For those bashing a great American Patriot in Rush Limbaugh!

Exposing traitorous liberals is what Joe McCarthy claimed to be doing and we now look on that period in American history as shameful.

Rush was influential and successful, not "great." Before he switched to constant liberal bashing I used to enjoy his discussions of issues until he talked about things I knew a lot about and then I didn't think he was very informed.

I used one of his first books in my classes along with a book on liberalism to give contrasting views.

When I was younger I used to listen to Rush. I read both his books and I subscribed to his newsletter. At a certain point I just stopped. It's been years since I had last heard his show.
When I was younger I used to listen to Rush. I read both his books and I subscribed to his newsletter. At a certain point I just stopped. It's been years since I had last heard his show.

My friends would always claim some topic was not being covered by the mainstream media and I would ask them how they knew since they claimed to never read it. The answer was always "I heard it on Rush" although I had usually read several stories about the topic. I also heard that same answer several times from C-SPAN callers.

The man was a true Patriot who exposed traitorous Liberals and gave more than the liberals who claim to be for the down trodden!
