Let's go Brandon!
Just one of five reasons: has become hostile to America: What happens when one of the two major political parties in a country decides that country is no longer a good place filled with good people? What happens when they decide the Founding Fathers and heroes of the nation were all racists who should be scorned and not celebrated? What happens when they decide the Constitution is a “living” document and thus meaningless? What happens when their political strategy focuses on dividing America as much as possible while encouraging each of these groups to think of themselves as oppressed victims? What happens when it becomes impossible to reason with them because they consider disagreeing with them as de facto proof that you are a bad person and thus, are automatically wrong? Can a country that has two major political parties survive long-term when one party believes in it and the other is committed to destroying it in order to create some kind of socialist utopia from the ashes? That seems doubtful.