lets compare riots

The rest wasn't necessary. We all know PRECISELY of which images your statement was evocative. You INCESSANTLY rail with white grievance in BLM discussions, comparing the Capitol tragedy to any of the BLM marches, but you think you're safe by using "BLM" as a substitute for "NIGGER", don't you?

1...My wife is Bi racial. White/black

2...I dont call people niggers

3...If I wanted to I would, which I dont , but the reason I dont doesnt have SHIT to do with you wanting or not wanting me to.
1...My wife is Bi racial. White/black

Thomas Jefferson loved Sally Hemmings, bro. No one cares.

2...I dont call people niggers

Not to their face you don't.

3...If I wanted to I would, which I dont , but the reason I dont doesnt have SHIT to do with you wanting or not wanting me to.

The only reason to add this is to make sure we all see your RAGING insecurity. And inability to punctuate.
I dont live in a trailer. In fact I have a very nice 3/2 with a fireplace and game room. I also have a smaller home on the lake.

Yeah, you're like lots of those twats at the Capitol who pretend like they're "oppressed" even though the American dream was handed to them from birth (insert your childhood sob story that every white-trash POS who hates BLM trots out).
We've moved on from that, trailer-trash.

No reason to be mad at me,...YOU are the one who got caught red handed trying to portray my statement in a different light than what it was by parsing it up. Blame yourself for being such a low rent dirt bag to even try that with me and for being stupid enuff to think you could pull it off. Go lay down now.....FOOL.
Yeah, you're like lots of those twats at the Capitol who pretend like they're "oppressed" even though the American dream was handed to them from birth (insert your childhood sob story that every white-trash POS who hates BLM trots out).

White trash is a racist expression btw. Or are you not smart enuff to even know that. Jerome........I LOVE it when imbeciles like you TELL ON YOURSELF. Its very funny and amusing to me. :laugh:
No reason to be mad at me,...YOU are the one who got caught red handed trying to portray my statement in a different light than what it was by parsing it up. Blame yourself for being such a low rent dirt bag to even try that with me and for being stupid enuff to think you could pull it off. Go lay down now.....FOOL.

WTF are you talking about??

Your "statement" could've been "I don't use that term" and instead you turned it into a self-righteous rant about how white people loot, too. I was doing you a favor by editing it, you ungrateful shit sandwich.
Yeah, you're like lots of those twats at the Capitol who pretend like they're "oppressed" even though the American dream was handed to them from birth (insert your childhood sob story that every white-trash POS who hates BLM trots out).

Where's my White privilege!?
I've never found such a thing.
Oh, and Jerome,....I dont like OR hate BLM. I mostly dont give a flying fuck about them AT ALL. They have zero affect on my life nor will they ever. I am however dead set against the burning and looting that happens at MANY of their protests. I also find it to be the very textbook definition of stupidity for people to burn up their own neighborhoods. THAT"LL SHOW EM!! :laugh:
WTF are you talking about??

Your "statement" could've been "I don't use that term" and instead you turned it into a self-righteous rant about how white people loot, too. I was doing you a favor by editing it, you ungrateful shit sandwich.

Surrrrrrrrre you were. :rolleyes: C,mon Jerome....find the intellect somewhere inside yourself to put down the shovel. Im getting embarrassed FOR YOU.
What makes you less racist than Stone!?

You said Black& Brown people built America & left out Whites all together.

That sounds you know kind of racist.

He is in fact WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more racist than I am. Furthermore He knows it. He is just too much of a pussy to admit it. He likes to use race and racism as a crutch. Problem is......Nobody much really gives a fuck because they are busy making their own lives which is what he should be doing instead of whining like a bitch if he had any balls.
When police are systematically murdering you, it justifies protest.

When your cult-leader lies to you and tries to convince you to overthrow democracy, it does NOT justify protest. It makes you a terrible person (and a racist, in this case).

It's that simple.
really thge police are doing that, odd it seems a pretty rare event . I dont have a cult leader ans no one tried to overthrow democracy ,
Om now Im a raciest also .
Odd none of my black and mixed raced friends or family think that.
kinda odd how when the election happened the riots pretty well stopped , really odd and antifa cares about politics and I think you will see blm cares also, but tel me and be honest here which is worth going to jail over politics or tennis shoes. which did more damage to America ?

Of course politics did more damage to America.