So you think that was a pertinent post? That says a lot about you. The death numbers are correct. It is you who are wrong.. You just throw shit at the wall hoping some sticks. The nimbers are inflated? really? Do tell us what you base that on. we have had a reporting system in place for a very long time and it has never been doubted. Now that Trump fucked up Corona, it has to be the tallying of deaths. It cannot be Trump.
What is the payoff for panic? The Dems are as vulnerable to Corona as the mentally bunkered righty are. Has there been a panic? nope. The Dems are following the rules, going to markets, wearing masks, and social distancing. The doubting of absolutely everything is the Repubiliqanon tactic. It must be scary to believe the left has such a well run plot, fooling everyone, during an epidemic. You should analyze better or do it at all. Do not believe every right wing thing you read. It ois makong you misinformed.