Actually, you do.
You have the right to own a car, buggy, horse, whatever. You have the right to drive it. You are expected conform to the rules of the road. You are expected to pay the taxes to pay for public roads, and to conform to the rules to use them, but you have the right to drive on them. Licensing is either part of the tax, or a test to see if you are capable of handling the machine in a safe manner, or both.
But is is a right. If you can see well enough, and can pass a test of competency, you have the right to drive a car on public roadways.
In any case, you have the right to drive anything on your own license needed.
Similarly, you have the right to fly an aircraft, should you pass a test of competency for that machine. Like the car, you are expected to follow the 'rules of the road' as far as air travel is concerned.
Tests for competency does not remove a right. A right does NOT have to specified in a constitution.