For those bashing a great American Patriot in Rush Limbaugh!

YOU dumb mother-fucker don't even know the difference between a Patriot and Expatriot!

Rush Limbaugh was the symbol and messenger of hate!

And the world is a much better place without him- AND SOMEDAY IT WILL BE A BETTER PLACE WITHOUT YOU TOO!

You, and those like you, are traitorous, leeching, scumbag democrats! Why don't you just shove your head farther up your own arse, maybe you will be able to see out of your mouth, the man exposed liberal tripe for what it is liberal tripe. Power is all they care about, and that just to empower themselves some more !
He was not racist. If he was racist, why hire Bo Snerdly?
Uh...what about Antifa and BLM, both funded and supported by DEMOCRATS??? How is an opinion on a radio program, 'damage'?
You obviously have never listened to Rush's show.

Just your usual hate speech.

You can hire a person and be racist. That "i have black friends" argument doesn't fly.

ANTIFA is a garbage group that i hope is prosecuted for any crime they commit.

BLM is a great cause. The BLM name has been hijacked by the fringe. Most people who support the ideas of BLM are peaceful and I agree with.

When ideas are meant to divide they are damaging. I am not, and will not compare the people or ideas however plenty of ideas have been damaging (Hitler) as an example.

I have listened to Rush. In fact he is part of why I voted for GW. I used to be gullible and uninformed. I listened to his conspiracies about smoking being safe. I listened to his "Barack the magic negro".

I watch him refuse to acknowledge 1 positive thing President Clinton accomplished.

He disrespected over 50% of this country because he didn't believe smart people could disagree with him.

He loved himself more than this country. He is what is wrong with our politics.

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You, and those like you, are traitorous, leeching, scumbag democrats! Why don't you just shove your head farther up your own arse, maybe you will be able to see out of your mouth, the man exposed liberal tripe for what it is liberal tripe. Power is all they care about, and that just to empower themselves some more !


Your assholes abused their power, and now look who is IN POWER!

The man was a true Patriot who exposed traitorous Liberals and gave more than the liberals who claim to be for the down trodden!

That's rather quite humorous, the guy spends a lifetime promoting hate, disunity, and racism regardless of validity in order to turn a buck for himself but because he spreads around some of his millions he's a nice guy, as I said, humorous.

Not celebrating his death, passing is never a good thing, but face facts, the guy was a pimp

And only the right would consider a person a patriot cause he has a radio show
That's rather quite humorous, the guy spends a lifetime promoting hate, disunity, and racism regardless of validity in order to turn a buck for himself but because he spreads around some of his millions he's a nice guy, as I said, humorous.

Not celebrating his death, passing is never a good thing, but face facts, the guy was a pimp

And only the right would consider a person a patriot cause he has a radio show

Wolverine is a Hatriot- He just can't spell!

The man was a true Patriot who exposed traitorous Liberals and gave more than the liberals who claim to be for the down trodden!

Exposing traitorous liberals is what Joe McCarthy claimed to be doing and we now look on that period in American history as shameful.

Rush was influential and successful, not "great." Before he switched to constant liberal bashing I used to enjoy his discussions of issues until he talked about things I knew a lot about and then I didn't think he was very informed.

I used one of his first books in my classes along with a book on liberalism to give contrasting views.