Do Gravity Really Bend Light?

Are you kidding me? Again? You spelled Riemann wrong. When are you going to stop fucking up?

I'm not sure if you're aware of this but everything you do here, and I mean everything, is focused on pop culture not science.

Waiting for you to drop some Bill Nye on me.

I think Bill Nye is gay. That might be his problem.
That lady is cute. Did you the video?

Notice how they show a several old papers with equations that contains the letter c?

"c" is a constant variable in GR and QM. SR is for the beginners.

No, I didn't watch the video. You've failed to make a case here at all.
No, his problem is he's an aeronautical engineer who swerved way the fuck out of his lane.

Your problem is you're a dropout who needs to go back to college because you're killing your mother.

I'll go visit my mother but the problem is she's afraid of covid. She demanded me to take a vaccine.