Biden Opening Schools

trump has failed our students very badly. It will take time for Biden to turn this around... But there is another force entering the picture.

UK Prime Minister Johnson was adamant that schools not be closed. He got as many schools open as possible. Then he saw the evidence of infections with the new strain of Covid-19, and immediately shutdown all schools. There is preliminary evidence that the new strain is more infectious with children than the old strain. Everything is preliminary at the moment, but it is not looking good.

I disagree with you...
but no surprise in your choice of words..."this is Trump's fault and Biden will save you...."
Biden is not sending kids back to school...period...
Online learning is for a very specific type of student...most certainly not the majority....this year is pretty much a wash....
You should realize're a parent, correct?
Online education is a mixed bag. Not as good as we would all like, but not a waste like you claim.
Biden is sending students back to school in an organized way, not like trump who was completely useless.
it;s useles and it means parents have to be the teacher for grade school kids
High schoolers can handle some -I had lecture hall in Catholic HS and thats EZ when you are older
HS can handle some online

The year is basically a wash. kids dont have enough grasp of subject matter to pass to next grade.

I remind Trump was encouraging school openings last year once it was found out kids are poor transmitters.

This is like 6+ months later and Biden is still saying teachers need more money (Covid relief bill)
while not even jawboning for teachers to go back to work. I aint all about the money.

Schools are capable of social distancing, masks and partitions.

Biden was yammering about "new ventilation" systems -how long is that going to take??
Very true....But keep in mind that many people who home school are still active with the extra curricular activities and "socialization" with the "dangerous kids" at what would be their children's "home school"....
If by "blaming a democrat" you mean unions....well, call it like it is....

and if many who home schooled were still active with extra curricular socialization with minority kids, as you laughingly spew, why can't they do it now?

even you have to know not everyone in a union, benefiting by being in a union, are democrats. why do you like showing your ignorance?

the GOP used to fully endorse unions, back when Ike was president, and even after for awhile. But then again, Ike was the last republican president worth a damn. and it was the heyday of the middle class- the strong unions are, the stronger the middle class is.

it;s useles and it means parents have to be the teacher for grade school kids
High schoolers can handle some -I had lecture hall in Catholic HS and thats EZ when you are older
HS can handle some online

The year is basically a wash. kids dont have enough grasp of subject matter to pass to next grade.

I remind Trump was encouraging school openings last year once it was found out kids are poor transmitters.

This is like 6+ months later and Biden is still saying teachers need more money (Covid relief bill)
while not even jawboning for teachers to go back to work. I aint all about the money.

Schools are capable of social distancing, masks and partitions.

Biden was yammering about "new ventilation" systems -how long is that going to take??
It's been nearly a hard as everyone has worked, it's just not been successful....particularly for special needs students....
There's plenty of money if it's spent appropriately...but that's always been the case....Every school is going to have different issues to be addressed....
Don't get me started on teacher's unions....;)
Teachers...good teachers...just want to teach...I'm pretty sure I didn't go in it for the $$$$...
and if many who home schooled were still active with extra curricular socialization with minority kids, as you laughingly spew, why can't they do it now?

even you have to know not everyone in a union, benefiting by being in a union, are democrats. why do you like showing your ignorance?

the GOP used to fully endorse unions, back when Ike was president, and even after for awhile. But then again, Ike was the last republican president worth a damn. and it was the heyday of the middle class- the strong unions are, the stronger the middle class is.

