Well we all know the Taking a Knee and Blue Live Matter was all Bull Shit

America will never forget the Radicalized right wing Domestic Terrorists who were ordered by Trump to commit treason and storm the Capitol.
They're just as bad as the radicalized muslim terrorists who terrorized America on 9/11.

Osama Bin Laden = Qanon Shaman

Who loves Biden? All who know him find him to be an honest and honorable man. Dems think he is too in the middle and not progressive enough. He won the election, but not because he was way , way left. The Dems are not attached to Biden like reds are to Trump. We can actually criticize him and do. Biden is not threatening the existence of America, trumpies are.
Are you a member of Qanon? How about Proud Boys? Boogaloos or Oath Keepers?
What radical right-wing domestic terrorist group are you a member of?

Just curious.

Or maybe it's this one:


none as a mater of fact Im against such groups just like the blm and antifa group only radical ASSHOLE like you get involved with such
none as a mater of fact Im against such groups just like the blm and antifa group only radical ASSHOLE like you get involved with such

Oh, I guess you have to be a good liar to join those groups. Well, you certainly check that box.

How much money have you given to Trump's Election Fraud Defense Fund? Don't feel bad. Many dumb, gullible Trump supporters like you got scammed by him, too.
Oh, I guess you have to be a good liar to join those groups. Well, you certainly check that box.

How much money have you given to Trump's Election Fraud Defense Fund? Don't feel bad. Many dumb, gullible Trump supporters like you got scammed by him, too.

I have never donated a die to trumps election the republican party or any related organizations , I do however give money to animal groups locally and the salvation army, and to a local homeless shelter and food bank in the form of money and goods as I rotate out my pantry from time to time and my freezers. Also to a veterans group that helps wounded soldiers .

How about you do you give to blm and antifa and the democrat party along with the old transsexual group home and the communist party
I have never donated a die to trumps election the republican party or any related organizations , I do however give money to animal groups locally and the salvation army, and to a local homeless shelter and food bank in the form of money and goods as I rotate out my pantry from time to time and my freezers. Also to a veterans group that helps wounded soldiers .

How about you do you give to blm and antifa and the democrat party along with the old transsexual group home and the communist party

How can you say you support Trump when you don't donate to his causes? Why didn't you donate to his Election Fraud Defense Fund if you think the election was fraudulent?
And you call yourself a Trump supporter. You should be ashamed of yourself. I hereby censure you.

I donate to St. Judes and Shriner's hospitals every month. I also donate to Leukemia/Lymphoma yearly in my niece's name as well as Parkinsons foundation in my brother's name. Those others you mentioned (not sure why), I don't support them so I don't donate to them.

You support Trump yet you don't donate to him? You're a fucking hypocrite, BullshitBob.
