Verified User
Won't pass, it's a pipe dream even with control of all three houses and you cannot demand licensing of a right.
You might want to let New York know that.
Won't pass, it's a pipe dream even with control of all three houses and you cannot demand licensing of a right.
No court has to. No court has the authority to change or interpret the Constitution.
You might want to let New York know that.
Name-calling fallacy.
Name-calling fallacy.
The Constitution of the United States wasn't written in 1925.You are the one who denies the Constitution by denying incorporation
The Constitution is the ONLY authoritative reference of the Constitution. No court case, no judge, no law book. The Supreme Court does not have authority to interpret or change the Constitution.which makes you the "bad" American by refusing to learn basic constitutional principles included in all law books and and multiple Supreme Court cases.
You don't get to speak for the dead. You only get to speak for you.You also disagree with the founders who wrote the Constitution since they all knew the Bill of Rights was written to apply to the central government only.
You might want to let New York know that.
You claim the courts cannot interpret the Constitution; yet, you make several statements (mis)interpreting it according to court decisions.
I'm in jersey, it's way worse.
anyway, it's one step away from the SCOTUS taking a case on it.
You claim the courts cannot interpret the Constitution; yet, you make several statements (mis)interpreting it according to court decisions.
The moron has tried the same argument with me, that is literally the courts job, interpreting the constitution, if, how and where it applies.
Nothing but a troll, who BTW likely hasn't realized he on my troll list.
The Constitution of the United States wasn't written in 1925.
The Constitution is the ONLY authoritative reference of the Constitution. No court case, no judge, no law book. The Supreme Court does not have authority to interpret or change the Constitution.
You don't get to speak for the dead. You only get to speak for you.
No court has authority to change the Constitution of the United States. No court has authority to interpret the Constitution of the United States.
An argument was presented, fucktwit. Fallacy fallacy.
Paradox. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.I'm not speaking for the dead. Their own words and actions made their intent clear which you deny.
I do not deny the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments). I do not deny an part of the Constitution of the United States.You are seeking to interpret the Constitution by denying the words of the Bill of Rights
Courts do not have authority to interpret the Constitution. See Article III, which you deny.but deny the role of the courts to interpret.
You claim the states have that power; yet, the states all recognized the Bill of Rights only restricted the states completing refuting your interpretation.
Calm down. No need to spaz out when you're proven wrong.
Courts do not have authority to interpret the Constitution. See Article III, which you deny.
A fallacy is not a proof. Assumption of victory fallacy.
Try English next time. It works better.