Void argument fallacy. Psychoquackery. Attempted force of negative proof fallacy. No argument presented.
Void reference fallacy.
Argument from randU fallacy.
Void reference fallacy.
Argument from randU fallacy.
The reason you lost the debate here is because you're just not that smart a person.
And the reason Trump lost was because you lack self-control.
You cost Trump the Presidency because you couldn't stop lying.
You continued to say lockdowns and mask mandates wouldn't work all year long.
Then, you posted a graph of NY showing that lockdowns and mask mandates work to flatten the curve.
So you've done more for my argument on this thread than I have.
Thanks for the own goal.
See what I mean? You absolutely abhor debate because you know you can never win one. So you come up with false excuses to avoid debate, but that has the unfortunate effect of letting my points go unaddressed, and makes them the final word.
So thanks for the assist. I always love it when Conservatives punch themselves in the dick.
Thanks for conceding that you and Legion have no valid arguments to make, so you just fall back on repetition because that's how you were trained.
Do you sit, play fetch, and roll over too? Or is that all too much for you and I should lower my expectations again?
I believe Legion thinks that by pointing out how often we reference Trump, that somehow excuses the lies and errors of Legion's own posts.
I was hoping you'd come to the debate and act in good faith, but that was too much.
I shouldn't have assumed that of you.
I should have lowered my expectations much further because when push comes to shove, you're a cupcake who would rather save his own ego than admit to being wrong about something in a debate on an anonymous forum.
Repetition fallacy.
Cowardice fallacy.
You are not debating or discussing
Attempted proof by void. Fallacy fallacy. Belittlement fallacy (insult fallacy). Void argument fallacy.
TDS. Psychoquackery. Void argument fallacy. YAVAC
Void argument fallacy. Insult fallacies.
Fallacy fallacy. Void argument fallacy. RQAA
Buzzword fallacy. Denial of logic.