No proof of election fraud?

Am I?

I've been warning about this for almost a year.

Elections are coming. DEMOCRATS want America to vote by mail. Here's why

DEMOCRATS are trying to steal the election. Here's the proof

Will DEMOCRATS try to use the Chinese disease pandemic panic to steal the election?

The DEMOCRAT insurance policy for 2020

Mail voting is highly susceptible to fraud. DEMOCRATS deny it. Guess why.

News that leftists won't like

The greatest threat to American democracy in history is moving forward

When DEMOCRATS deny they want to make voting by mail the new normal, they lie
It's going to be codified in federal law soon.

And blood will be spilled to fix that.
Or not, there may be quite a bit of extrajudicial things going on, though.
Any Rep or Senator that votes for that is a straight-up traitor that's against having fair elections in America.
That's a bridge too far.
You were warned

Devious DEMOCRATS are using the Chinese disease pandemic panic to steal the election

Biden spent decades warning of voter fraud — now called a myth by DEMOCRATS

Why e-voting isn't a good idea if you value election integrity

The pernicious progressive plot proceeds

I was right - DEMOCRATS are using the Chinese disease to make you vote by mail

DEMOCRAT cheating in the news

What is the pandemic panic all about?

The wake-up call that too many conservatives are failing to heed

Mailing it in: how DEMOCRATS stole the election & installed a pretend-president

No, every vote does not count

What JPP conservatives are failing to see
We know the changes to election law made by executive authorities in swing states were not Constitutional therefore the election wasn't kosher. That's all we need to hammer on, over and over because there is no defense against it.

For years, the left has denied that voter fraud is a problem by setting a curious standard: It’s not “widespread.”

Never mind that voter fraud never is “widespread.”

It’s always targeted at key races.

Case in point is Pennsylvania, which was, if you will pardon the pun, the keystone state of the 2020 elections, and DEMOCRATS have carefully laid the groundwork to commit targeted fraud.

The election rules put in place by the Pennsylvania legislature were dismissed by the DEMOCRAT-dominated Pennsylvania Supreme Court to allow:

  • Mail-in ballots that were received and counted up to three days after Election Day.
  • Ballots that arrived late without a postmark "must be presumed to have been mailed before Election Day.”
  • Signatures on mail-in ballots didn’t have to match those on record to be counted.
Pennsylvania’s high court, by the way, is elected in partisan elections.

The DEMOCRATS on the Pennsylvania state supreme court stripped Pennsylvania election officials of any practical way to prevent fraud.

Not only did the state’s supreme court tilt the scales, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro (DEMOCRAT) promised that Joe Biden would win the election no matter what. He said, “If all the votes are added up in PA, Trump is going to lose. That’s why he’s working overtime to subtract as many votes as possible from this process. Try us, we’d be happy to defeat you in court one more time.”

When anyone brings up concerns about voter fraud, the left howls scream that "it’s a myth" and accuse the GOP of "trying to suppress the vote".

DEMOCRATS used the Pennsylvania courts to make voter fraud legal in the state that decided the election.
LOL proves my point. Is happy about the election when it's clearly going to bring the destruction of the country. LOL good luck, pal

The only people that tried Cheating in the election was trump and the GOP and they still lost.

The huge mistake trump made was whining about cheating before the election which in turn had everyone watching everything that was happening during the election and every one of those that were monitoring said everything was fair and above board. Had he kept his big mouth shut there might have been more ability to question specific elections, though the truth would have still come out. Trump Lost, there is no evidence that it did not happen, if there were the courts would have dealt with it, over 60 cases filed and nothing was ever presented that would have changed the outcome. Biden Won, trump Lost, get over it.
No proof of election fraud that would have altered the OVERWHELMING OUTCOME in favor of Biden.

You think that doesn't cut both ways? Read the fucking Meuller report. Read about voter suppression. Or just have your mom synch a
plastic bag over your head to shed your mortal coil, fuckbritches.

Maybe no mail-in ballots were forged. It is, after all, much harder to pass off counterfeit pieces of paper than it is to pass counterfeit currency. Ask George Floyd. Oh, wait...

Maybe no votes were cast by ballot harvesters in states that prohibit vote harvesting.

Maybe no DEMOCRATS voted twice.

Maybe no mail-in ballots were cast by dead people, ineligible voters, or illegal immigrants.

Maybe there's no reason to suspect that vote counters who kept GOP observers out were up to no good.

Maybe no stacks of ballots from Republican strongholds were "lost", misplaced, or missing. After all, the Post Office (whose unions all backed Biden) is infallible.

Maybe all the fraud was committed by the GOP and da Russians, but it just wasn't enough this time.
The only people that tried Cheating in the election was trump and the GOP and they still lost.

The huge mistake trump made was whining about cheating before the election which in turn had everyone watching everything that was happening during the election and every one of those that were monitoring said everything was fair and above board. Had he kept his big mouth shut there might have been more ability to question specific elections, though the truth would have still come out. Trump Lost, there is no evidence that it did not happen, if there were the courts would have dealt with it, over 60 cases filed and nothing was ever presented that would have changed the outcome. Biden Won, trump Lost, get over it.

