lets compare riots

The drama queen? The scared for her life drama queen? I think not. Just look at her sternly and she will fall apart talking about how she was almost killed. Poor thing.

Yeah I am pretty sure you wouldn't be concerned when invaders storm your house.
He's a new poster with a picture of a pirate.

An old time pirate? Eye patch all that neat shit? First, pirates were never like that even back then. Today they wear Reebok shirts and sneakers. Maybe boots occasionally. Either way their heads all explode the same way.
And the goal of protests is to stop police from killing them. Burning down grocery stores was never the objective. Instead, they protest, and cops shoot and tear-gas them, and beat them, and hand out water bottles to shithead vigilante murderers who are sick of black people fighting for their rights.

The other thing here is that democratic politicians condemned the rioting and looting. Right-wing politicians congratulate the rioters at the capitol by trying to finish what they started with a vote to cast doubt on the election, and by calling them "very special people" that they "love."

I've been to BLM protests. Several. I've literally never once, EVER, seen a protestor loot/damage a store. Not once. Sure, I left by nightfall, but that's almost the entire thing the media covers. So hilljack dipshits like you in flyover country think all that's happening is ungrateful jerks burning down a store.

Here, this woman puts it much better than I can:

Hilljack in flyover country is a racist term. You STILL arent getting it. Have you ever traveled? Been anywhere at all? You realize that there is a whole big world out there I would hope. Many of the rural areas, like where I live, are not what you think they are,... at all. In fact....to us...YOU are the hillbilly. We live MUCH better than you by just about every metric. Education, quality of life, crime, ect ect. The place I live people in midwestern cities work their entire lives just to be able to move here buy a home and retire here. Your world view is laughable. You really need to get out and see the world.

Imagine being naive enuff to think that the whole of the country outside of the major cities is just a bunch of hillbilly ridden broken down shacks and trailers. :laugh: Like I said kid,....to us,...it is YOU who are the hillbilly rubes. You know those nicer suburbs just outside of the city? You know,....the place where most people stuck in the city are actually trying to get to some day. THAT is what most of rural America is. This isnt 1925 kid.................:laugh:
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Better than old, dumb, and boring.

Thanks for trashing the environment, gramps.

True about old. No doubt I'm old enough to be your grandpa, not just an elderly, and certainly wiser, uncle. Dumb is debatable. You might be smart but your emotions rule your head. Passion is a great motivator but it must be tempered with reason. I hope I'm not the first to inform you of this fact.

Excitement is overrated. If you wanted excitement you should have pursued an exciting career. Be honest, the only reason you want to be a lawyer is to make money, isn't it? You're just as bad as any person you condemn.
A good deal killed in the George Floyd protests appear to be minorities.


Think real hard, Witold. Do you think it had something to do something like the segregation thing you like so much and the deaths occurred in predominantly darker skin-toned neighborhoods?

You are goalpost shifting too much which indicates you have an undisciplined mind. Try to focus. You claimed "races", an undefined term, should be segregated into different states. I asked you to explain why and you've been failing ever since.
And the goal of protests is to stop police from killing them. Burning down grocery stores was never the objective. Instead, they protest, and cops shoot and tear-gas them, and beat them, and hand out water bottles to shithead vigilante murderers who are sick of black people fighting for their rights.

The other thing here is that democratic politicians condemned the rioting and looting. Right-wing politicians congratulate the rioters at the capitol by trying to finish what they started with a vote to cast doubt on the election, and by calling them "very special people" that they "love."

I've been to BLM protests. Several. I've literally never once, EVER, seen a protestor loot/damage a store. Not once. Sure, I left by nightfall, but that's almost the entire thing the media covers. So hilljack dipshits like you in flyover country think all that's happening is ungrateful jerks burning down a store.

Here, this woman puts it much better than I can:

The woman is talking very foolishly when she says THEY "whoever they is" are lucky black people arent looking for revenge. Heres why....both her, and you, are talking about black people being slaughtered by cops. Lemme tell you something kid,....the cops are basically NOTHING compared to the military. Shit,...they are nothing compared to just a group of right wing survival types because Cops have to play by rules. They also dont use heavy weapons. Blacks only make up 12.5% of the population and their numbers are actually declining. When she says THEY are lucky she is dead wrong, the fact is black people are the ones that are lucky they arent seeking revenge. They would be slaughtered, in short order. Not saying I want that to happen, Im just being real with you. Thats the Critical thinking thing again...LOL Talking foolishly and haughty doesnt solve anything or scare anyone because everyone knows the truth. Its not like its a secret...LOL
Think real hard, Witold. Do you think it had something to do something like the segregation thing you like so much and the deaths occurred in predominantly darker skin-toned neighborhoods?

You are goalpost shifting too much which indicates you have an undisciplined mind. Try to focus. You claimed "races", an undefined term, should be segregated into different states. I asked you to explain why and you've been failing ever since.

I've already explained, that statehood is the best way to limit oppression.

I really believe you're more than a tad bit retarded.
I've already explained, that statehood is the best way to limit oppression.

I really believe you're more than a tad bit retarded.

Your Israel vs the Arabs scenario doesn't appear to be working. Now, back full circle; what state are you going to force everyone to live? Where will Tiger Woods live? Kamala Harris?
Your Israel vs the Arabs scenario doesn't appear to be working. Now, back full circle; what state are you going to force everyone to live? Where will Tiger Woods live? Kamala Harris?

It actually works a lot better than when Jews had no state during the Holocaust.

I didn't say anything about forcing anything.

I just think we should declare a Black state is all.
It actually works a lot better than when Jews had no state during the Holocaust.

I didn't say anything about forcing anything.

I just think we should declare a Black state is all.

I'll raise you 6M dead Jews you are wrong.

Which state? What if no one cares to move, in or out? What's the plan?
I'll raise you 6M dead Jews you are wrong.

Which state? What if no one cares to move, in or out? What's the plan?

Because Jews had no state during the Holocaust.

The Globalists & Capitalists will never allow it, anyways.

Because Capitalists value Black cheap labor.
Globalist value using Blacks as a wedge against Whites.

Of course, you like most Western Europeans do as you are told.

Easily brainwashed peoples.
Because Jews had no state during the Holocaust.

The Globalists & Capitalists will never allow it, anyways.

Because Capitalists value Black cheap labor.
Globalist value using Blacks as a wedge against Whites.

Of course, you like most Western Europeans do as you are told.

Easily brainwashed peoples.

Jesus, Witold. Are you drinking again?

Skipping your Holocaust diversion, tell me which state you plan to ship all Americans of a certain skin tone. What about mixed race like Kamala Harris or Tiger Woods. It's okay if you don't know the answer. Just be man enough to admit it.