Trump Acquitted 43-57..The Plan is working!

Its stupid. You know as well as I do what R A would do to some militia group who only had access to small arms. Wouldnt be much of a fight...To say the least. :laugh:

Regular Army? How the fuck do they figure into it? Posse Comitatus, just like your old terrorist gang. This will be strictly between US law enforcement and a core of militia. It wouldn't take many as McVeigh proved. Those experienced in such ops would be recruited to plan it.

Better planning increases chances of mission success.
I don't like to often say "always" or "never", but with this vote, I will most certainly not vote for a single Republican locally, regionally, at the state level, or federally in 2022 and 2024. I actually like a lot of my local Republicans and have supported them with votes and donations in the past. Now they can sink with their McDonald's blimp.

I am a former straight ticket Republican voter. I was also a unreliable indifferent and spotty voter. Because Republicans are such irredeemable
cowards and human filth, I will always vote in every election possible and never vote for a Republican forever until I die. It's a blood oath now.
I owe it to them.
Regular Army? How the fuck do they figure into it? Posse Comitatus, just like your old terrorist gang. This will be strictly between US law enforcement and a core of militia. It wouldn't take many as McVeigh proved. Those experienced in such ops would be recruited to plan it.

Better planning increases chances of mission success.

Meh,.... your making too much out of it.
I'm wondering who the militias will target next. The 'stop the steal' incentive to riot and burn down the capitol is gone, State House siege? been there done that. Could be we see rogue terrorists doing small hits for a while, until Trump shits out a whole new outrage to light them up.
I'm wondering who the militias will target next. The 'stop the steal' incentive to riot and burn down the capitol is gone, State House siege? been there done that. Could be we see rogue terrorists doing small hits for a while, until Trump shits out a whole new outrage to light them up.

My theory? I would not be one bit surprised to see a militia group attack a BLM/Antifa riot type event that got out of hand. Especially if the cops were once again told to stand down. That pisses EVERYONE off. Not only would they be seen as hero's by many.... they would also lay waste to the riotous idiots. The militia types may think by mowing the rioters down it could trigger a much larger/broader, civil war type event that would make people choose sides. A triggering EVENT.

But Militias attacking govt buildings or anything like that? Naw,...I dont think so....
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Think about it.....Rittenhouse was just one kid and he was purely firing from a defensive position to keep people from attacking him. He took out three. Now imagine a whole militia, well armed, at a full blown antifa/blm riot complete with burning buildings??? Total bloodbath on a grand scale. The rioters wouldnt even know what hit them. THAT is the worry for those tasked with stopping such things...
An alternate theory on why the Republicans resisted the Impeachment so hard, despite the fact well over 17 of them had their lives at risk on January 6th:

The Republicans don't want Trump around much less running for office or influencing any elections under the Republican banner. An impeachment stops Trump from running for office, but not from influencing Republican elections. Think Greene times a dozen.

trump will not be running for POTUS again. I think he'll be dead in 4 years, or very near it. Remember...the office ages everyone who sits in the Oval. trump looks like shit right now. I'd say he lost at least 5 years while in office. Add to that the fact that he never liked being POTUS, save for the attention. He'll get just as much or more attention if he sticks to his plans to bilk as many people out of as many billions as he can.

trump holds grudges forever. It's more important to him to put as much money (none of his own), or more accurately put as much jowl flapping in support of candidates who will challenge every one of his grudges. It failed miserably when he was in office. I have to wonder how it will work in two years?

As for the Republican party...they can rot in hell. Cruz and Hawley should be prosecuted for their actions leading up to the terrorist attack. I'm hoping trump costs them another 25% of the seats in all of Congress.

How Trump knew about these assholes and tapped into them remains a bit of mystery, but there's no doubt he was involved, along with Miller and probably Junior.
He didn't know about them. He knew that he had to pander to the NRA in '15/'16.

It was quite by accident that he began to notice those you reference. Once he saw the sheer numbers, he played to the under educated with guns. They never stood a chance.

Let them see where following trump gets them.
trump will not be running for POTUS again. I think he'll be dead in 4 years, or very near it. Remember...the office ages everyone who sits in the Oval. trump looks like shit right now. I'd say he lost at least 5 years while in office. Add to that the fact that he never liked being POTUS, save for the attention. He'll get just as much or more attention if he sticks to his plans to bilk as many people out of as many billions as he can.

trump holds grudges forever. It's more important to him to put as much money (none of his own), or more accurately put as much jowl flapping in support of candidates who will challenge every one of his grudges. It failed miserably when he was in office. I have to wonder how it will work in two years?

As for the Republican party...they can rot in hell. Cruz and Hawley should be prosecuted for their actions leading up to the terrorist attack. I'm hoping trump costs them another 25% of the seats in all of Congress.

He didn't know about them. He knew that he had to pander to the NRA in '15/'16.

It was quite by accident that he began to notice those you reference. Once he saw the sheer numbers, he played to the under educated with guns. They never stood a chance.

Let them see where following trump gets them.

Interesting points, but guns are a side issue. IMO, the Democrats have demonized the NRA so much for the past 30 years that they'll be lost if it folds up.

The elements that make up the core of Trump's militia base are much more complex than simply guns and clutching a bible.

Agreed that Trump's health would be a factor in his making a serious run at reelection.
Yeah,...I'd say Im old enuff. Gonna be 57 in a few months.

Those people are fucked depending upon their levels of involvement, but the hunt will be the same in order to resolve who is who.

Their future is grim with all grim endings.
I am a former straight ticket Republican voter. I was also a unreliable indifferent and spotty voter. Because Republicans are such irredeemable
cowards and human filth, I will always vote in every election possible and never vote for a Republican forever until I die. It's a blood oath now.
I owe it to them.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I love people who go from one extreme to the other. Soooo nutty. LOL
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I love people who go from one extreme to the other. Soooo nutty. LOL

Most people in here are fake nuts, me...its comedy. But that dude is a for real nut. Total fucking goofball. Cant believe a word he says either. Pathological liar.
Most people in here are fake nuts, me...its comedy. But that dude is a for real nut. Total fucking goofball. Cant believe a word he says either. Pathological liar.

Agreed that some are nuttier than others.
Agreed that some are nuttier than others.

He hates me the most, and has said so. Reason being,....I get under his skin the most,...not hard to figure out. Why do I get under his skin the most? He is a super easy target... :laugh:
He hates me the most, and has said so. Reason being,....I get under his skin the most,...not hard to figure out. Why do I get under his skin the most? He is a super easy target... :laugh:

Some people like to fight. Left or Right the emotional ones aren't happy if they aren't bitching and moaning about something.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I love people who go from one extreme to the other. Soooo nutty. LOL

No, it's pure rationality. The exact same realpolitik used in foreign policy. Their unacceptable action (electing Trump) begets the worst consequences I personally can visit on them.
They should know that instead of say, electing the twirp Rubio, they did the unthinkable, electing a criminal gameshow host conman unethical asshole.

That day I made my pledge, not today.