This wasn't a waste of time

They're 'too big to fail'. They're going to be a drain on the taxpayer for years. Perhaps the upper level mgmt. should take a 50% pay cut.

Agreed. I was surprised Congress did that. Not sure about the drain, but it's certainly been a rough transition the past few years.

Nationalize the airlines? Democrats love that stuff. :)
Agreed. I was surprised Congress did that. Not sure about the drain, but it's certainly been a rough transition the past few years.

Nationalize the airlines? Democrats love that stuff. :)
The first round of PPE made its way to quite a few rather wealthy individuals/corporations that didn't need it. We never found out exactly who was rewarded for having the best legal teams with paperwork at the ready, as it was considered classified by the previous admin..

It tends to happen whenever emergency funds are disbursed by the Feds.. They're really not set up for proper scrutiny.
The first round of PPE made its way to quite a few rather wealthy individuals/corporations that didn't need it. We never found out exactly who was rewarded for having the best legal teams with paperwork at the ready, as it was considered classified by the previous admin..

It tends to happen whenever emergency funds are disbursed by the Feds.. They're really not set up for proper scrutiny.

For that very reason.

Oddly, the whole Trumper/Qanon/Militia angst is a reaction (a bad reaction but still a reaction) to the type of elitism you are referencing. True, Trump is an elitist himself and the people following him are fucking morons following a fucking moron, but that angst about elitism remains true.
Hello Flash,

I remember. People are often overly optimistic about the chances of success for their own side. Every week liberals had a new issue that was sure to get rid of Trump--emoluments, income taxes, business dealings, Mueller report, Stormy, Ukraine....

I underestimated the power of propaganda.

The simple fact that there are so many people who believe in BS, and are willing to support a leader who embraces it, gives that leader the power to do bad things and get away with it.

Our government derives it's power from the people.

Our president derives his/her power from the people.

If the people can be fooled into believing falsehoods, then our country can be guided by those who would use propaganda as a tool toward nefarious ends.

It doesn't matter if you believe in what's truly right.

If more people seriously believe in what is wrong, they prevail.

Hence, the future of our country, our future, is largely the battle for virtue and truth.

Are we a country which values merit, values doing the right thing, caring for one another, building a future?

Or do we just want selfish consumption and plunder.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Agreed. I was surprised Congress did that. Not sure about the drain, but it's certainly been a rough transition the past few years.

Nationalize the airlines? Democrats love that stuff. :)

I would sort of support that. Maybe take over some of it. There should be a public option for flying. Let commercial airlines compete for luxury flying. There should be something akin to public city bus systems for national air travel.

And we need other options, too.

What we really need is a modern efficient high speed electric train system.

An efficient affordable transportation system would enhance our economy like nothing else could.
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I underestimated the power of propaganda.

The simple fact that there are so many people who believe in BS, and are willing to support a leader who embraces it, gives that leader the power to do bad things and get away with it.....

Events like January 6th can't be created out of thin air. Demagogues tap into already existing emotions, mostly anger.

Hitler tapped into the angers of the German people over the oppressive Treaty of Versailles and its negative impact on the German economy.

The communists tapped into anger of the Russian people against the excesses of the Russian monarchy.

Joseph McCarthy tapped into the fears of the Communists.

Trump tapped into the angers of middle class Americans seeing their lives slide toward lower income while the elites fiest on caviar and champagne.

Ignoring problems, be it elitism or cops shooting people based on their skin tone, doesn't make them go away. Like an infected wound, those problems fester until they erupt.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

I would sort of support that. Maybe take over some of it. There should be a public option for flying. Let commercial airlines compete for luxury flying. There should be something akin to public city bus systems for national air travel.

And we need other options, too.

What we really need is a modern efficient high speed electric train system.

An efficient affordable transportation system would enhance our economy like nothing else could.

Socialism/Nationalizing industry doesn't work in the long run for modern nations. It only works in Third World Shitholes.

Transportation is essential to commerce, so any of those options that reduce costs and improve efficiency would benefit the nation.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Socialism/Nationalizing industry doesn't work in the long run for modern nations. It only works in Third World Shitholes.

Transportation is essential to commerce, so any of those options that reduce costs and improve efficiency would benefit the nation.

Well, I have a more open mind about socialism. I used to buy in to the whole meme that it's always bad, if it's let loose it will destroy capitalism, that productivity will fall off a cliff, it ends up turning into communism and totalitarianism where you have no freedom and the government tells you what to do, runs your life, etc, etc, etc.

