Republicans say it outloud

If the seditionist pachys like to project their own fascism on the Democrats, why didn't those insurrectionist terrorists disappear sometime between arrest and arraignment?

Yet another opportunity lost from my perspective.
If the fascists insist in calling us fascists, we may as well act like it, just until we get things straightened out.
No moderate solutions for radical problems, after all.

I think your side has fascist pretty well nailed down lol.

Don’t fascist dictators use the military to threaten the opposition?
The charge that sticks is all that matters. If they are smart they won’t over charge. Prosecutors don’t like to lose—you can probably figure it out from there.

Those dumbasses are all guilty. Whether they are simply fined and/or go to prison is up to the courts.

I'm guessing most will simply be allowed to plead guilty to a felony, pay a fine and go home on 5 years probation. Probably restricted from Internet communications with political groups, terrorists, etc.

The planners of this little hoe-down are going to prison for a long time. At least 10 years, maybe 20. Same for any who assisted in the conspiracy to attack the Capitol be it simply moral support (they knew in advance), money or material goods.
The charge that sticks is all that matters. If they are smart they won’t over charge. Prosecutors don’t like to lose—you can probably figure it out from there.

After prosecutors presented their cases to a federal grand jury, many insurrectionists have been charged with serious offenses: felonies that come with the potential of significant time in federal prison.

In addition to criminal complaints, the government has secured federal grand jury indictments against a number of defendants, including conspiracy cases against defendants who allegedly worked together during the attack on the Capitol. A number of U.S. Capitol attack defendants have been indicted on serious charges — nearly a dozen on Wednesday alone.

As the indictments come back, it appears as though felony charges are going to be the norm for many defendants. Their online bragging, disclosures during FBI interviews and searches of their property after their arrests are giving prosecutors what they need to secure felony indictments.

One common charge is obstruction of an official proceeding and aiding and abetting, in violation of Section 1512(c) of the U.S. Code. While 1512 is better known for its witness-tampering provisions, part of the law outlaws corruptly obstructing, influencing or impeding an official proceeding

Your Proud Boyz won't be so proud after all, mutherfukker!!!

If it was as an insurrection it was historically inept lol.

An actual insurrection would be more covert [at first at least]; involve way more *active* firearms and a lot less cellphones; no obvious jokers like the shaman would he involved.

Basically, if it was an actual insurrection it would have ended in a blood bath with the Trump supporters ending up in the losing side. There simply weren’t enough of them that were armed to do anything more than what they did, which was cause some damage [I’m sure Antifa scoffs at the degree of it] and causing the cops to herd some politicians to a more secure location.

A BIT LIKE when Trump had to be shuffled off to a bunker while the raging leftists were burning Saint John’s church and occupying Lafayette Square.

Btw lefties and Trump haters, isn’t flushing the President of the United States out of the WH a bit like an insurrection?


Giggle giggle. If they caught the politicians it would have been much worse. They would have killed them. They injured 140 cops in that LOL insurrection and trashed the nation's capitol.
What terrorist organization would that be lol?

The one or ones who planned the insurrection AKA "civil war".

In some ways it looks like a mix of Charlie Manson's Helter Skelter plan and the Turner Diaries. These guys were living a fantasy, an alternate reality that, within a single day, came crashing down on them like being thrown into ice water. I'm guessing a near perfect 10 the cases will be resolved with plea deals including the agreement to spill their guts on everything they know or it's prison.

The trials will be for the leaders because it's better to plead not guilty with a chance of acquittal rather than plead guilty to a life sentence...if not the death sentence given they knew deaths were not just possible but probable....which in ops like this is a certainty. Ergo, premeditated actions resulting in the death and same but for a law enforcement all the maimings of police. THOSE trials will be the fun ones. LOL

I'm guessing major arrests within the year, all the pleas this year, and the few that go to trial may not come to light for a few years. 3-5 years....which is a mere fraction of the time they are facing. No bail, time served.

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Ah no. You and your pal, who has disappeared and I suspect was part of this, kept signaling that something was going to happen on the 6th. Now you're going to claim that this isn't what you were talking about?

ROTLFMFAO!!!! So what else happened that we missed? You are a clown.

What PAL? You moron...
so a lot of Republicans think Toomey's 'conscience" is as fucked up as that of the demmycunts........why don't you folks vote based on intelligence instead?......
He's free to throw his money at any politician he likes, but if he knowingly gave money to a terrorist organization, he'll have some 'splainin' to do to the FBI and the IRS. LOL

But that would mean that ANYONE who ever gave a cent to BLM needs go be arrested by the feds and looked at by the IRS. BLM burned buildings,..looted business, shot and killed people. But the BLM defenders say you cannot hold BLM responsible for what a FEW do. Same logic would come into play here. Cant have it both ways. Suck it...
What PAL? You moron...

Know, he didn't call himself 'you moron' I think he said he was 'SmarterthanYou. Turns out he wasn't. You were both talking about hearing concrete information from higher ups. Don't think that someone hasn't looked into that, I guarantee you that they did. The difference is that he might have ACTUALLY known something, unlike you, who didn't know jack shit.
A couple of great examples of the utter lack of integrity and ethics from some of our favorite Republicans are making headlines today.

Let's start with the censuring of Pat Toomey by state and local GOP officials in Pennsylvania. His crime was to vote his conscience and listen to the evidence presented in the trial. A state GOP official, David Ball, had this to say about Toomey:

"We did not send him there to vote his conscience. We did not send him there to do the right thing or whatever he said he was doing. We sent him there to represent us."

'Us' apparently meaning the Trump Cult. Yep, you heard that right, this guy doesn't want a Senator to do the right thing, he wants a Senator who follows the orders of Donald J. Trump.

Which leads us to Ron Johnson, the Trumpkin Senator from Wisconsin, who really thinks you can't have an insurrection without guns and shooting:

"This didn't seem like an armed insurrection to me," the Oshkosh Republican said in an interview on WISN-AM with conservative talk radio show host Jay Weber, after condemning the events at the U.S. Capitol that day. "I mean 'armed,' when you hear 'armed,' don't you think of firearms?"

Yep, bear spray, spears, hockey sticks and other blunt objects aren't really weapons, so no big deal. Johnson did get one thing right, as he went on to say this:

"If that was a planned armed insurrection, man, you had really a bunch of idiots."

Yep Ron, it sure was a bunch of idiots. In other words, it was Trumpkins just like you.

Fake News.
Sure they were. They had it planned. They had their tactical gear, their maps, and had identified their targets. They were just completely hapless. Which is no surprise. Me and the whole world DO know it.

What civil war?

You are hallucinating. You don't get to speak for the whole world either. You are not God.
But that would mean that ANYONE who ever gave a cent to BLM needs go be arrested by the feds and looked at by the IRS. BLM burned buildings,..looted business, shot and killed people. But the BLM defenders say you cannot hold BLM responsible for what a FEW do. Same logic would come into play here. Cant have it both ways. Suck it...

BLM has a desire to make America a better place. They are fighting to keep minorities from being beaten and killed by police. If they win, we will be closer to our promise.
The Trumpian insurrectionists were trying to destroy the American experiment and install a dictator. I don't know how you can like that, but reds are haters and good followers.