbeciles that are losing the battle on every front and will continue to lose because you simply cannot THINK.
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Im getting bored with schooling you on critical thinking now Jerome. For my money I simply do not believe you have it in you. Therefor it is merely a waste of my time and effort. I was going to take a small foray into Aristotelian logic with you as a way to help you grasp the concepts of critical thinking but I see now that it would be fruitless. You have to have some clay there to mold and you simply do not have enuff. You just stick with what your doing. Maybe next time you could burn up your own vehicle or chop off one of your own arms. THAT will REALLY show those cops! :laugh:
Great! Investigate them all. As a matter of priority, do you agree Federal corruption is more important to resolve than what other states are doing?

Please explain to me, Bob, why I should give a shit about assholes in Seattle over the assholes who attacked the Capitol?


well dutch when they come for you then maybe you will care. it wasn't just in Seattle by the way but across America now wasnt it. And you will be paying for the action of the blm riots for a long time you just dont get that do you
well dutch when they come for you then maybe you will care. it wasn't just in Seattle by the way but across America now wasnt it. And you will be paying for the action of the blm riots for a long time you just dont get that do you

Why would BLM and/or Antifa come for me? I'm not a deluded racist asshole.
They've killed Blacks.

Anti Racists don't necessarily get spared.

Look at Amy Biehl an anti Racist, anti Apartheid activist who went to South Africa & got killed by Blacks.

Murder is wrong no matter who is the murderer and who is the victim. Why do you disagree?

We all die one day, Witold. One day your daddy will be dead and one day your mommy will be dead. It could be tomorrow in an accident or 30 years from now. If people get sick, there's a little warning, but a headon with a cement truck or accident around the home is often sudden death.

You seem really worried about dying. Be braver about living and the dying part won't bother you so much. ;)
A....you STILL dont get it. B.....It is not my neighborhood so I really dont give a shit if the people who live there have a grocery store or not. To most people that have a functioning brain its pretty simple.......If you want to have a grocery store,.....dont burn it down. :cool:

Burning down a grocery store in your own neighborhood doesnt do a damn thing to the cops. They could care less,.....they dont live there. Matter of fact it makes their job easier,.... one less business to watch over. Furthermore,....the grocery store didnt shoot anyone. Taking out things on them is not only wrong and immoral but it also does NOTHING besides leaving you without a grocery store. They will most likely collect the ins money and rebuild in a more worry free area,....they are probably HAPPY. The only ones hurt by it are those that live there. REALLY DUMB! This is called critical thinking and the ability to think things thru. You should REALLY get a whole lot better at it because right now you are just another in a long line of imbeciles that are losing the battle on every front and will continue to lose because you simply cannot THINK.

Murder is wrong no matter who is the murderer and who is the victim. Why do you disagree?

We all die one day, Witold. One day your daddy will be dead and one day your mommy will be dead. It could be tomorrow in an accident or 30 years from now. If people get sick, there's a little warning, but a headon with a cement truck or accident around the home is often sudden death.

You seem really worried about dying. Be braver about living and the dying part won't bother you so much. ;)

You said they wouldnt come after you, because of your anti racist beliefs, that's not necessarily true.
well dutch when they come for you then maybe you will care. it wasn't just in Seattle by the way but across America now wasnt it. And you will be paying for the action of the blm riots for a long time you just dont get that do you

Actually they come over for people like you.

People like him really piss me off because they dont think things thru. Now you have situations where you could have some poor single woman with kids that doesnt have a grocery store nice and close to her to feed her family. Now this womans life has been made MUCH harder because people decided that looting and burning are o.k. She didnt do a thing wrong,.... but now she has to pay the price for the looters foolishness. It sucks that people like that get hurt in the process....