Biden deploying B-1 bombers to Norway to send a message to Russia



No wonder they hate the Darknet.

There's a downside to political assassinations as noted in this Westpoint paper:

The research findings indicate that, in general, political assassinations are more probable in countries that suffer from a combination of restrictions on political competition and strong polarization and fragmentation.

More specifically, states that lack consensual political ethos and homogeneous populations (in terms of the national and ethnic landscape) and include politically deprived groups will face a decline in the legitimacy of the political leadership and the political system and an increase in the likelihood of direct attacks against political leaders. One of the most glaring examples of such a dynamic may be found in Sri Lanka, where the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, a group that represents the deprived Tamil minority, organized a bloody campaign of political assassinations against the political leadership of the state and the Sinhalese majority from the early 1980s until approximately 2009. And since these issues tend to be present mainly in times of electoral processes or of actual violent strife, one should not be surprised that our findings indicate that election periods or periods characterized by a general increase in domestic violence are moments when a country is more susceptible to political assassinations.

Another interesting finding is that the territorial fragmentation of a country is correlated with an increase in the number of assassinations. When a government loses control over some parts of a country to opposition groups, both sides are more willing to use assassinations to enhance their influence and to consolidate their status as the sole legitimate rulers of the polity...

...The study provides several important insights regarding the impact of political assassinations. In general, political assassinations seem to intensify prospects of a state’s fragmentation and undermine its democratic nature. The latter is usually manifested in a decline in political participation and a disproportionate increase in the strength of the executive branch.
fuck that . keep Russia from accessing it's own Arctic resources

uh huh. so we need to be in the Black Sea but Russia should stay out of the Arctic?? WTF??

The USA, Norway, Denmark, Canada are allies and all are Arctic nations which are fully justified projecting our interests into the Arctic Ocean. I do not see anyone saying Arctic Ocean is off limits to Russia

The Black Sea is international maritime waters and several of our NATO allies have territorial waters and economic interests in the Black Sea.
Another interesting finding is that the territorial fragmentation of a country is correlated with an increase in the number of assassinations. When a government loses control over some parts of a country to opposition groups, both sides are more willing to use assassinations to enhance their influence and to consolidate their status as the sole legitimate rulers of the polity...

...The study provides several important insights regarding the impact of political assassinations. In general, political assassinations seem to intensify prospects of a state’s fragmentation and undermine its democratic nature. The latter is usually manifested in a decline in political participation and a disproportionate increase in the strength of the executive branch.[/FONT]

Yeah it sounds very familiar. Seems paradoxical.
Of late??? Putin has been pretty fucking confident for the past four years. Let's see how confident he is next year. :)

The Chinese will best be contained with a united front of all the other WestPac nations with the support of the USA.

Ya, over the last year especially the Russians seem to have convinced themselves that they have our number...Watching the nation melt down internally is the reason I think.
America is self absorbed, under a Revolution, and as Bret and Heather name it suffering from collective psychosis....We are almost none of is either paying any attention nor willing to take on the Empire if we were....this is the perfect time to strike America and the West....its time to change the board in the Empires advantage.

They will almost certainly be successful, America and the West are ready to fall.
Ya, over the last year especially the Russians seem to have convinced themselves that they have our number...Watching the nation melt down internally is the reason I think.

Why do you think that is? What, in your opinion, is the best solution to counter Russian aggression and overconfidence?

He's going to be a lot angrier when a Russian patriot finally has the guts to cap Putin in the back of the head and free Russia of his tyranny.

I believe Putin has less support than state media polling claims he has.

Most of my relatives in the Russian Federation are openly announcing they are pro-Alexei Navalny on their Facebook pages. I grant that my relatives tend to represent the urban, educated middle class of Russia, and that Putin undoutedly has significant support with the rural and more conservative rubes in the hinterland. But Russian revolutions and civil disobedience always came from the cities, not from the villages
....Putin is missing toadstool right about now

The US Air Force is deploying B-1 bombers to Norway for the first time in a move that sends a clear message to Moscow that the US military will operate in the strategically important Arctic region and demonstrate that it will defend allies in the area against any Russian aggression close to the country's border.