They can, if the activities are available....what do "minority students have to do with this?
I "benefited" from the union....the first ten years were ok....but then....
It was basically a "requirement" to belong, so one of the best parts of retirement was to be free from what they had become...;)
It's been nearly a hard as everyone has worked, it's just not been successful....particularly for special needs students....
There's plenty of money if it's spent appropriately...but that's always been the case....Every school is going to have different issues to be addressed....
Don't get me started on teacher's unions....;)
Teachers...good teachers...just want to teach...I'm pretty sure I didn't go in it for the $$$$...

you are a clown who lets her bias and right wing bullshit override any common sense you might have- the perfect trump stooge. how the hell do you know there is enough money in every school of every school district in this country, you loudmouthed bozo? you are not going to get quality teachers if they don't get paid enough. you could never really pay teachers, or cops, or nurses, or doctors what they are worth, but we sure as hell can pay them enough so they do not have sacrifice their own standard of living just to do such vital, important jobs. unions help teachers and cops and nurses get better pay and more benefits.
Presidents do not have the power to force open schools. Schools are controlled by local governments, with colleges controlled by state government and private boards. The Federal Government controls a few schools (West Point, and schools on military bases abroad), but very, very few.

trump tried to open schools for a year, and failed completely. The problem was he made threats, and hid information.

Biden is trying to get reasonable plans out there, and is responding to governing agencies concerns. In just three weeks, I have seen multiple colleges agree to open for in class learning this Fall. Before none were willing to commit to that, they were playing it by ear. Primary and secondary schools are opening in phases starting in a few weeks. Republicans complain that students will only go in one day a week at first, but that is a full day more than trump was able to get. As trust rises, it will be more days.

There are several problems coming. England shutdown their schools, again, because they found the new strain was more transmittable by younger people than the old strain. We are getting the new strain, so plans might change a month from now.

But we are moving in the right direction.

Well Alter, the sciencey science has been on the side of school openings for months and the teachers unions have been against it. In fact, there was NEVER good evidence to close schools. Consequently, ‘we’ stood by and watched as teen suicide numbers jumped up, kids were deprived of sports and an education. This bone headed and immoral policy disproportionately affected poor kids and minorities, not to mention, households where both parents worked.

It’s nothing short of an outrage that all schools didn’t open in the Fall. But you’re right about one thing: President lacks the authority to do much about it.

If the teachers union finally relent, finally, does that mean Biden will get credit for ‘opening the schools’, Alter-Walter?
you are a clown who lets her bias and right wing bullshit override any common sense you might have- the perfect trump stooge. how the hell do you know there is enough money in every school of every school district in this country, you loudmouthed bozo? you are not going to get quality teachers if they don't get paid enough. you could never really pay teachers, or cops, or nurses, or doctors what they are worth, but we sure as hell can pay them enough so they do not have sacrifice their own standard of living just to do such vital, important jobs. unions help teachers and cops and nurses get better pay and more benefits.
There's wasted money in every school district....People still go into teaching and the other professions you mention-it's not about money.... but, yes...they all should be paid more...
So, I guess the unions aren't doing their jobs...are they? If you want to discuss teaching ina rational adult way, I'd be glad to...
I taught a few years, you know....;)
Well Alter, the sciencey science has been on the side of school openings for months and the teachers unions have been against it. In fact, there was NEVER good evidence to close schools. Consequently, ‘we’ stood by and watched as teen suicide numbers jumped up, kids were deprived of sports and an education. This bone headed and immoral policy disproportionately affected poor kids and minorities, not to mention, households where both parents worked.

It’s nothing short of an outrage that all schools didn’t open in the Fall. But you’re right about one thing: President lacks the authority to do much about it.

If the teachers union finally relent, finally, does that mean Biden will get credit for ‘opening the schools’, Alter-Walter?
Excellent points and questions....
Well Alter, the sciencey science has been on the side of school openings for months and the teachers unions have been against it. In fact, there was NEVER good evidence to close schools. Consequently, ‘we’ stood by and watched as teen suicide numbers jumped up, kids were deprived of sports and an education. This bone headed and immoral policy disproportionately affected poor kids and minorities, not to mention, households where both parents worked.

It’s nothing short of an outrage that all schools didn’t open in the Fall. But you’re right about one thing: President lacks the authority to do much about it.

If the teachers union finally relent, finally, does that mean Biden will get credit for ‘opening the schools’, Alter-Walter?

