trump will not be running for POTUS again. I think he'll be dead in 4 years, or very near it. Remember...the office ages everyone who sits in the Oval. trump looks like shit right now. I'd say he lost at least 5 years while in office. Add to that the fact that he never liked being POTUS, save for the attention. He'll get just as much or more attention if he sticks to his plans to bilk as many people out of as many billions as he can.
trump holds grudges forever. It's more important to him to put as much money (none of his own), or more accurately put as much jowl flapping in support of candidates who will challenge every one of his grudges. It failed miserably when he was in office. I have to wonder how it will work in two years?
As for the Republican party...they can rot in hell. Cruz and Hawley should be prosecuted for their actions leading up to the terrorist attack. I'm hoping trump costs them another 25% of the seats in all of Congress.
He didn't know about them. He knew that he had to pander to the NRA in '15/'16.
It was quite by accident that he began to notice those you reference. Once he saw the sheer numbers, he played to the under educated with guns. They never stood a chance.
Let them see where following trump gets them.