HR 127 is a way to confiscate guns

Rights do not come from a piece of paper.

Sure you can. Licensing is up to the State.

Sure you can. People do.

You can own a nuclear weapon.
Define 'military bomb'. Yes you can own bombs. I've even built a few.
You can own grenades.
You can own rockets. I've even built a few.
You can own mines. I've even built a few.

You are FOS, as usual.
I have admittedly not read the aforementioned house bill.

I do know this, however.

If the Tea Bagger Q'Anon Seditionist/Insurrectionist Trumpanzee Republican Party would negotiate reasonable safety compromises with their Democratic Party counterparts in Congress,
the Democrats would not be trying to shove over-reaching bills through on their own.

I am a firearms owner, a believer in private ownership of firearms, and a liberal. progressive Social Democrat.
Those of you on the Seditionist side have done NOTHING to protect legal firearms ownership with your absolutely insane positions.
Considering that, you're probably much too stupid to own firearms, and those who are not may suffer because of it.

No compromises with ANYONE that seeks to ban any weapon.
You are free to spout your insane bullshit and post your manifestos, sir. There's nothing illegal about being mentally ill.

In fact, it's really great that a paranoid schizophrenic American, like yourself, has the financiality and political freedom to do as you please. It's a testament to the greatness of the United States of America.


I agree it won't pass, but gun registration is not confiscation. Several states now have registration which is constitutional.

Compulsory gun registration violates the 2nd and 5th amendments. Both of those amendments applies to States, you know.
I don't know where you live, but in my state, a photo ID is $30.50. And a photo ID or a driver's license must be renewed every four years for a fee.

Then you're spending too much. Texas does not charge anyone for having their photo taken for the driver's license. Getting a photo taken for a passport can be done for as low as $6. There is no reason a photo ID for voter registration should cost anything at all.
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I think the bill will fail in the house my self and go now where,
but Im also sure that its just the first the democrat will try to bully into law. they still cant grasp the fact that guns don't kill people do .
Then you're spending too much. Texas does not charge anyone for having their photo taken for the driver's license. Getting a photo taken for a passport can be done for as low as $6. There is no reason a photo ID for voter registration should cost anything at all.

Well, it would be nice if the government issued free photo IDs.
Actually, you do.
You have the right to own a car, buggy, horse, whatever. You have the right to drive it. You are expected conform to the rules of the road. You are expected to pay the taxes to pay for public roads, and to conform to the rules to use them, but you have the right to drive on them. Licensing is either part of the tax, or a test to see if you are capable of handling the machine in a safe manner, or both.

But is is a right. If you can see well enough, and can pass a test of competency, you have the right to drive a car on public roadways.

In any case, you have the right to drive anything on your own license needed.

Similarly, you have the right to fly an aircraft, should you pass a test of competency for that machine. Like the car, you are expected to follow the 'rules of the road' as far as air travel is concerned.

Tests for competency does not remove a right. A right does NOT have to specified in a constitution.

There is no enumerated right in the constitution that gives you a right to own and drive cars. Pretending that there is some clause in the constitution that says that your right to drive and own vehicles cannot be infringed is just pretense. These two things cannot be compared in this context because they are not remotely the same.
We ought to repeal the Second Amendment.

If you want to restrict my right to own and bear arms then yes, that is the only constitutional path available. Personally I think you will fail to get that to pass with a 2/3 vote from congress let alone getting 3/4 of the states to agree as well.