RIP USA - America will never have another legitimate election

can't without changing the constitution.....courts will have to throw it out.....

  • DEMOCRATS will create a “Commission to Protect Democratic Institutions” to oversee the judicial system.
  • This commission have the power to force judges who rule against one-party rule to testify before a panel of federal bureaucrats.
  • This commission, or any member or subcommittee of the commission, may “hold hearings and sit and act at such times and places, take such testimony, receive such evidence, and administer such oaths as the Commission considers advisable.”
  • This commission will have the the authority to compel judges to justify their legal decisions, threatening their independent judgment and subjecting them to political pressure and harassment.
All I can say is..RESIST!

Apparently The Constitution is out the window, keep that in mind.

"Going to ground" might be a plausible option.
How's that working so far?

Now you're getting it.

What choice do you have?

Costa Rica

But fuck that, I'm going to stay and fight like a!


I have everything to lose, and IDGAF. Because if they succeed, nobody after me will have anywhere near the freedoms I've had in America until the government started getting all fucked up.

My family has spilt blood for the freedom of Americans before, and I'd be proud to do it too.
It would be fitting if DEMOCRATS undertook a radical procedural step to pass a radical piece of legislation.

That’s what the left is pressuring Senate DEMOCRATS to do by eliminating, or significantly curtailing, the filibuster to pass HR1, the sweeping voting proposal that is one of the most execrable bills to pass the House in a very long time.

HR1 would federalize the conduct of elections and codify what were supposed to be emergency voting procedures during the pandemic, in frankly partisan legislation sheathed in the rhetoric of “voting rights.”

According to advocates of the bill, anything to tighten up or maintain good practices regarding ballot security is “voter suppression” worthy of the Jim Crow South.

By this way of thinking, Republican efforts at the state level to, say, reduce the days available for early voting — a bill in Iowa would reduce early voting from its start 29 days before an election to 20 days before an election — would disenfranchise millions, never mind that deep-blue New York state only allows early voting 10 days before an election.

Voter-identification laws, a bogeyman of supporters of HR1, were recommended by a 2005 bipartisan commission jointly led by Jimmy Carter and James Baker, neither of whom will ever be mistaken for Bull Connor.

Not too long ago, it was a feature of big bipartisan voting bills to require states to periodically clean up their voter rolls, another common-sense measure that is now considered tantamount to wielding bully clubs and police dogs.

There may be many problems besetting American democracy, but people turning out to vote isn’t one of them.

Turnout exploded in the 2018 midterms, before the pandemic, and turnout exploded in 2020, during the pandemic, with both DEMOCRATS who availed themselves of early voting and Republicans who voted same-day showing up in historic numbers.

DEMOCRATS want to trample on the prerogatives of states to conduct elections, mandating their electoral priorities throughout the land.
So, what should those that think if HR 1 passes US elections will become little more than rigged Third World, Banana Republic shams do to protest them?
Costa Rica

So, what should those that think if HR 1 passes US elections will become little more than rigged Third World, Banana Republic shams do to protest them?

Protesting DEMOCRAT election cheating will get you shot to death, arrested, and/or called a "domestic terrorist".
Okay, bye Legion!!! Better head to where they have free and fair elections. Maybe Russia?
Russia is a democracy where everyone has the right to vote for whomever they wish.

As long as they wish to vote for Putin.

Or any other candidate that might just happen to live through a presidential run.
Protesting DEMOCRAT election cheating will get you shot to death, arrested, and/or called a "domestic terrorist".

So be it. They cheated the 2020 election, and they'll keep on cheating, and votes won't mean a thing to the people.

Voting no longer matters now.