Boston schools cancel advanced classes for high performing students because of racial


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Boston public schools cancel new advanced classes for high performing students because of racial inequalities

Boston Public Schools officials said that a program with advanced learning classes would be cancelled over concerns that the classes served disproportionate racial groups.

The district analysis found that more than 70% of the students in the program were white or Asian

Translation: “If blacks won’t study then let’s keep the white and Asian kids from studying.”
Boston public schools cancel new advanced classes for high performing students because of racial inequalities

Boston Public Schools officials said that a program with advanced learning classes would be cancelled over concerns that the classes served disproportionate racial groups.

The district analysis found that more than 70% of the students in the program were white or Asian

Liberalism has to bring people down rather than bring them up.

All you do is complain about black people.
Drop advanced learning classes..mostly whites and Asians

Let’s drop basketball. Mostly blacks

Same reasoning as they are using.