I was waiting for the teen suicide talking point....funny how fox gets all emotional and cries great big crocodile tears about teen suicide and poor minority kids being screwed over because of teachers not wanting to become infected, and thus trump stooges repeat their bullshit, but there is so much video of them downplaying the hundreds of thousands of Americans KILLED BY COVID, of them siding with trump about not using masks, it is all a hoax, not really that dangerous, and mainly old people being killed anyway...but crying about 20 extra teen suicides in a month? and where is their empathy for poor kids when they cheer trump cutting funding for head start programs and food stamps?

hypocritical, much? how can you stand yourself?
So you don't want to seriously discuss the school situation? OK...If you change your mind, let me know........

I just destroyed all your dumbass talking points. do you really like being embarrassed so much you want to discuss it some more?
Excellent points and questions....

And we both know the answer lol.

When schools run wide open Biden *will* get the credit. Just like he will get credit for any positive development on the CCP Virus front. Just like everything that went wrong or the medical bureaucracy got wrong in it—was blamed on Trump.

Just think, we have four years of this nonsense to look forward to.
And we both know the answer lol.

When schools run wide open Biden *will* get the credit. Just like he will get credit for any positive development on the CCP Virus front. Just like everything that went wrong or the medical bureaucracy got wrong in it—was blamed on Trump.

Just think, we have four years of this nonsense to look forward to.
No one is looking forward to the nonsense....I think they see the dangers that are right down the's impossible not to....
No one is looking forward to the nonsense....I think they see the dangers that are right down the's impossible not to....

how can even you two stooges deny how awful trump's response to covid was? he fucking lied for 2 months about how dangerous it was, and you two assholes want to give him a medal. when he first found out how awful this was, instead of admitting it, consulting with experts, using contact tracing to quarantine infected folks and urge masks and social distancing, the fucker lied and said it was no big deal, not much different than flu, a democratic hoax....and you assholes say "so what?"
how can even you two stooges deny how awful trump's response to covid was? he fucking lied for 2 months about how dangerous it was, and you two assholes want to give him a medal. when he first found out how awful this was, instead of admitting it, consulting with experts, using contact tracing to quarantine infected folks and urge masks and social distancing, the fucker lied and said it was no big deal, not much different than flu, a democratic hoax....and you assholes say "so what?"
We're not saying so what....we're discussing schools....
No one is looking forward to the nonsense....I think they see the dangers that are right down the's impossible not to....

Well, it’s a minimum of two years before anything of any significance can be done about it.

OTOH, Democrats are demonstrating a stunning amount of hubris. I don’t even know where to start with it. One of the constants of the universe is hubris leads to nemesis.

It’s only a question of what form it will take.
how can even you two stooges deny how awful trump's response to covid was? he fucking lied for 2 months about how dangerous it was, and you two assholes want to give him a medal. when he first found out how awful this was, instead of admitting it, consulting with experts, using contact tracing to quarantine infected folks and urge masks and social distancing, the fucker lied and said it was no big deal, not much different than flu, a democratic hoax....and you assholes say "so what?"

While I agree the CCP virus wasn’t Trump’s shining moment, his actions/non-actions, rhetoric, whatever he told Woodward [wtf was he thinking in even talking to Woodward] or etc HAD NO EFFECT ON THE OUTCOME.

Because, China’s communist bastards *willingly* allowed their infected citizens to seed the planet with a highly contagious respiratory virus while they AND their buddies the WHO were lying about human to human transmission.

Boom. Trump and everyone else is knocked out of the equation. By the time Trump was talking to Woodward it was too late. It would have been literally impossible to track down every asymptomatic infection out of a population of 320 million. Even if the testing infrastructure was adequate it would have been impossible to contain it due to the size of our population, rate of immigration and a host of other factors.

And before you go there with the comparisons to other countries, understand that all countries are unique because of culture, the degree the government can exercise control of the population, rate of obesity, age, population density and etc.

It’s apples and oranges so don’t waste my time with it.