Biden deploying B-1 bombers to Norway to send a message to Russia

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I wonder what her opinion of bullshit that is occurring today. :thinking:

I like the meme. Here's the background:

Wow. Thank you for the video. I had a laugh then later I realized that she's pretty popular and is having a good time of her life. She doesn't let trolls get to her.

I like giving Millennials shit, but I think they are going to be the Greatest Generation of the 21st Century. Look at all the shit they've grown up with.

War on Terror
Banks melt down
Housing market melts down
The Great Recession
The Great American Political Divide
2020 - both Trump and the COVID Pandemic.

I just hope it gets better from here. Too much excitement for me.
And here I was just wondering where/when OBiden's going to start a war. It's only a matter of time
and the MIC is snapping its jaws and foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog after Trump didn't let them do anything.

Putin is sick or something..I don't think he's even running Russia right now..there was talk of retirement.

yeah, Joe should suck Vlad's dick like Donny to keep him happy

got it sport
Here is the thing the Dim-Wits need to get through their heads....China does not give a flying fuck about our messages....because they dont give a flying fuck what we think.

They have a plan, the are executing said plan, so far the plan is going far better than they had reasonably expected because they did not know till recently that the West is dying.
As I keep trying to beat into your head it is not the Russians we need to worry about, they will do nothing much with out China's OK....It is the Empire that we are dealing with.

Till you can track that far talking to you on this subject is pointless.

The next big battle is 6G, it's imperative that the Chicoms don't control that like they have 5G.
The next big battle is 6G, it's imperative that the Chicoms don't control that like they have 5G.

Do you have any answers for how Americans can remain stunningly willfully ignorant about China, and pretty much the rest of the world too, other than the complete collapse of the education system and journalism, in the once great now headed for really hard times and boy have we earned it USA?
Do you have any answers for how Americans can remain stunningly willfully ignorant about China, and pretty much the rest of the world too, other than the complete collapse of the education system and journalism, in the once great now headed for really hard times and boy have we earned it USA?

I'd been saying for a few years that the West needed to wake up to the huge risks from Chinese scientists and graduates acting as spies in Western universities.
I'd been saying for a few years that the West needed to wake up to the huge risks from Chinese scientists and graduates acting as spies in Western universities.

Jordan Peterson says that we must never lie to ourselves, because once we do and we keep going there is near a 100% chance that we will lose the ability to tell truth from lie....I am pretty sure that this is the critical fault of the West...Why the West is dying and now is so impotent and both mentally and emotionally a wreck....all set up to be Empire road kill......we lost whatever it is that gives people the stones to face the truth.
Jordan Peterson says that we must never lie to ourselves, because once we do and we keep going there is near a 100% chance that we will lose the ability to tell truth from lie....I am pretty sure that this is the critical fault of the West...Why the West is dying and now is so impotent and both mentally and emotionally a wreck....all set up to be Empire road kill......we lost whatever it is that gives people the stones to face the truth.

Indeed, all the effing -isms devised by the Left do exactly that.
Indeed, all the effing -isms devised by the Left do exactly that. are signing on to this being the root cause? Very few people even know enough to know that the West is dying, and very few who know that the West is dying give an answer for why the West is dying....and losing the will to face the truth, losing the will to face reality being the reason the West is dying is just one of many answers given.

What is your confidence level? are signing on to this being the root cause? Very few people even know enough to know that the West is dying, and very few who know that the West is dying give an answer for why the West is dying....and losing the will to face the truth, losing the will to face reality being the reason the West is dying is just one of many answers given.

What is your confidence level?

The Dems needed the Chicoms to win the election and they still need them. are signing on to this being the root cause? Very few people even know enough to know that the West is dying, and very few who know that the West is dying give an answer for why the West is dying....and losing the will to face the truth, losing the will to face reality being the reason the West is dying is just one of many answers given.

What is your confidence level?

See posts 48 and 51!! Oh and attack the Smug White Liberal culture which is responsible for so much craven kowtowing to the likes of BLM and cultural Marxism.
Last edited: are signing on to this being the root cause? Very few people even know enough to know that the West is dying, and very few who know that the West is dying give an answer for why the West is dying....and losing the will to face the truth, losing the will to face reality being the reason the West is dying is just one of many answers given.

What is your confidence level?

Maybe the West is dying because people who know better, people who constantly harp on the "revolution" watch the revolutions sporting events because not doing so might inconvenience you just a little bit and we can't have that can we?