HR 127 is a way to confiscate guns

Courts do not have authority to write law. See Article III.

Court decisions are legally binding although they are not laws.

If NYC prohibits handguns and the Supreme Court holds that law unconstitutional, that is binding law even though you don't think the courts have that authority to interpret the Constitution.
Court decisions are legally binding although they are not laws.
Not if they are issued beyond the authority of the court.
If NYC prohibits handguns
The SOTNY will do what it wants. It no longer recognizes any constitution. It's current form of government is an oligarchy, almost a a dictatorship.
and the Supreme Court holds that law unconstitutional, that is binding law even though you don't think the courts have that authority to interpret the Constitution.
The Supreme Court cannot write law or interpret the Constitution. They do not have that authority. See Article III. They MUST act UNDER the Constitution. They have NO authority OVER it.
It is binding law because it is in the Constitution of the United States, which the SOTNY does not recognize.