Four US Air Force B-1 bombers and approximately 200 personnel from Dyess Air Force in Texas are being deployed to Orland Air Base in Norway, and within the next three weeks, missions will begin in the Arctic Circle and in international airspace off northwestern Russia, according to multiple defense officials.

Until now, military missions over the Arctic had been largely staged out of the United Kingdom. The movement of forces much closer to Russia means the US will be able to react more quickly to potential Russia aggression, officials say.

"Operational readiness and our ability to support allies and partners and respond with speed is critical to combined success," said Gen. Jeff Harrigian, commander of US Air Forces in Europe and Africa.

Read more:

Big deal. What's he doing with China???

Chinese H-6 Bombers Heard On Radio Confirming Orders For Simulated Attack On U.S. Aircraft Carrier Near Taiwan
January 29, 2021 China, Troubled Areas

Unsurprisingly, the package of 13 Chinese combat aircraft, (including eight H-6 bombers) entering Taiwan’s ADIZ last Saturday were carrying out a mock attack on USS Theodore Roosevelt.

As already reported in detail, a total of 28 aircraft, including as many as eight PLAAF (People’s Liberation Army Air Force) H-6 bombers, “intruded” into Taiwan’s ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone) between Jan. 23 and 24, 2021.

In particular, we noticed that the mission on Saturday Jan. 23, was conducted as the Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group (TRCSG), led by USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier entered the South China Sea (SCS) “to conduct routine operations”.
Yeah it sounds very familiar. Seems paradoxical.

Part of that goes with the idea that revolutions, or any destruction of the established order, results in chaos. There is no way to predict the outcome of chaos. In humans, when there is no order, then might makes right. It's like the law of the West; anything goes until order can be established/reestablished.

Consider the American, Cuban, French and Russian revolutions. With the exception of the United States of America, all the others ended in dictatorship; authoritarian rule.
Why do you think that is? What, in your opinion, is the best solution to counter Russian aggression and overconfidence?


As I keep trying to beat into your head it is not the Russians we need to worry about, they will do nothing much with out China's OK....It is the Empire that we are dealing with.

Till you can track that far talking to you on this subject is pointless.
Big deal. What's he doing with China???

Chinese H-6 Bombers Heard On Radio Confirming Orders For Simulated Attack On U.S. Aircraft Carrier Near Taiwan
January 29, 2021 China, Troubled Areas

Unsurprisingly, the package of 13 Chinese combat aircraft, (including eight H-6 bombers) entering Taiwan’s ADIZ last Saturday were carrying out a mock attack on USS Theodore Roosevelt.

As already reported in detail, a total of 28 aircraft, including as many as eight PLAAF (People’s Liberation Army Air Force) H-6 bombers, “intruded” into Taiwan’s ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone) between Jan. 23 and 24, 2021.

In particular, we noticed that the mission on Saturday Jan. 23, was conducted as the Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group (TRCSG), led by USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier entered the South China Sea (SCS) “to conduct routine operations”.

What do you think we should do about that, Stretch.

Personally, when I heard Trump blame China for their sneak virus attack on the US I advised him to nuke Beijing, but, you know Trump, he pussied out.

As I keep trying to beat into your head it is not the Russians we need to worry about, they will do nothing much with out China's OK....It is the Empire that we are dealing with.

Till you can track that far talking to you on this subject is pointless.

Which Empire is it this week that you are paranoid about?

Both Russia and China are a threat. That's why it's important to work with our allies in the West and the East to neutralize the threat.
Which Empire is it this week that you are paranoid about?

Both Russia and China are a threat. That's why it's important to work with our allies in the West and the East to neutralize the threat.

Like I said, you dont pay enough attention to me to be worth my time.

Do some homework and come back if you like.
Was she with BLM in Washington DC screaming to burn it all down? ;)

Meet Zoë Roth.


She hates it when online trolls use Disaster Girl to publicise ‘gross captions’, and warped political sentiments, citing an alarming instance when someone photoshopped her face onto Hitler’s body.

Those trolls just cannot help themselves. :rofl2:

As to your question, I do not know but I bet you the BLM/Antifa would have made her a spokeswoman. ;)