RIP USA - America will never have another legitimate election

States will have no choice but to accept same-day registrations.

People who apply for government programs or for college admission will be registered automatically regardless of citizenship.

States will be forced to process voter registrations for 16-year-olds, even though they can’t legally vote.

States can’t require voter ID.

Election officials can’t remove inactive (or dead) voters from the rolls.

No state can work with other states to try to find duplicate registrations within six months of any election.

Permanent, automatic mandatory mail-in voting will be the law of the land forever, with no ID or signatures required.

Ballot-harvesting will be legal.

There will be drop boxes everywhere.

Felons will no longer be barred from voting unless they are still in jail.

The federal government would use taxpayer money to indoctrinate high-school students and award grants to colleges who hire “campus voter coordinators” whose job will depend on registering students.
States will have no choice but to accept same-day registrations.

People who apply for government programs or for college admission will be registered automatically regardless of citizenship.

States will be forced to process voter registrations for 16-year-olds, even though they can’t legally vote.

States can’t require voter ID.

Election officials can’t remove inactive (or dead) voters from the rolls.

No state can work with other states to try to find duplicate registrations within six months of any election.

Permanent, automatic mandatory mail-in voting will be the law of the land forever, with no ID or signatures required.

Ballot-harvesting will be legal.

There will be drop boxes everywhere.

Felons will no longer be barred from voting unless they are still in jail.

The federal government would use taxpayer money to indoctrinate high-school students and award grants to colleges who hire “campus voter coordinators” whose job will depend on registering students.


And there is about a 0% chance the SCOTUS will save us.

And what makes you think the 2020 American election wasn't exactly like that, hmm?

They installed potato Biden against the will of the people and the media and Big Tech ran cover for it.

And the way they did it was in our faces. Like "We're doing this, and fuck you".

Your vote did not count.
Even a chicken skinner doesn't believe this silliness.
Look at all the fascist laws the DEMOCRATS are passing - not to mention the usurper's dictatorial decrees.

Oh, they’ll get enforced – against us. There is 0% chance they will ever get enforced against DEMOCRATS as long as they control the federal government.

So, do we even live in a republic anymore?

We don’t get to make our own laws. Our self-proclaimed "betters: make them for us.

What is written in the United States Code means nothing if it is not enforced, and laws DEMOCRATS don't like aren't enforced.

One thing is for certain. This is not legitimate democracy any more.

DEMOCRATS know they stole the election, and they know that we know, judging by the way they cower from the American people behind thousands of cops, armed soldiers, walls, and barbed wire.
Everything is going totally against the way this country was founded.

May as well be back in the Feudal system.

All you Democrat shills here..well, you're serfs, you fucking dumbasses. And clamoring to be serfs, that's the part I have a hard time understanding.