Don’t be surprised when people disbelieve what the media says

Yeah, so you probably shouldn't have lied about COVID from January-March 2020, huh?

No one is going to go out and spend money if they don't feel safe, and you are the ones who didn't make anyone feel safe.

So you are to blame for those job losses and business closings because you couldn't control yourself from Jan-Mar last were compelled to lie.

Your habitual and compulsive lying is why we got a pandemic, and why Trump lost.

You blew it for one else did. This was entirely your fuckup.


Florida is open for business. They are making money while you sit in your basement making nothing.
South Dakota is open for business. They are making money and growing the food you eat while you sit in your basement doing nothing productive.
Wyoming is open for business.
Most of Idaho is open for business. Only Boise/Caldwell/Nampa areas have any restrictions at all.

People are spending money, they are even going to casinos, where they are open.
I notice that whenever you get to a part of the debate that makes you uncomfortable you concoct bullshit excuses like this to avoid answering for yourself.

What a lazy nobody.

Void argument fallacy. Bulverism fallacy. Argument of the stone fallacy. Insult fallacies. No argument presented.
Did you forget that Cuomo's administration fudged the data?

Even if they did, NY's death rate was practically flat for almost 9 months, while FL, TX, and CA's weren't flat at all.

So how come you only posted NY's chart and not the other states to compare?

Obviously because the other states show increases in deaths while NY's remained flat, which means the actions NY took to mitigate COVID worked, and which proves everything you said about COVID and the mitigation efforts completely fucking wrong.

Like, totally wrong. 100% wrong. NY's flattened death curve for nine months proves that the actions NY took worked.
And you did it avoided by concocting a bullshit lie to excuse yourself from participating in a debate that you know you'll lose.

You cannot live with that humiliation, so you opt out of the debate instead...

But all that does is let my points go unaddressed, which tells me that they landed pretty harshly...after all, you are thinking up excuses to avoid them.

What a shame. I expected more out of you.

Void argument fallacies. Redefinition fallacy. There is no debate on JPP, only conversations and discussions. Assumption of victory fallacy. You have made no points. You are not presenting any arguments at all.

No, you cost Trump the election and you cost all those jobs and businesses because you said from the beginning that COVID was a hoax, was no worse than the flu, and would disappear by the Spring.

If you hadn't lied like that, Trump probably would be President today.

So you fucked it up yourself because you lack self-control.
Void argument fallacy. Bulverism fallacy. Argument of the stone fallacy. Insult fallacies. No argument presented.

You avoid the debate by ginning up bullshit excuses.

None of the fallacies you claim are actually the fallacies you claim them to be.

What you do, because you're a coward, is you lend yourself authority and then lean on that artificial authority to avoid answering for yourself in a debate you already lost.

And I'm 100% correct.

You think posting that graph of NY helps your case? All it does is show NY got a handle on COVID around May 2020, and then implemented rules that flattened the death curve.

You literally posted that and made my case for me, ya goofball.

"Mind Molders (nee journalists)"




You posted a graph that shows NY flattened the death curve, but you didn't layer Florida, Texas, or California on top of that because if you did, you'd see that while NY was flat on deaths, those three states saw massive increases.

That has the unfortunate effect of destroying your argument against lockdowns, restrictions, and mask literally showed that once NY implemented those, the deaths stayed largely flat.

So you fucked your own argument over and helped mine.

Bravo, dingus.
Void argument fallacies. Redefinition fallacy. There is no debate on JPP, only conversations and discussions. Assumption of victory fallacy. You have made no points. You are not presenting any arguments at all.

I was hoping you'd come to the debate and act in good faith, but that was too much.

I shouldn't have assumed that of you.

I should have lowered my expectations much further because when push comes to shove, you're a cupcake who would rather save his own ego than admit to being wrong about something in a debate on an anonymous forum.
So you fucked your own argument over and helped mine.

Think so?

Here’s the death data in the four largest states in the country over the past year. Deaths per million of population:

  1. New York 2,459
  2. Texas 1,520
  3. Florida 1,437
  4. California 1,321

Here’s how the state of New York’s COVID death rate per capita would rank in the entire world:

  1. New York 2,459
  2. Czechia 1,909
  3. Belgium 1,899
  4. Slovenia 1,899
  5. England 1,805
  6. Italy 1,622
  7. Portugal 1,607
  8. United States 1,582
Even if they did, NY's death rate was practically flat for almost 9 months, while FL, TX, and CA's weren't flat at all.

So how come you only posted NY's chart and not the other states to compare?

Obviously because the other states show increases in deaths while NY's remained flat, which means the actions NY took to mitigate COVID worked, and which proves everything you said about COVID and the mitigation efforts completely fucking wrong.

Like, totally wrong. 100% wrong. NY's flattened death curve for nine months proves that the actions NY took worked.

Leaping to conclusion fallacy. Argument from randU fallacies. Void argument fallacies. Conclusion based on void. Buzzword fallacies. Define 'mitigation efforts'. Attempted proof by randU. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
Is that so?

Yes I am, and you helped me prove that I am 100% correct.

You done fucked up, bitch.

In your sloppy, hurried, compulsive rush to get the last word in, you inadvertently made the case that lockdowns and restrictions work to flatten the curve, despite you saying for all of 2020 that they wouldn't.
Time to open Texas 100%, end statewide mask mandate

Texans will no longer be required to wear a face mask in public and all businesses can open at full capacity starting next week, Gov. Greg Abbott announced Tuesday.

The Republican made the sweeping move on Texas Independence Day.
So what I see there is a bunch of deaths early on, and then not many deaths for almost 9 months.

Now show Florida, California, and Texas against that...if you have the courage.

Their graphs don't look like that one, do they? Their graphs show continuing and consistent increases, never flattening, right?

So how come you posted NY's graph, but didn't post FL, TX, or CA?

Argument from randU fallacy. Attempted proof by randU. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
South Dakota has the 3rd highest COVID infection rate in the world.

You are more likely to catch COVID in South Dakota than anywhere else other than North Dakota and the country of Andorra.

Argument from randU fallacies. Random numbers are not data.
Think so?

Right, over the past year...the part you're leaving out is that most of NY's deaths happened in the first couple months, and then once they implemented the COVID restrictions, the death rate stayed flat while FL, TX, and CA's all went up.

You were saying, at the time, that NY's restrictions and lockdowns wouldn't work...but then you posted the graph showing that they did.

So what argument do you think you're making?