LOL you actually believe it. I feel sorry for your children if you have any
Democrats and liberals are dishonest people. They don't care about the cheating even if they know it happened. They are glad the election was stolen and they nthink they've won some great battle, but all they have done is ensure this country dissolves and none of us get our retireement funds when country collapses from the coming war. So sad

Help! The sky is falling.
The election was stolen.
The country is dissolving.
My retirement fund is disappearing.
The country is collapsing.
AOC will take over the world and force everybody to speak Mexican.

Give it a rest, TinFoul. Nobody believes your doom and gloom scenario or your Chicken Little Scare Tactics. It's an old right wing ploy that's so lame, it just highlights your desperation.


Democrats and liberals are dishonest people. They don't care about the cheating even if they know it happened. They are glad the election was stolen and they nthink they've won some great battle, but all they have done is ensure this country dissolves and none of us get our retireement funds when country collapses from the coming war. So sad


You’re stupid

Mail-in voting is a throwback to the dark old days of vote-buying and fraud. Because of this, many countries don’t allow in-country absentee ballots.

Concerns about vote-buying and fraud have a long history in the U.S.

They helped drive the move to the secret ballot, which U.S. states adopted between 1888 and 1950.

Secret ballots made it harder for vote buyers to monitor which candidates sellers actually voted for.

Vote-buying had been pervasive; research at the University of Florida has found that voter turnout fell by 8% to 12% after states adopted the secret ballot.

DEMOCRATS now claim that voter fraud is essentially nonexistent. The Carter report found otherwise.

Intimidation and vote buying were key concerns of the Carter commission: “Citizens who vote at home, at nursing homes, at the workplace, or in church are more susceptible to pressure, overt and subtle, or to intimidation. Vote buying schemes are far more difficult to detect when citizens vote by mail.”

The report provides examples, such as the 1997 Miami mayoral election that resulted in 36 arrests for absentee-ballot fraud. The election had to be rerun, and the result was reversed.

There are more recent cases, too.

In 2017 an investigation of a Dallas City Council election found over 700 fraudulent mail-in ballots signed by the same witness using a fake name. The discovery left two council races in limbo, and the fraud was much larger than the vote differential in one of those races. The case resulted in criminal convictions.

It is often claimed that impossibly large numbers of people live at the same address.

In 2016, 83 registered voters in San Pedro, Calipornia, received absentee ballots at the same small two-bedroom apartment.

Since politically-motivated prosecutors in Blue urban shitholes rarely pursue this type of case, DEMOCRAT "fact-checkers" claim that fraud is nonexistent, and leftists swallow and regurgitate the lie because it fits their agenda.
LOL you actually believe it. I feel sorry for your children if you have any

You guys had over 60 cracks at proving your case in the courts, you fell on your face every time, and I see some of you have still not learned a darn thing. Looks like Rudy, and few others, will get their chance to prove their lies are actually truth in the courts or pay Big Bucks for their Lies, wanna bet if they end up paying.....

Your boy has been lying to you for years now and he is still lying to you, and at this point anyone that still believes the Big Lie is probably already dead from the neck up and anything they say should be ignored as nothing more than ramblings from the Far Side.

Loosen your tinfoil, it is cutting off the blood supply.

Have a Great Day
You guys had over 60 cracks at proving your case in the courts, you fell on your face every time, and I see some of you have still not learned a darn thing. Looks like Rudy, and few others, will get their chance to prove their lies are actually truth in the courts or pay Big Bucks for their Lies, wanna bet if they end up paying.....

Your boy has been lying to you for years now and he is still lying to you, and at this point anyone that still believes the Big Lie is probably already dead from the neck up and anything they say should be ignored as nothing more than ramblings from the Far Side.

Loosen your tinfoil, it is cutting off the blood supply.

Have a Great Day

LOL which court case wasn't thrown out before the evidence was presented? Cite it. The evidence was never even examined, you dishonest or very stupid person
LOL which court case wasn't thrown out before the evidence was presented? Cite it. The evidence was never even examined, you dishonest or very stupid person

Nonsense, have you ever read some of the evidence they had, even the lawyers said they were not claiming fraud was committed.

Why do you allow others to do your thinking for you, is it just easier for you?


From ultra-liberal Slate, in 2016:

Voter fraud does happen. As election law expert and occasional Slate contributor Rick Hasen has explained, voter fraud occurs through absentee ballots.

The vast majority of voter fraud prosecutions involve absentee ballots that were illegally cast.

The only voting fraud schemes with the potential to actually swing elections involved mail-in ballots. This makes sense: It’s much easier to forge a signature, impersonate a voter, or buy a vote in the privacy of one’s home than it is in a voting booth at the polls.

If Republicans were truly serious about eradicating voter fraud, they would severely restrict absentee voting, permitting it only when voters have a good excuse, like illness. Why don’t they do so? Because absentee ballots are widely considered to favor Republicans.