Bush did approve the bank bailouts.
Obama did send $1.7 billion in cash to Iran.
Obama did NOT bail out the "big 3" automakers. Ford didn't take a dime.
The five-year farm bill, which covers USDA activities from farm subsidies and crop insurance to ag research, public nutrition, and forestry.
Get your facts straight before making an ass of yourself.
It's evident, you don't know a fact from a hole in the ground.
Obama did send $1.7 billion to Iraq, 500 billion was for planes and military equipment Iraq purchased from the US in the 70's buy never delivered.
The rest was theirs, frozen in European banks it was frozen in 1979.
We did give them interest.
So, trying to deflect from Bush's $12 billion blunder, 6 times more $$$?
More than a decade after the last economic crisis, Ford Motor Company is still paying down a fat government loan created by Congress at the start of the Great Recession to aid automakers with factory projects.
Critics at the time focused on General Motors and Chrysler, each declaring bankruptcy and accepting government bailout loans through the U.S. Treasury Department's Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to reorganize during the auto crisis that hammered the industry between 2008 and 2010. Meanwhile, Ford took a different path.
But in the end, it accepted a government loan, too.
The debt remains on Ford books today as the company navigates a pandemic.
In September 2009, Ford entered into an agreement with the Department of Energy and borrowed $5.9 billion.
In 2018, the Donald Trump administration introduced an updated set of increased tariffs on foreign goods. Newly proposed tariffs have been targeted mainly on China, but later on, Donald Trump has produced tariffs on European, Japan, Canadian, and Mexican products as well.
In the new economic trade war, US farmers have lost access to import markets in China, the second most important market for US agriculture export in 2017, and have been economically falling since. To improve trade competitiveness, the Donald Trump administration has revealed a plan to help US farmers in the form of state aid.
The Donald Trump administration has planned the bailout program as $12 billion state aid to US farmers, who were suffering from the US-China trade war. In 2018 Trump administration has introduced new trade help aid worth $16 billion.
In 2019, the Donald Trump administration has increased the bailout to $16 billion.
"Get your facts straight before making an ass of yourself"?
Yeah, you need to.