But I took a fresh look at it. I dropped all my preconceptions and tried to just look at what's really going on with socialism. I had to admit there are a lot of countries with a lot of socialism. And it's not destroying them. Far from it, they are doing fine, their people are healthier than we are, and they live longer. There is less wealth inequality. Their executives earn 15-20 times what the average worker earns, the executives are rich, and the people earn enough to have good lives.

And we are a country with socialism.

No matter.

Existing industries don't have to get bought out by the government if they don't want to. The government could start offering competition. Create a public option. Maybe set up some bare-bones military transport flights and open up ticket sales to the public. I wonder if covering the proportional overhead of operating military planes would create competitive ticket prices...
The prosecution really did their homework. They are laying out the case brilliantly. And it's important for Americans to see the logical progression, and connect the dots on this one.

Trump was reckless and irresponsible, and put our republic at risk. What's happening now is all about accountability. Don't give us the "he's out of office - what good will this do?" nonsense, or "this will just further divide the country!" Trump did what he did. We shouldn't sweep it under a rug.

And can you imagine any other trial where half of the jury says ahead of time that they already know what verdict they plan to render, without even seeing the evidence presented? Or where they doodle while the prosecution is making its case?

One has to be mentally ill to support a partisan clown show like this. There was no coup. There was no insurrection. Both adjectives are the pabulum for low IQ mental midgets who think that people engage in those acts UNARMED. I know, the idiots in the Party of the Jackass now want to claim baseball bats are weapons. They are morons.

Attempting to use impeachment for a FORMER President is also MORONIC. Impeachment is used to REMOVE politicians from office, not to impugn them after they have left office.

John Roberts refusal to sit through the Senate clown show is further evidence of what a massive FARCE this clown show is.

It is a compete waste of time knowing that you cannot get a 2/3rds majority to convict. But then, this is not the purpose of the dishonest, Fascistic assholes in the Democrartic Party of the Jackass. Their goal is to foment hatred of Trump, his 74 million supporters and make a mockery of our political system which is providing temporary cover for the farce this election was and is.

But alas, clown show impeachments are intended for low IQ mental cases like you who will parrott this stupiity endlessly on social media. Yay you!
I don't understand how there is any accountability even if the Senate votes to convict. However, since we know they don't have the votes there will be no conviction. Either way, accountability is only a symbolic concept.

The real accountability was the election result.

The FAKE election results? :rofl2:
Well, I have a more open mind about socialism. I used to buy in to the whole meme that it's always bad, if it's let loose it will destroy capitalism, that productivity will fall off a cliff, it ends up turning....

Socialism doesn't work above the tribal/village level in a world of limited resources.

If civilization had access to unlimited energy and the tech to 3D print anything using rocks/dirt as a feed material, then Socialism would have a better chance of working.

The bad news is that, despite the tech, human beings remain the same flawed simians they've always been.
No, denying Trump from holding public office again is a profound statement of accountability.

^Willful dumbass thinks they will get 17 Republicans to vote to convict.

Hello Dutch Uncle,

Socialism doesn't work above the tribal/village level in a world of limited resources.

If civilization had access to unlimited energy and the tech to 3D print anything using rocks/dirt as a feed material, then Socialism would have a better chance of working.

The bad news is that, despite the tech, human beings remain the same flawed simians they've always been.

Of course socialism works just fine in modern advanced societies all over the world. We have it right here in the USA. Socialism is not the problem.

The problem is capitalism; producing greed, which buys out and corrupts government.
But the coup failed so his defeat was the punishment. Trump is not likely to seek office again (although his lawyer says he is the mayor of Mar-a-Lago). Trump is very unlikely to go to jail and only those white supremacist groups with a record of illegal acts can be deemed terrorist. There is nothing illegal about being a white supremacist by itself.

Right, sure, when someone attempts a coup and fails, we consider the failure punishment enough and let them go about their life.

That has happened in literally no society, ever.
We need far better regulation of our capitalism, and we need to get better at using socialism to help the masses as opposed to the dole. Ya know some countries have free day care for all workers? Their governments decided that would be a good thing for society. It didn't destroy their economy. And new parents get a year off with pay. Health care is free, and they work fewer hours a year than we do. They all get a month or more of paid vacation every year.

And those countries are doing just fine.

Sounds nice, doesn't it?