It's not curious at all. DEMOCRATS are duplicitous and devious dissemblers.
On a good day...
It's not curious at all. DEMOCRATS are duplicitous and devious dissemblers.
My grandchildren sometimes push me away when they don’t want to be constrained. Biden is not a child molester. Children often don’t want to be held or kissed, even by people they love. It has nothing to do with being molested, it’s typical of children.She even pushes his hand away!
Any sane person can see the child is uncomfortable
My grandchildren sometimes push me away when they don’t want to be constrained. Biden is not a child molester. Children often don’t want to be held or kissed, even by people they love. It has nothing to do with being molested, it’s typical of children.
Seek helpSo he is not reaching and touching her breast area? You can even see him moving his fingers around to see if see has anything there
Seek help
Odd that people aren't aware of what's inappropriate touching.... or something that makes others uncomfortable. I'm sure it's been brought to their attention before....
He and Biden and Billy Boy have A LOT in common....
It's always Democrats excusing away behaviors they'dFondling a little girl's tit is perfectly OK when a DEMOCRAT does it, apparently.
Curious how democrats are acting all offended now by Cuomo yet they have no issue with Biden who has been doing the same exact thing to women for decades, even to little girls.
Curious how you are too damn stupid to understand the difference.