Where did I say force!?
I think better autonomy would solve a lot of resentment & quarrels.
seriously this is a stupid as the democrats here who called for a peaceful ethnic cleansing of trump supporters
Where did I say force!?
I think better autonomy would solve a lot of resentment & quarrels.
there was no insurrection you moron , if there had been there would of been thousands of armed citizens overrun the capital and take the house congress captive . but that's not what happens now is it some protesters got out of hand and some started a riot , its that simple of course drama queens like you try to dramatize the entire thing and make it look like something it wasn't.
no moron a riot is a riot plain and simple and the democrat riots did billions in damages closed people business forever looted and burned killed and drug people out of cars and beat them , thats apples and apples or morons and morons . the differance is I think they were both wrong while democrats supported democrats doing it
seriously this is a stupid as the democrats here who called for a peaceful ethnic cleansing of trump supporters
really thge police are doing that, odd it seems a pretty rare event . I dont have a cult leader ans no one tried to overthrow democracy ,
Om now Im a raciest also .
Odd none of my black and mixed raced friends or family think that.
Did a fucking cat walk across your keyboard?
I've noticed a very high correlation between shit grammar/endless typos/terrible spelling and racism.
Oh, and Jerome,....I dont like OR hate BLM. I mostly dont give a flying fuck about them AT ALL. They have zero affect on my life nor will they ever. I am however dead set against the burning and looting that happens at MANY of their protests. I also find it to be the very textbook definition of stupidity for people to burn up their own neighborhoods. THAT"LL SHOW EM!!![]()
What makes you less racist than Stone!?
You said Black& Brown people built America & left out Whites all together.
That sounds you know kind of racist.
This betrays an astonishing ignorance about black neighborhoods, and who owns property in those neighborhoods. (Hint: In the VAST majority of cases, Black people do not own any of it.)
In all seriousness, I recommend you do some reading about history. Not critical race theory, but just plain history. A great start is "Color of Law", by Richard Rothstein.
There are FAR more powerful entities that were at play ensuring that blacks never achieved one ounce of monetary or political success throughout the history of America.
I really have run out of words to describe your ignorance.
I think if Blacks had their own state the oppression would reduce.
Riiiight, MORE segregation is the answer.
Thinking Blacks & Browns built America without Whites is racist.
Whites are racist monsters, but we want Blacks to live among Whites.
Sounds you know kind of masochistic & idiotic.
The richest group is a racial & religious minority being Hindu Americans.
They did the vast majority of the hard labor. This is just a fact. Who built the White House and the Capitol? Who built the plantations? Who harvested the cotton? Did you know that cotton was the single biggest southern export BY FAR in the 19th century? The cotton industry itself spawned the entire practice of breeding slaves in America.
There is no way to educate you in the way you need to be via message-board forum. Lots of adults failed your fat, racist ass.
Yeah, and it's been explained to you about 16x that this is because of the PhD student visa/work visa pipeline from India to America. They weren't brought over in the bottom of 17th century boats, chained together.
Probably because racists are less feminine & feminine figures tend to have better grammar, spelling, general verbal skills, etc.
A lot of Trump fans are facing judges over that matter. Care to bet how many will plead out, roll on their friends but still do a little time in prison?
Who built the Erie Canal & Empire State building!?
Irish Catholics mostly.
Not ONLY Blacks harvested cotton.
Largely Ulster Irish indentured servants did too.
Who mined the coal in Appalachia!?
Largely Ulster Irish.
I have no clue if they will or not dutch and frankly dont care . they took part in a riot and deserve to be punished criminally.
I know thousands were arrested in the democrat riots and basically just let loose many were arrested several times dutch . but biden and harris helped bail them out by contributions